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  • Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder (HPPD) support forum - HPPD, flashbacks, drug-induced visual snow syndrome and depersonalization/derealization.

    Common HPPD symptoms: visual snow, palinopsia (trails/afterimages), increased BFEP, increased floaters, ghosting, halos, starbursts, macropsia/micropsia, geometric hallucinations, closed-eye visuals, flashbacks, depersonalization/derealization, anxiety, depression, brain fog, cognitive dysfunction, tinnitus.

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    • This Is Literally Your Brain on Drugs NY Times article
    • What was the time lapse between the traumatic high potency mushroom experience and your experience with amanita muscario?  Was it a couple months as your post leads me to think?  Did you not have any HPPD symptoms at that time whatsoever?  Asking this out of curiosity... I have heard of cannabis causing HPPD, talked to a few people years ago who had that history, but it's less common.  Most of the time people who do mushrooms or LSD get it.  I'm wondering if these latter two drugs cause some kind of susceptibility shock, stripped off the protective layers of your brain, crudely speaking, that later got aggravated and floodgates opened with the addition of this muscario you tried. I got HPPD 25 years ago and I very vividly remember the whole experience... (I also had a trauma.)  Initially I had extreme light sensitivity, very vivid color changes but I did not see any trails... that came about a few months later without any drug usage.   Did you have any lingering visual changes at all after the mushroom experience?  
    • I have had HPPD for about 2 months. I'm wondering if there are any noticable patterns in HPPD based on what drug/drugs led to that situation, and if there are any specific reccomendations for what to try or avoid based on that. This is in chronological order. I had a bit of a history with some drugs that didn't cause me any problems, then I took a high dose of a really potent shroom strain and jesus christ I hate writing about this because it was traumatic as hell. Part of the horror of it was the fact that it caused my jaw pain to flare up very intolerably. So I was in every possible type of anguish for what felt like an extremely long time, thought I died and went to hell to burn for eternity, luckily I have massive amnesia about it. That was the beginning of my drug-induced issues, idk if I had HPPD at that point but it probably gave me PTSD, my doctor suspects that diagnosis too. (I got lucky with my doctor, she admitted that she doesn't know what HPPD is but she did her research on it and she's doing her best to help, I am currently in the processing of trying lamictal, I'm at 50mg as of a few days ago.) Then a little while after that I started taking weed edibles every day, at a pretty high dose. That was because I was in the midst of anorexia, and my health was in a dangerous place. Taking a bunch of edible weed every day was the only thing that got me to eat and get into better physical health. It was great for a couple months but eventually it didn't help as much and I was planning on taking a tolerance break. Then comes the idiodic descision that caused my definite HPPD. I had an amanita muscaria gummy, with an unknown amount of "hemp extract" listed in the active ingredients alongside the amanita chemicals, and later that day took an additional dose of edible thc. My jaw pain flared up terribly, so much so that I cried, (i have issues with teeth grinding and jaw tension that cause my jaw to be stiff, sensitive, and painful), I had tremors, panic, experienced a full on psychedelic trip, I was on the floor as a shaking crying screaming laughing mess so my dad called 911. I was taken to the ER where they kept me until 4am to make sure I wouldn't have a seizure (thankfully no seizure), (and that experience was quite terrible for sure but not even close to as bad as what the shrooms did to me), But I haven't been the same since then. I immediately went of all the drugs (except prescriptions) without tapering off, so that put me into weed withdrawal which sucked to deal with and sucked even worse because I had HPPD at the same time. The withdrawal symptoms were pretty much gone after a few weeks, but the HPPD remained. Sometimes, especially when my jaw pain flares up, I feel like a part of me is reliving the trauma the drugs gave me. It is terrifying. I try my best to fight it and tell myself I'm ok. Anyway, the takeaway is that the drugs that caused my problems are shrooms, edible cannabis, and an amanita muscaria gummy. Is there at least some other people who had those same drugs as the stuff that caused this? I kind of lost the plot with my intentions on making this post. I'm naturally a very wordy person (autism) and I tried not to get hung up on too many details, maybe I still put too many details though.
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    • thequestioner827  »  David S. Kozin

      Hi David, I was wondering if you had a full text version of the paper you posted here:
      I have university access to PubMed and Medline but I'm still unable to find a full-text version, only an abstract like what is posted here.
      Thanks in advance!
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    • since92  »  David S. Kozin

      Hi Dave, I see in your profile pic one of your original posts from 1999, then I see that you joined this one in 2010.  Is it possible to see posts from the forum that we all used to message on - I'm presuming that you and I were on the same one forum?   It's because another user and I are looking for people we messaged with back in 2003 but I think though that I had a different user name in those days.  Do you know of that forum and whether we can access posts from those days?  I would like to see those early posts of mine because they had a lot of info about how my HPPD developed etc..  Many thanks.
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