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Everything posted by brendan

  1. i'm guessing they could just add another tab along the top
  2. i think if you come to this forum without prior knowledge of hppd, it might be a bit intimidating - where to start? It assumes a bit of prior knowledge. I think therefore hppdonline could do with an introductory page to brief the uninitiated, summarising what hppd is, who gets it, prognosis, usual FAQs etc. I'd be happy to write one if the forum hierarchy wanted one but didnt have the time.
  3. get it cheaper and delivered to your doorstep from bulkpowders.co.uk
  4. yeh it wore off pretty quickly, maybe a day. It was amazing tho. Completely wiped me out, no energy, dark thoughts. I think i tried about a teaspoon, or maybe a half, of cinnamon to see if it had any benefits, and got the same thing. I then googled it and so found that there is a connection with cinnamon - but cant find any connection with narc.
  5. i tried it and it made me really depressed. i do not know how or why this should be the case as there is no plausible connection that i can see. Funnily enough, cinnamon makes me really depressed as well, but this is a recognised side effect of it, So give alcar a try - maybe your brain is more rationally wired than mine!
  6. n-acetyl cysteine. Get powder from sports supp supplier so you can get a good dose. Cheap and (for me at least) effective.
  7. the big breakthrough for me was n-acetyl cysteine. After a big dose of this (trying to ward off hangover) i felt so clear and awake the next day (still had a hangover tho!). All my anxiety/vertigo sypmtoms disappeared too. The effects last much longer (days or weeks) than the fairly short amount of time the stuff exists in the system, which may be because of a prolonged increase in glutathione, or because of detoxification of toxins that aggravated those symptoms. NAC also modulates glutamine so the anxiety effects could be from that. I have since experimented with other things and am currently on nac plus vitamin d, magnesium and potassium. However, i have suspended nac use for the moment as i am experimenting with autophagy by intermittent fasting, keto diet, and using trehalose. Nac inhibits autophagy despite having other toxin-clearing effects.
  8. Think of a list of hallucinogens, look them up on wikipedia, and add a line about hppd. Even just a small one like: "ingestion of hallucinogens including x has been linked to long-term cognitive impairments known as hallucinogen persisting perception disorder (hppd)[insert wikipedia reference to main hppd article], with symptoms including constant hallucinatory visual effects, brain fog, anxiety, and derealisation. HPPD susceptibility is currently unpredictable - it may occur randomly after a single dose, or slowly develop over many doses."[link to hppdonline or any studies] There is a longer hppd section on the lsd page, but nothing on magic mushroom page, psylocin etc.
  9. i dont think the wider symptoms are solely caused by being driven to distraction by visuals, tho im sure this can add to the problem. My visuals are not bad at all, but head pressure is quite bad, and vertigo/anxiety and brain fog were quite bad but i have cured them by supplements, suggesting a chemical rather than psychological basis for these symptoms.
  10. autophagy is the process by which cells clear out junk proteins, and occurs under starvation or carb restriction. So this is a good thing, potentially helping to reduce brain fog, improve energy, and reduce ageing. Acetylcysteine also has a detoxing effect by making toxins water soluble and protecting tissues from oxidation, as well as haveing effects on the brain that some hppders (including myself) benefit from (reduced anxiety and brain fog). BUT: acetylcystiene and other antioxidants inhibit autophagy. This may not be relevant if you are not doing any dietary restriction as you wont be autophaging anyway, but just thougtht i would mention it for anyone who might be doing keto and antioxidants as you may not be getting the combined benefits, or negating them. Perhaps cycle antioxidants with dietary restriction?
  11. perhaps it is a mark of this forum's success that it is now being targetted by spammers. Sigh.
  12. a 5000iu dose of vit d makes me more awake and less depressed surprisingly quickly - maybe an hour after taking. Definitly recommended.
  13. this has been discussed here before. It doesnt cause known genetic mutations as such so probably ok there. But epigenetic changes may occur that are passed on. However, these changes in gene expression are presumably localised in the brain and not in the gonads so probably ok. But as ever the level of knowledge on this is too low to be anywhere close to definitive.
  14. urinary drug with nootropic effects, mimics acetyl choline. Claimed benefit off-label use for autism. Give it a google.
  15. intermittent fasting slows ageing and protects brain from degeneration: http://www.marksdailyapple.com/fasting-brain-function/#axzz2FdcmC7re
  16. http://www.buzzfeed.com/daves4/the-25-funniest-autocorrects-of-2012?sub=1926818_759804
  17. just wondered if such a thing might blow out a few hppd cobwebs
  18. you may have brain fog caused by other things than hppd, but exaggerated by it. This is just the first google result on brain fog, but gives a list of possible causes: http://www.drlwilson.com/articles/brain_fog.htm My brain is operating as good as it ever has done. Hppd still there but fog, fatigue and anxiety has been managed away with simple supplements. Without them i imagine i would be experiencing a similar decline with age (am 34). One of my theories about brain fog (or at least one type of brain fog) is that excess activity in some parts of the brain cause a build up of metabolic products that overwhelm the clearance system, causing fog. These products i would guess also increase senescence and even cancer, as they will be full of free radicals. A lot of sugar-in-the-fridge stuff is caused by misdirected attention - easily done with hppd. Try being more mindful about boring activities.
  19. yes, amino acids. I get them from bulkpowders.co.uk tho havent tried arginine. sure you could get them from any sports shop if you arent in uk.
  20. seems i have found the final ingredient to my leg fatigue potion acetyl cysteine magnesium hydroxide malic acid potassium bicarbonate try a teaspoon of each mixed up: happy days. Maybe need an a-z multivit and extra vit d as well help. My guess is that the fatigue is caused by acid build up. The alkalising effects of the magnesium and potassium, mixed with the detoxifying effect of AC, may remove the acid products. The malic acid is there to make the brew less alkaline to the stomach (the effect on the blood will still be alkaline), and also malic acid is meant to be good for fibromyalgia so may have some benefit, tho on its own i havent noticed anything from it.
  21. i had a sort of agrophobic vertigo anxiety, so i would feel very ungrounded , like my soul was going to fall out of my body. It was worse in open spaces - even the openness of driving on a motorway i found very uncomfortable. I always slept with a bottle of whiskey by my bed as going to sleep felt like spinning away. All this was stopped when i started acetyl cysteine. Happy days. Social anxiety i dont think was a function of hppd but of personality and environment, and has gradually declined as i have grown up. That's the annoying thing about having hppd so long is you dont know what defects to blame on hppd and what would be there anyway. just read this on wikipedia about arginine: Anxiety Dietary supplementation of L-arginine taken in combination with L-lysine has been shown potentially useful in treating people subjected to high levels of mental stress and anxiety, in a double-blind, placebo controlled and randomized study, involving 108 Japanese adults. Trait anxiety and state anxiety induced by cognitive stress battery was significantly reduced and basal levels of the stress hormone cortisol was decreased.[32]
  22. bbc radio 4 program All In The Mind on today wed 5th dec 3.30pm gmt and next week too. It will be available on bbc iplayer for next couple of weeks for UK residents and overseas subscribers. It was mainly about alzheimers, but also had a section on how people react differently to trauma. About 10% of people who experience trauma will go on to get ptsd - same rate as hppd perhaps? Next week will cover how people can reduce their risk of ptsd after trauma - maybe something similar could help reduce onset of hppd? http://www.bbc.co.uk/iplayer/episode/b01p41hq/All_in_the_Mind_Alzheimers_Disease/
  23. if we are considering the gene expression hypothesis, then perhaps hppd occurs with a set of sticky gene switches, and the partial recovery occurs because some gene switches are more easily reset than others. This may also account for the different qualities of hppd for different people (for some mainly visual, some mainly anxiety etc). For what it's worth, I have fully recovered from anxiety and close to being fully in control of brain fog and fatigue. This is from nutritional supplements only and the symptoms slowly return if i cease supplements. Visual symptoms are not too bad for me but have not reduced in 18 years; nor has constant sensation of movement like being on a boat, nor head pressure.
  24. The change in gene expression may only be temporary normally. But perhaps hppd is a dysfunction caused by abnormal changes that are permanent/semi permanent. Look at ptsd and gene expression - trauma will cause short term changes in gene expression (like exercise does) but only converts into ptsd when the changes become stuck (or a different set of sticky changes occur).
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