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Everything posted by brendan

  1. No. I think you have a virus. Check your browser extension list and do a scan. However, i notice macaffee site advisor puts hppdonline as red flag, says: This link might be dangerous. We tested it and found security risks. Beware. Whats going on?
  2. just round the corner from holland? Just come and stare at your pint if you like - we wont take offence, we know your affliction!
  3. i was in touch with a bloke called dave who was more west london, but we never got round to meeting up. I've still got his number, i'll send him a text when we decide. This week is actually very good for me as am without wife and child till thurs. Maybe some potential london hppders are too messed up to feel like going out and meeting new goobers. Or theyve read our posts and think we're twats!
  4. in a way im surprised this forum doesnt have more people with a spiritual influence/perspective. I was quite spiritual as a teenager, not now tho. Bit more grounded now.
  5. When i posted it i did so ironically as it seemed ridiculous. However, i think my brain is better at handling things now (with age and supps) and my guess is that i am less susceptible to hppd than when i was a teen (eg my response to cannabis now seems fine). It may be reckless to test this theory, but the amount of psilocybin for ptsd (from rat models) is low - 0.1mg per kilo. So for me about 6mg, ie about 600mg of dried mushrooms (i dont know what this means in terms of number, i'm guessing about 4 - what is the dry weight of an average sized semilanceata?). After i got hppd, each subsequent dose didnt really add to the hppd, so perhaps if i try a v low dose it wont do much damage. Or perhaps i'm a fuking moron for even entertaining the idea.
  6. actually, tonight is good for me, but presume that is ridiculously short notice for others. Where would be a good place to meet for tonight or generally in future? I live in Brockley so london bridge, charing cross, east london line all very convenient for me, or anywhere central. I;m quite a fan of The Harp on chandos place off trafalgar square - some good scrumpies there.
  7. in principle yeah, but my plans tend to change at short notice so organise without me and i may turn up.
  8. i think syntheso's comment makes sense. Here's some more on psilocybin and ptsd http://ptsdmindfulnesspsilocybin.blogspot.co.uk/
  9. it was a few years ago now, with friends in holland. Have you tried nac? Sorted me out a treat for vertigo anxiety.
  10. it wasnt a strong dose, just a nice little buzz. Noside effects.
  11. Someone gave me some hash at work, and it would have been churlish to refuse. It's quite nice, he reckoned it was high in cbd. So ive tentatively had a few puffs and weirdly, if anything, my mood seems improved the next day, with no hppd aggravation. I was a bit scared because the last time i had a small amount of cannabis from passive smoking i had bad vertigo-anxiety the following day, but that was before nac, which clears these symptoms for me.
  12. http://intellihub.com/2013/07/07/psilocybin-mushrooms-promote-growth-of-new-brain-cells-can-even-cure-ptsd-and-depression-exciting-new-studies-taking-place-despite-government/
  13. pleasant, mild mushroom trip. Dont have to get out of your face to get hppd.
  14. general article on potential epigenetic treatments including ptsd http://discovermagazine.com/2013/may/13-grandmas-experiences-leave-epigenetic-mark-on-your-genes#.UbpC9vmsiSr
  15. http://med.stanford.edu/ism/2013/may/huguenard.html
  16. salbutiamine looks interesting
  17. Whilst it is always wise to keep an eye out for any individual reactions like allergy, basically nac has a very strong safety record. There was a potential issue raised with large doses inducing a hypoxic response in animals, but this seems not to apply to humans at normal doses. There are also cases of anaphylaxis after intravenous administration (very large dose) following paracetamol overdose. More usual side effects seems to be stomach discomfort. Possible to get herxheimers from rapid toxin mobilisation (eg rash, nausea, generally feeling crap). The problem with chelating minerals as far as i could tell was not serious, though maybe you might like to supplement with zinc and copper or general mineral supp just in case (i found no benefit in doing so). I also found no benefit from vit c, tho i did with alpha lipoic acid. Generally, i didnt find anything in that link to make me personally concerned, tho i aknowledge there may be unusual issues for people with unusual problems (tho this of course applies to any food or medicine!). I did find that while the effects of nac linger, there was a reduction in the peak of clarity obtained from the initial dose, even with continued administration (tho never back to as bad as it was). My guess is that there are several factors involved in creating glutathione, and as you sort out one rate-limiting factor (ie cysteine) another nutrient becomes the rate limiter (eg magnesium) or another nutrient is required to sustain its activity. I am finding that my current cocktail of supplements as listed earlier in the thread provides a sustained improvement to clarity. Take breaks now and then (especially for a period of ketosis or fast).
  18. modafinil got me through my MSc (flunked my BA due in no small part to hppd). I'd have been buggered without it. Discovered nac literally on the last day of the course. All the supps i take (plus reflexology points) seem to just reinforce each other - improve energy, clarity, groundedness, physical strength, and mood. Nothing i have found improves visuals or head pressure or movement sensation. I think it also may help to eat lots of calories, but if you do this you need to do it low carb and/or with intermittent fasting to avoid turning tubby. I didnt notice much with piracetam; keppra improves mood but not much else for me (tho maybe i havent taken it consistently enough).
  19. i found modafinil helpful at times but did make hppd a little worse. The funny thing about nac is that the effect seems to linger for days and weeks, suggesting to me that it is not so much a direct drug effect - perhaps it tops up glutathione levels which then take some time to get depleted again, or perhaps it removes a load of metabolic junk or other toxic loading that then takes a while to rebuild and cause fog. If you are uk i definitley recommend bulkpowders.co.uk for nac and vit b. I tried tyrosine but didnt do anything noticeable. Give 5000iu of vitamin d a go as well (360 pills for about £12 i think off ebay). I am london based.
  20. i regularly take a heaped teaspoon or more of it when drinking, which is probably about 10 pills, with no stomach problems. 600mg is a pretty arbitrary dose, more suitable for long term maintenance, but will be safe to take a big dose - it is only an amino acid. If you like you can mix it with an antacid like magnesium oxide/hydroxide/carbonate or sodium/potassium bicarbonate, then it will still work (and it turns purple if you neutralise it with magnesium!). Or take on a full stomach. Things like alcohol, aspirin, coffee are more irritating to the stomach, so dont worry too much.
  21. bump up your nac dose - it wont hurt, maybe some stomach discomfort. Pop 10 pills with plenty of water and see what happens. I presume your pills are 600mg. I use powder cos its cheap and controllable. But mainly cos its cheap.
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