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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Just a quick update. This is no magic bullet, but I feel might benefit some. It takes the edges off my life and has even given me a bit of love back into life. Each week seems to be a little better.... not visually or even with dp/dr, zero change there... It just seems to give me a protective blanket against the racing thoughts and almost physical pain of hppd. I'm gonna up my dosage next week, i'll keep ya posted.
  2. 3 of those are very addictive meds.... Be careful mate, you don't want even more problems in a few years.
  3. I have a feeling i have tried that already.... If only the old board was still available
  4. An interesting note.... I have had my parents in law here for 10 days... This tends to mean that i drink a bit more than normal. On Sunday, i drank 2 large beers, 2 gin and lemons (strong ones), a bottle of beer and a large glass of wine.... This would normally have me reaching for 1mg of Klono the next day... Especially as i had a meeting with the bank manager. To my surprise, i woke up completely fine and had zero anxiety in the bank. Maybe the mild serotonin and dopamine effects of the medicine helped.
  5. good luck pal, look forward to seeing your progress
  6. You are from the supermarket My friend was in Vietnam and said you could get a beer for $0.10!
  7. Yea, it must be crazy coming from Skandanavia to see such prices. I couldn't believe my eyes when we went to Norway this summer. Alcohol especially, probably not a bad thing for a HPPD sufferer. The Algarve is a little different! screen shot windows
  8. Yep, even my neuro didn't think much of it and only usually uses it as an add-on to SSRIs, but worth a go.
  9. Cheers lads. Just a quick update after a week. No bad side effects, no changes in visuals. I mild reduction in anxiety... A bit like that protective bubble you get with a very low dose of klonopin. Quite interesting as it is supposed to build for 3-4 weeks. Might just be placebo though, so I will report back again when at the 3 week stage.
  10. Jay1

    Hello all

    Welcome Vis. I hope you will find some good info here... especially on the Dos and Don'ts of the condition ... eg, avoid coffee, nicotine, alcohol, eat healthy, exercise (I guess the navy takes care of that!).
  11. In the long term, try and learn or develop a skill that allow you to work online, from home. It's the only way i have managed to live in Portugal, the economy here is terrible. In the short term, maybe work hard in the summers, save money and then fly south for the winter and relax... like a hppd bird Rentals are ridiculously cheap in the winter, and cost of living is nothing (I can easily live off €200 a month... inc a few meals out and nights in a bar).
  12. work a bit on my app, work a bit on new app ideas.... go to the pool, chill in the sun, go to the gym, play bass for a while, maybe hit the beach, if there are waves to surf, go for a few beers a couple of times a week. Occasionally go out and film videos for my app. on paper, my life is just about perfect.... of course, we all know different.,... but my struggles are made a million times easier by working from home, doing something i love and by the decision i took 11 years ago to move out of a city in UK, working 9-5... to live by the beach in Portugal as a freelancer. If you hate your life, change it.
  13. Starting on 5mg x 3 per day. It usually takes 3-4 weeks to see results (if it works). I'll keep this up to date. The nuero says it is pretty mild stuff and only for low-mid range anxiety, but worth a shot. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buspirone
  14. Listen to the advice..... I wasn't blessed with the internet and the vast knowledge of helpful people when, in about 1993, i was facing the same questions as you.... I'd had some mild hppd that didn't bother me much, then started mushrooms and later MDMA. Now, 2 decades later, I am still here, tripping like crazy every day and feeling mentally and physically ill. Treasure your sanity and don't underestimate just how bad this shit can get and the tiny stresses on the brain that can turn it from mild to nightmarish.
  15. Good call... You're not missing much anyway, it's a shit drug.
  16. Shame (that it is not doing much, not the no dying part!) Keep us posted.... I'm back to the neuro next week and looking into the next meds to guinea pig on... Probably Buspirone and Etizolam (as a benzo replacement)
  17. Also worth noting, anything you are buying off a dealer will be cut to shit, hopefully just with something non harmful, but you never know what crap might be in it that could fuck with your hppd. Can't you just enjoy the fact that you seem to be getting better? Isn't that enough of a buzz?
  18. As you are probably aware, benzos are very addictive and tolerance grows fast, so be careful, if you choose that route. I do this (more or less): Friday 1mg klonopin Saturday 1.5mg klonpin Sunday 1.5mg klonpin That gives me 3 days breaks, and 4 days to flush it out of my system so that tolerance/addiction are minimal. I've done this routine for around 4 years now, without any complications. I occasionally do more than 3 days.... and then take 2 weeks off the med. It's not perfect, but it means nearly half of my week has a reduction of systems of at least 50%.... That's pretty cool and something I can hopefully do for the rest of my life.
  19. I gave the deep breathing thing a go and it made me quite anxious, like i was drowning. Maybe doing it wrong?
  20. I did it, but it was pretty stressful, at times.... But it is worth it, my life is much better having studied something i love and have now turned into my profession (Audio/Visual) I think forcing myself to be social and having goals to achieve really helped me getting over the very worst of my hppd too
  21. Sure, if i were to take Benzos everyday for 1 month, then Barbs every day for 1 month... It could be problematic..... but for my personal "system", it seems to be fine
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