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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Hey Gman... I remember you from before! Glad to hear things are going well and really appreciate you coming back to tell your success story. It's really helpful for people to know it is possible. Personally I wouldn't risk any weed at all, but hope recovery continues.
  2. I'm no expert, but 0.5mg per 2 weeks even sounds a bit drastic. I guess see how the first drop goes and take it from there.
  3. Yea, I tried it when those reports first came on here... Did nothing positive for me, only side effect I got was terrible restless leg syndrome, so stopped after a month or so.
  4. Swartz, I'm beginning to think you are a protagonist in a Stephen King novel!
  5. Thanks Alex, I have pinned this article for a week. Hopefully you get some good results.
  6. It's something i've never noticed to increase my symptoms. Do you have the same issues after sex, or just fap (or a good old tug, as we brits call it!)? After sex, I feel amazing for a while... my visuals do increase a bit, but the bliss makes it enjoyable. Then I go to sleep, job done!
  7. I told my girlfriend (now wife) after a couple of months, when things started to get more serious. I mainly explained the anxiety side of things and how it affected my mood and for her not to worry if i was quiet or couldn't do a big social even... I mentioned the visuals a bit, but just in terms of VS, which people seem to understand pretty well.
  8. There are no hard and fast rules to hppd. As you are new to hppd, you might recover in a few months anyway, if you stay sober. If you start seeing signs of recovery, i would avoid meds as much as possible and just try to heal naturally, even if it takes a year or more. If you don't see any signs of recovery after the few months, you then need to decide on the medication you want to try and work out a plan with your doctor. There is no "cure" as such, so it is impossible to say if you would stay on a med for life or, if it helps, you can then think about tapering after x months.
  9. Thanks for the update, glad to hear you are doing well! What thing that you mentioned is keeping your mind occupied (in a non negative way)... It really does help a lot.
  10. 2mg is a lot, no doubt... if i am doing something where I have to focus, like I am at a work meeting, I can do 2mg and not be spaced out... But the moment i am sat down in front of the TV, I will drift off to sleep. 2mg also brings some memory issues... I pretty much have a top limit of 1.5mg now (which reduces VS by about 60-70% still).
  11. I have tried most of the list and sadly nothing has worked for me, but on the plus side, i didn't get any negative effects either. Part of me thinks it's all a placebo, but that might just be me being jealous! Welcome to the forum!
  12. There are two things that make me think it can be fixed... 2mg of klonopin reduces my VS and BFEP by about 80%, so there is a clear neurological issue that can be targeted. Staring at a video of tv static for X amount of minutes removes VS and BFEP for a few seconds, again, showing a neurological path.
  13. Hi, welcome to the forum. My advice would be to try and stay away from meds for a while and get to fully understand your symptoms and baseline. Unless you are in a desperate situation, I think this is the best way to begin to tackle the issue... Jumping from med to med trying to find a cure can do more harm than good. Just stay sober, eat healthy exercise and destress in every way you can... Once you feel like you are in a place where you understand your baseline, then move towards meds.
  14. Hey Brad, I am almost certain that this is to blame for a lot of our visual issues. The only thing that reduces it for me is a benzo, but that brings other risk/issues.
  15. It's worth noting the pandemic when looking for reasons for a spike too (not having the illness, but just the stress and strangeness of the whole situation). It's gonna have an effect on everyone in some way or another.
  16. Oh yes! Probably my worst symptom. I hate it with a passion. I feel like i'm floating in a bubble half the time. I just got an Oculus Quest 2 too, and that really isn't helping with the dpdr! Gonna have to limit it a lot.
  17. Welcome, has anything triggered this spike in symptoms? Stress? As always, avoid all drugs, caffeine, eat healthy, exercise and avoid any undue stress. I got an initial diagnosis in Portugal, then went to a neurologist in Birmingham when I moved back to the UK and they (somewhat begrudgingly) allowed me to carry on with my clonazepam prescription. GPs here seem to be pretty useful and try to play you off as depressed or psychotic, so I would just go straight to a neurologist.
  18. The geometric shapes sound like some form of hppd or pre-hppd... the spiders, less so. Smoking weed is really not gonna help the issue though. I would go sober and understand your symptoms without drugs.
  19. I do that once or twice a year. A week is no issue, for me.. 2 weeks, you might have a bit of trouble sleeping and an anxiety spike for a few days, depending on which benzo you take and at what dose. Whatever the duration is, I then try to at least match it with no benzos.. eg, if i have 2 weeks on, i have at least two weeks off. What I try to do is take the lowest dose i can that helps with anxiety... Don't focus on trying to fix the visuals too much, as that will double your dose. Now I look to solve the anxiety rather than the visual, i find 1mg of klono is fine for me.
  20. I always called that stage "pre-hppd"... It's just the first warning signs, you almost have to force them on. I'd be careful with further drug use.
  21. Other than purity, there is very little difference between a legal amphetamine and an illegal one, to my knowledge. It is still going to trigger your dopamine receptors and potentially put undue stress you. I guess the question is is the potential risk of worsening your hppd worth the benefits of the med on your ADHD/Weight loss? If the ADHD is really troublesome, then you will need to find a balance.. If it's not much of an issue, I am not sure the risk of taking amphetamines is worth it.
  22. Stress is a major player in hppd. I think the best first step is to try and fix the sleep issue... I get insomnia in bouts too and find that 5-10mg of melatonin helps get me back in a rhythm, I can then, after a month or so, stop taking them again until the next bout.
  23. Thanks, yea... i've been looking in the admin for that, but cannot for the life of me track it down... same for the "our picks/top picks" widget above each forum... People just wanna see the latest content
  24. I've managed to get the forum upgraded... Let me know if you get any errors/issues
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