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Everything posted by hppd24years

  1. Ya when u have hppd u can't even smoke weed because it brings u back to ur bad trip and the anxiety is fucking crazy and intolerable.. Trust.. Most hppders can't even drink coffee to be honest.. There is also degrees of hppd in terms of severity.. There has been peeps who have committed suicide from Hallucinations so that's pretty severe.. I didn't here u mention tinnitus?? That's a real exasperating symptom that drives u nuts.. Other than that it sounds like ur okay.. Usually you get hppd from ur first intoxication from the psychedelic drug and u usually wont go back to it because it would feel like a suicide mission. Good luck!!
  2. I tell them to stare at my 1000 watt high pressure sodium light for one minute and I will give them 100 dollars cash. (There is a punch line here) Soooo they take me up on it everytime. I pull the 100 dollar bill out they get really excited because it's such a easy task accompanied by really easy money.. "Are u ready?" "Yes" "1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16, Pause "What are u doing keep counting" "Shit sorry man" 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, "Keep staring at the light or u don't get the $$$" eventually I reach the 60 seconds" I unplug the super bright light quickly and ask them what do u see? while I push them towards the stairs. They usually freak out because they think there going to have the bright color and spots in their eyes forever.. I tell them to hold out their hand(While they are still seeing deep dark afterimages from the powerful 140,000 lumen light) and I pay them with a five dollar bill while telling them its a hundred. I also tell them hopefully they don't see those colors like me for the rest of their lives.. Then I explain to them what u seen there was a strong afterimage from the light and then they get it everytime. My sister was so paranoid when I did it to her she seriously thought her vision was fucked for good but it came back to her after like 20 minutes and she told me it was absolutely horrible. I then later asked her if she wanted to do it again for two hundred she said she would not do it for a million again.. Lol.. Put that one in ur pipe and smoke it..
  3. That's crazy, before I knew about hppd I always thought that there was a weird correlation between the t.v. and hppd. I caught both tinnitus and visual snow from my psychedelic slide into a sanctuary of sediment.. My ears will ring noticeably when I turn on the boob tube. I use to go into the bathroom and my girlfriend would turn it off, on, off, on which I can't see her doing it but could tell her when it was turned off or on with a 100% accuracy rate. I remember years ago when flicking through the channels of my television late at night I would bump into the static channel which emitted a horrible tone on the ear drums but man did it ever simulate my symptoms. Hey maybe it is closely related to the audio/visual feedback loop to our brains department that is affected from the residue as a constant reflex going back and forth like a ping pong game. That is probably why our perception is not quite normal because there is a gap between the lines. Lots of love hppd sufferers!!
  4. I have full blown h.p.p.d. Straight up.. Sometimes though when I start to drink like the first few beers I will get paranoid but I fight through it then I'm fine.. BAM!! 12 down the hatch.. Lol.. Coffee is what puts me in the Coffin let me tell u that it makes my visuals sky rocket.. Does Coffee screw u up?? I can't smoke weed at all it puts me in the tripping mode like I'm on Acid or something. It seems to b the consensus on here.. I ducking hate this shit to be honest.. its almost like a major organ or something I've had it for soooo long now.. H.p.p.d 25 long years.
  5. Alcohol is my escape from hppd always has been my "Great Release" I was becoming a alcoholic I'm thinking about going back to it again its the only thing that temporarily cures me to b honest..
  6. Guided imagery meditation recording?? Never heard of that can u elaborate a bit? Peeps would probably respond more if u defined it a bit.. Thanks!!!
  7. U would be a god sent angel if u accomplished that.. Thanks for being devoted to this..
  8. Lol, I assume this is a picture perfect illustrated movement for a new revolutionary nose print in the direction of h.p.p.d. solutions and cures?? Orrr a sarcastic spin on funny faces with snork a bork snubs that can snif out a forest fire from miles like 2 Can Sam?? Or none of the above.
  9. ODYSSEUS.. I didn't say brain damage I said damage in the department which causes a reflex to bright light naturally but mine causes a reflex to not so bright lights or reflections of light. I kno the difference because I use to have normal vision until my episode from Shroom Shronks and Acid.. Does anyone kno y and how the psychedelic drugs perform specifically into the audio, visual function of the brain. Like what is actually going on in terms of the horrible reactions that take place?? If we could figure that out then we would be on the right track..
  10. Very nice visual, independent ideas on here will transform into an alliance of persistence into perseverance by doing so we will come up with answers. We need to delicate du-diligence and learn as a whole it takes an army to win a war.. We need good intelligent leaders to designate sub leaders then the internet soldiers do research, scan areas, learn the anatomy of physiology, biochemistry, neurology, topics like that and MAKE A STAND. We all just need to work together as a nucleus, I mean were almost there and we are definitely designed to and capable of doing this. JUST BELIEVE THEN ACT UPON IT WE CAN BE PROFESSIONALS INTO FINDING A CURE TOGETHER IF NOT AT LEAST ASSIST IT. I do not like vendor machines because my chocolate bar always gets caught in the coil so u never get what u pay for..
  11. When I had normal vision like a bright light would give u a after image of the object u where looking at which is a reflex from the intensity of it. Now objects that are remotely bright give afterimages which they never did so some where in that department it has became super sensitive or damaged from the psychedelic drugs.
  12. U kno I was a actually thinking about that last week.. 25 years can any body even phantom the thought.. Let alone to realistically live with this mind fuck for that kind of duration?? Christ most people don't even work for a company for that time period or even the peeps on here have not even been on this planet that long. Lol.. Lucky me I guess..
  13. Good luck with that.. Hopefully u have a good experience my friend.. H.p.p.d. Into my 25 year and still rolling with the punches..
  14. Dam straight with my pants down, I do 6 drops a day it definitely feels connected and grounded to the biochemistry of my body.. Hopefully after taking this supplement for awhile it might correct the symptoms known with h.p.p.d. Take good care of urself and don't forget about the others.
  15. Ya thanks, I think I have the visuals like. No body on this site.. Lucky me..
  16. Like seriously what the hell is going on with this.. I don't do any drugs and it gets worse.. I think just maybe our brain is making the dam chemical up some how and we are hi constantly. Maybe we are outdoor lab rats they put shit in the drugs purposely to experiment with pharmas inside our bodies. According to the Government we were scumbags and hey y not fuck these peeps up to set an example at of them to others.. Do u guys no y they made acid in the first place?? The whole purpose behind it with hidden agendas??
  17. Do u see like a turquoise blue color from it.. And when u shot ur eyes its really pronounced in ur mind?? And when u turn ur head side to side the traces come off ur nose.. I have that too.. Drives me fucking crazy..
  18. Almost died guess I won't be concocting those together again..
  19. Relaxing and settled.. How about you?? How many applications did u do a day.. I also bought marijuana cream which is tantalizing. My joints and back kill this ointment is amazing.. Do u feel high a bit from the cbd tincture?? Not sure if its just me??
  20. Kool man I check it out,, I'm a virgin to the pharmas never done any but Cbd's.. Thanks for the info bro..
  21. Try Biowave subsonics it stimulates Stamatatica cellular tippiates which reocculate the Arcadian durandiens. Beta-NMPPA dissipation instantly transitions into Alpha-t9 which overrides the trtc's from duplication support. Whilst photonic Freon's obscure the nonionic surfactant delivery it to has true potential value to its holistic approach in that specific regard. Amino enzymatics do create a former Gahanna systemic relapse that could retrigger flighter mode thus anxiety intolerance. I'm thinking about experimenting with this with a knuckle ball type frame of mind.. Wish me luck..
  22. Visual, Thank u very much on the personal level and I sincerely appreciate u taking the time with a genuine med layout schedule/routine on ur history that worked for u and things that didn't. That's awesome I will venture into this and expand my human mental horizon because I do need some relief its about that time.. I'm going to get my doctor to recommend me to a neuro-ophalmoligist << not sure if that's the right profession I remember reading something like that if not I will figure it out.. Do u kno any natural holistic medicines that u tried that might be good too?? I will check out the sinemet, keppra and klonopin those drugs seem to be the most favored amongst h.p.p.ders.. Again thanks visual I hope this works.. Hppd24years and destined to find relief..
  23. Yes it is they actually run adjacent to each other I can literally throw a stone and hit Australia right from my backyard.. Lol.. Does that make u feel better Jimmy? I hope so that is a nicer comment. Have a good day..
  24. Hi guys, I'm getting to the end of my rope here with visuals the thick streamers colored in turquoise blues, purples they are out of this world. I have never taken any pharmaceutical conventional drugs in the whole duration from the initial birth of this disorder 25 years ago til now. It was rough when I first received this disorder from shrooms laced with lsd. I had a hard time with it in my teens then in my twenties it started to naturally subside. I was exercising lifting weights, cardio, eating properly and sleeping right. I went to College started to drink coffee like mad and the symptoms started to manifest back again like a trooper.. Memory started going followed up by strong visual ten times worse than before. Tinnitus started screaming again fuck man it just began to rage like a bull. My feelings inside are bleak as fuck I feel like I'm going on a trip with Buck Rogers Battle Star of Galatica. I feel confused a lot too like discombobulated quite a bit. I finally realized coffee was the culprit so that is exterminated from my drinkables. Anyways I'm really apprehensive about doing these pharmas scared shit is going to get worse. I'm sure u guys can relate but if u do kno something that really works like for sure I'm opened ears. Chris my hands are going all numb as well in the last year or so plus muscle pain and joint pain beyond belief is this from hppd. My doctor doesn't know nothing about the disorder at all.. I actually kno more then he does I think this is what bothers me and makes me feel hopeless..
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