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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Worth noting though that half life does not necessarily mean that the med is working on your receptors (which is what causes addiction). The med gets stored in fatty tissue. I have used a 3 days on / 4 days off regime for 3 years now, with no sign of addiction.... I know this because I have occasional 2-3 weeks off the med, and, after a little extra anxiety in the first 1-2 days... I see zero signs of withdrawal.... also, the dosage does exactly the same as day one. I've tried all 3 and klono works best for me and lasts all day, whereas the other two died off towards the evening. If you can, try all 3 and see which suits your needs best.
  2. Surely there is a better solution than getting addicted and going to rehab? (tapering from benzos can take years, btw) What about a regime like: Monday - 1mg Klono Tuesday - 1mg Klono Wednesday - 1mg Klono Thursday - 1mg Klono 3 days off. That still runs some addiction risks, but at least you are giving your body a bit of a break and most of your school/college week you will have some relief (even Friday, you should feel some effects, as Klonopin has a long half life). When you have breaks from school/college... Take a break from the benzos too.... This will help avoid addiction and you can probably live the rest of your life on this sort of cycle. Having a regime like this has made my life immeasurably better. But you have to be very strict with yourself to make sure you don't start taking the pills through the weekend.
  3. Also worth remembering that when you say you got it from mdma.... that mdma was probably cut to shit with research chems and MDA, which is a potent hallucinogen.
  4. I remember reading or seeing that the native Americans who use ayuashca (?) don't get any long term problems with it. Probably genetically strong to it's effects.
  5. I think so, yea. I attribute most of my problems to mdma use... as I used lsd/shrooms for years without major problems. Bringing mdma (and speed) into the mix led to my breakdown. I imagine lsd based hppd would be more visual and dp/dr... mdma based, more anxiety, paranoia and depression... But obviously both would have all those symptoms, to a degree. i think treatment will be similar though, as both drugs work on the same receptors. If you have depression, treat that first. That is the one symptom that will stop you fighting all the other shite.
  6. LSD, Mushrooms and MDMA I blame the MDMA for making it 10x worse... So be careful
  7. The BlackMagic has 48 kHz and 24 bit audio in. I'd take a 2nd 48 kHz/24 bit recorder for backup. Technically, I am very well set up (cinema grade equipment). The problems will be finding people to interview, planning, lighting and travel/accommodation.
  8. I don't wanna say too much as I have to try and keep my career protected from prejudice of having a drug associated problem. But i've worked on a few shoots and post production on several projects that have been screened in UK. Usually as DP.
  9. Yea, i'd make it to the same level as the broadcast stuff i work on... 1080p and the bulk of the shots with broadcast standard 4:2:2 10bit video and top quality audio.
  10. I think kickstarter is available in uk now or soon. If we can raise the budget, then myrs... you want to assist? Maybe it is worth doing it in Europe.... But finding knowledgeable doctors will be a pain. If we could interview Dr. Abraham and David, it would make it more official. I have a blackmagic cinema camera on pre-order which should be available in spring 2013... so I think Spring/summer would be a good target. I'll have a Canon 5DIII and Lumix GH2 as 2nd/3rd cams.
  11. I am thinking about putting together a HPPD documentary As some of you know, part of my work entails shooting film/video, i'm quite skilled in this and could make a production that would look very professional. The things standing in my way are: 1) Budget, I can keep the shooting/editing budget fairly low... Would just need to hire lights and any location fees to shoot interviews, cut aways etc. Travel and accommodation (if shot in the states) 2) Interviewees. I think a mix of hppd sufferers, medical staff and current lsd users would make for an interesting documentary. 3) Location. I think I would get most success stateside, but don't know many people or where and how to contact medical staff. I think it would cost about $10k, all in all. Maybe we could set up a kickstarter campaign to help funding? Is this worth doing?
  12. Most of the black guys i know (that use drugs) are mainly into coke and mdma, so we might see a rise in mdma based hppd. It took me 10 years to find the term hppd though, as I was looking for mdma related illness' and it all led down a different path. I'm pretty sure there are loads of people who have hppd that can't find the right search term to use.
  13. i just take 1mg. Strong enough for me. The doctor asked if i wanted 0.5mg, 2mg or 8mg... That's how crazy the situation is.... I could OD on 8mg, or at the very least, be very, very ill. Thankfully, I research a bit more than he does. So tried 0.5mg first, and took it from there. I find it an interesting medication. I'm not that keen on the high as it is a bit trippy and makes me a bit nauseous. But I feel less anxious for a couple of days after. I think the trance like "nodding" is quite cathartic.
  14. My doc prescribes me Suboxone. Pretty sure he would prescribe me anything i ask for... Crazy really, but i'm not complaining.
  15. I get tripped out off opiates.... I don't know if that is something normal to opiate use or just with hppd, as i never took opiates, pre-hppd. I hear noises too and drift in and out of trippy dreams. Sometimes I enjoy, other times not... But i just do a little bit once a week.
  16. it's like asking whether whiskey will affect your kidney disease, even though you only drank vodka before. 2-CB, MDMA etc are just gonna make your hppd worse, regardless of which drug you took to get hppd.
  17. I'd stick it out in LA... but on a month by month or even week by week basis. Half the battle is keeping yourself active and your mind off this shit... Sounds like LA offers you that. Having friends who you can talk to is also a great help. Worrying about the temptation of the LA drug scene is somewhat pointless... You'll always be faced with temptation of drugs and alcohol, even if you go live on top of a mountain, someone will light up a joint. I live in a fishing town in Portugal that has about 3000 residents... I could get coke, crack, smack, E, acid.. within the next minute, if I wanted. Just the nature of modern times.
  18. worth a shot.... let us know how it goes... i'll get one for those hellish 10 days of winter that are on the horizon
  19. Yea, CEVs can be somewhat enjoyable, if you train yourself not to worry too much about them. Just relax and watch the patterns form. But I would definitely try Melatonin before any prescribed meds... They really do work.
  20. This post has been promoted to an article
  21. Have you tried Melatonin for sleep? Stress is part of life, especially during exams. Maybe hit the gym or the sports field.... Could that alleviate the stress? Then it is just the visuals.... It sounds like they don't bother you too much and hopefully better sleep and less stress might bring them down even more.
  22. For what? Quick relief? long term use? Occasional use?
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