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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. I've pinned this topic and changed the title (hope you don't mind), could be a very useful thread. I have a great neuro in Portimao, Portugal who understands hppd and has been treating flashback victims since the 80s (pre-hppd). PM me for details.
  2. Feeling like i'm tripping. Gets a bit much after 18 years!
  3. do you exercise, I find this helps calm me down.
  4. can't remember, hopefully he will see this thread
  5. I've tried it a few times, never did anything good or bad for me (except the horrible taste making me sick) I remember that Merkan had a very bad experience with it though, so be careful.
  6. yea, i'm getting it too... oneday... If you want to PM you IP, i'll see if i can fix it though
  7. Me and my brother did alot of our drug taking together.... He came out unscathed. My dad also did LSD in the 60s and you can tell he isn't quite there sometimes (though i haven't ever chatted to him about hppd) But, of course, genetics is not very straightforward. You could have 10 siblings with the predisposition, but it might only show up in one or two.
  8. I get some pretty complex patterns, mainly at night or when i close my eyes. Geometric patterns that constantly swirl and morph. Staring at a white wall, it is just a mess.... green and blue streaks and lines, plus a load of visual snow and little "particles" moving very fast in my vision. Worst of all though is the constant flashing of all of the above.... If they didn't flash about 5 times a second, i could happily ignore them.
  9. thanks, yes the spam report is working again. David, I think the best thing is to keep the spam filter it this level and i'll deal with the spam as it comes. Now the report is fixed, i can keep the board pretty clean and not run the risk of people suffering hppd not being able to access the board
  10. I've emailed David, hopefully the host can tighten the security a bit.
  11. Thanks, no, it didn't come through. I've noticed quite a few problems with the board lately. Anyone with any technical knowledge know what that means?
  12. Klonopin, I get about 40% reduction from 1mg and about 70% from 1.5mg+ .... My symptoms are pretty bad, can't image it gets much worse, like maybe 1/2 a strong acid, visually. I generally take klonopin 3 times a week: Friday - 1mg Saturday - 1.5mg Sunday - 1.5mg This stops the side effects/tolerance.... But I do get insomnia in the week.
  13. As i'm sure you have all noticed, we are being flooded with spam. If you see a spam post, please be sure to report it to a moderator so we can ban the account before they post more. Thanks, Jay
  14. Benzos are the only thing that substantially reduce my visuals.
  15. If you don't care what hppd you have right now, you don't have it bad. You'll never know which trip will give you full blown hppd, so the answer is a huge fucking NO... Your body/mind is giving you a wake up call, learn from it and learn from the long termers here who were in your situation, but didn't know any better or have people around to tell you the consequences. Do you really want to be sat on this forum in 17 years, praying one day someone will find a cure.. Because that is how I live my life. Do you want to have to take 3mg of Klonopin just to scrape you through your wedding day without having a nervous breakdown, because that's what happened to me. Do you want to cry yourself to sleep because of the physical and mental pain that hppd brings? Whatever you feel now, times it by 1000 and imagine feeling that for the rest of your life....
  16. my VS gets a bit worse... But only for a couple of minutes after.... The upsides are far more important
  17. family friends listening to music playing music (bass, keys, guitar) surfing football (soccer) gym having my own business animals/nature shooting video
  18. That's what Jimi Hendrix was singing about in Purple Haze Interestingly, I found that different drugs had different colours... lsd/mushrooms was purple, mdma was blue green. After 18 years of hppd, I still see the blue/green more than anything.
  19. had hppd for 18 years now.... it has never affected my ability to play music (guitar, bass, keys) think you will be fine... good luck
  20. hahaha, that cracked me up, good to see you can still laugh about stuff. Good luck with Lamictal, I found it helped me too
  21. This is a good online book about tailoring your diet to boost gaba and serotonin production: http://books.google.pt/books?id=12zG7dUgeIYC&pg=PA129&lpg=PA129&dq=creating+more+gaba&source=web&ots=wwKScCoM36&sig=d_NVmy7kSSocv6Jin3AZhBAIViU&hl=en&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&redir_esc=y#v=onepage&q=creating%20more%20gaba&f=false Good luck, Jay
  22. There is no right or wrong answer.... I think everyone here knows my stance on doctors prescribing them everyday, but I don't look down on anyone who does.... HPPD is fucking awful and for some, benzos are a great way to get over those 1st couple of years. My worry is that people don't learn how to cope with hppd, med free, and then also have to suffer from the anxiety of coming off benzos as well as learning to cope with hppd in a med free situation. As you are thinking about benzos to help you work... How about a 4 day on, 3 day off system? Assuming you work mon.fri 9-5pm sort of job: mon - on tues - on wed - on thurs - on fri - off sat - off sun - off You will find that on friday, you will still have some anti-anxiety effects from the benzo (especially if you use Klono).... then flush it all out over the weekend. It is not fail safe and you have to be very disciplined.... But it could work out for you... Ideally, as you get more comfortable at work, you could drop the thursday dose too.... 3 pills a week is very unlikely to lead to any withdrawal or tolerence.... 4 might be pushing it, but is obviously alot safer than taking every day.
  23. Thanks mate :-) Just a word of caution to anyone who does try this.... I have always being ok taking meds and things like 5-htp and st john's wort.... The only thing i had a big problem with was Prozac. Although this stuff has a reputation of being mild, i can certainly feel effects on my body, like racing pulse and heart palpitation (only for about 10 minutes, an hour after taking). I imagine it could scare some users.
  24. Just be careful mate.... You don't have to listen to every word a doctor says, even a highly respected one in our field. A year on klonopin can lead to some serious additional problems. I hate to be negative, as you are obvious feeling happy right now, but benzo addiction is a big problem and it winds me up that doctors treat it like such a simple thing to taper down from. Have you thought about doing the 4 days on, 3 days off system? 0.5mg mon, tue, wed, thurs ..... then off for the weekend (or vice versa). It is so much safer and will give you alot of relief. Just my opinion.... Good luck with whatever you choose.
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