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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Wow! That's one of never heard before.... Must be hard to stay off the alcohol. The one thing that stops me being an alco is the killer anxiety when i wake up.
  2. haha... good old christmas parties.... i remember one when i was working in pizza express.... 4 of us climbed the 100ft christmas tree in the market square and it fell down on us.... £10k damage... straight to court the next morning, still pissed up... laughing at the judge. Was an expensive xmas
  3. thanks mate... appreciate it
  4. I?ve tried it with Valium... works a treat. I don't think it works with Klono though.... Not sure about Tramadol, check wiki
  5. and good comedy value... We got two cats too..... guaranteed laughs, every day.
  6. It is something you can try and do something about..... Why not try and arrange a night out with your work friends? Maybe there is a social group for ex-military in your area where you could meet people who share a common background? If you are single, what about online dating? If you are generally shy and find it hard to meet new people.... Just start slowly, make a bit of small talk with, say, the local shop owner you buy your groceries from.... Just start rebuilding your social skills a step at a time.
  7. Not sure if this is considered spamming (it's free!), if so, please delete... But i am very proud of the work we have done and wanted to show you guys: Live Wallpaper Video Gallery If you have Android, let me know what you think... i made about 80% of the videos in the app. If any of you want the premium version, just PM me and i'll give you a free link. This post has been promoted to an article
  8. now imagine them both goin hard at it... full of viagra and cocaine
  9. There was a fantastic program on (maybe discovery) about the way our senses fill in the blanks... If it is on again, i'll jot down the name, well worth watching. It showed how we can spot various human movements just with a dozen or so dots placed on the body.... then shown on a computer screen.... Complex activities like a couple arguing could easily be made out, just from 24 dots moving around on a screen. That was one of many, many examples they showed.
  10. I've been through brain fog for the first 5 or so years.... I don't think this is it. These are more like mini blackouts, where i just completely shut off, but i'm still doing things.
  11. Sounds abit like my late teens
  12. I'm at the ripe old age of 35 now.. over the last few years, i've noticed that i'm getting more forgetful and doing things that would probably raise concern in a 60 year old.... eg, my wife asked me to get her a drink... and instead, i went to the toilet and came back... Scarily, not only didn't i remember the drink, when my wife asked... I didn't even remember going to the toilet (i was not drinking or on any meds). We laughed it off... But this sort of shit is happening more often, putting the sugar in the fridge and the milk in the cupboard.... Shit like that. I'm trying my best to laugh it off and just ignore it... But i have a nagging feeling that i'm a ticking timebomb of dementia... already. Part of me wonders what all these med experiments might have done... Keppra, Lamictal, Sinemet, anti-psych meds and god knows what else (wish i'd made a list).
  13. yea, i get that pretty bad.... sometimes, i feel like if i stared long enough, i'd have nothing to see other than snow/static
  14. It is interesting. I'm a photographer and there are three ways to get more light onto the film/sensor. open the lens = changes the sense of depth shutter speed = creates streaking and after images, when pushed too far ISO = creates noise/snow, when pushed too far maybe our brains are like cameras that don't function well.
  15. Careful with the clonazepam.... It's great, but highly addictive.... sooner or later, you would have to battle addiction as well as hppd. If you can take them a couple of times a week as a kind of break, you can do that for life. Your GP might prefer that too.
  16. I've tried the 100% healthy, sober routine.... It did nothing extra, for me. I'm the same as Chris (big surprise, the brits want to keep drinking!).... I'd rather keep the social aspect of drinking than live a more boring life that might give me a slightly better chance of recovery. After 16+ years, i'm done looking for a cure... i'm more focused on creating an enjoyable life and minimizing stress. Alcohol helps both, for me. As always, that is just my personal approach to this.
  17. My balance is a mess from dp/dr ........ I feel like i'm floating and not attached to my legs.
  18. Also, one person was helped by taking Lamictal, something I had some success with myself.
  19. Yea, i get it very badly if i have to go out to the bank or something or have to meet new people. I'm on the edge of a panic attack in those situations. Thankfully, I work from home, which minimises alot of my anxiety.
  20. I've had quite a few black outs with that mix and been taken to hospital once because people thought i'd OD'd on something. I would go unconscious and not be able to be woken up, even with a strong pinch to the skin (old junky trick). In moderation, it is ok.... but both alcohol and benzos tend to make you forget the word moderation
  21. Probably about half a pint or 200ml..... It didn't make it last noticably longer, but the effects were abut 30% stronger.
  22. no joke.... it reduces an enzyme that helps get rid of the benzo.... therefore giving you a higher dose
  23. Don't forget the vast, vast majority of us on here that tried Keprra and Sinamet guinea pigged ourselves.... There has only ever, to my knowledge, been one case study about Keppra helping "flashback" patients.... So don't be too worried that he doesn't know about that connection. Similar with Sinemet, I think it was involved with the latest Dr.Abraham test, but with an add-on med. I'm not sure his results have even been published.... It was only leaks around the forum that got everyone hyped about Sinemet.
  24. haha damn.... I just commented on the valium thread that this is a decent way to boost your med on small doses. I've done it upto 20mg of valium and had no ill feelings..... But, as always, don't use my experience as a yardstick.
  25. by the way.... If you drink a glass of grapefruit juice about 20 mins before taking your pill.... They will work much stronger... Might be a good way to get more relief from those low dose pills. As ever, be sensible though.
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