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Everything posted by brendan

  1. It wasnt from theory that i discovered it. I tried it as a hangover cure as it detoxifies acetaldehyde - a toxic byproduct of alcohol metabolism. One night (end of MSc module piss-up), i thought i would give it a proper try, and downed several pills of nac with my booze. The next day i woke up (admittedly still with a hangover) but feeling very oddly refreshed. The more the day went on the more i noticed how odd it was that i was feeling much perkier than usual (let alone after a skinful the previous night), and all my co-revellers were dropping off all around me on the train home, when usually it was me falling asleep first. It dawned on me that this was a strong and unusual effect of something, and the only thing i could think of was the nac. I then started taking it sober and never looked back - the nac reduces my brain fog and anxiety, and made me feel physically and mentally stronger. After subsequently experimenting with other supps, my current standard regime is: nac (half a teaspoon or less twice a day magnesium oxide (quater teaspoon or less twice a day, more if drinking alcohol or eating badly, less if in ketosis or fasting) high strength vit b (onec or twice a day) high strength vit d (once a day) - i get the nac and vit b from bulkpowders.co.uk which is good quality and good value, and the magnesium and vit d from ebay. Also trying potassium bicarbonate and iodine drops but im not sure either of these does much hppd-wise. Also i find pressing some reflex points helps - numbers 7 and 4 on this chart are good for clearing brain fog (all charts vary a bit, but i'm convinced there is a reality to reflexology even if the details arent nailed down yet, although mri scans do confirm localised increased blood flow apparently, so it should be possible to do): https://www.google.co.uk/search?safe=off&site=&tbm=isch&source=hp&biw=1366&bih=663&q=reflexology+foot+chart&oq=refelxology&gs_l=img.1.2.0i10l10.1147.5133.0.8404. I'm experimenting with some homeopathic remedies. I am not convinced of the reality of this tho, and have not had any significant therapeutic effects from it yet, but i find it strangely fun to do even if it does ultimately waste my money. Perhaps its the willing suspension of disbelief that i enjoy. The science behind nac effects on mental health are from increasing glutathione (many mental health problems have an associated reduction in this) and/or modulating glutamate. Look at the wiki entry, yyou will see lots of experimental therapeutic uses, eg for ocd, bipolar, schizophrenia, trichotillomania. Bear in mind nac smells of eggs and vinegar, and overdoing it can make your breath a bit eggy (zinc oxide from ebay will neutralise this). Glutathione mobilises toxins by making them more water soluble - if you come out in a rash or feel shit after taking it you may just need to be patient as the crap gets cleared out - reduce your dose then rebuild it slowly. If you do any fasting, dont take it on a fast as it inhibits autophagy. Ketosis also induces autophagy, so give the nac a rest every now and then if you are on keto, to get the autophagy going and clear out the junk proteins in your cells. I feel better if i cut out gluten and A1 caesin in my diet - basically paleo lite.
  2. acetylcysteine works wonders on me for those symptoms.
  3. i went to holland with some friends who smoked. I did not smoke although i did not make any effort to avoid passive smoking. I did not get noticeably high at all, but i did have far worse anxiety for a few days afterwards. This type of anxiety has subsequently been controlled with acetyl cysteine, so i dont know if i could now get away with smoking and not get the anxiety. Someone gave me a bit of hash (saying it was high cbd), so may try it again at some point.
  4. some people on here have mentioned that they would like to go into studying psychology or similar. Others would like to but dont have the time, cash or commitment. Some of these short courses might be of interest. https://www.coursera.org/courses
  5. just visual snow or hppd in general? I dont have vs.
  6. so jay were you tempted to continue it as a daily supplement?
  7. google says ibotenic acid can cause brain lesions, but i dont know if this also applies to muscimol. Ibotenic acid is converted to muscimol by drying and to an extent (i dont know what extent - could be 100%) by digestion. If it is all converted to muscimol, then presumably muscimol is the immediate cause of lesions.
  8. fly agaric is a gaba agonist, so aybe small doses would help hppd, tho obviously large doses would make you stoned and make you liable to get hppd (unless serotenergic and gabaergic hppds cancel each other out!). If you ever consider trying it, remember to dry them first. I seem to remember jay tried this, or am i imagining things?
  9. you may not give a shit about business because you dont share the values of your students and teachers, or find the over-thought minutiae about business process tedious and boring but would enjoy the creative side. Dont feel you have to get into business via university. I may be wrong, but I'm guessing most people on your course are more process-oriented than creative, and are more driven by getting the money and power that business offfers than using it as a vehicle for a wider goal. I bet if you spoke to someone like tim schmidt (charismatic chap who made the eden project in cornwall, uk) you would be right back into loving business but in a different perspective.
  10. i guess the best way to learn about business is to start a business, even if its just printing t-shirts. Plenty of help on the web. As an entrepreneur you can do all the interesting jobs yourself and hire in the boring ones. You'll obviously need to do a lot of the shit jobs as well to an extent, but not the shit ones than require long training (like accounting, from your perspective). If youre going to get educated then better do it in something you love otherwise the commitment wont be there so you will end up with either a crap degree, or a crap life based on career you find boring because you based it on a degree you find boring. A bachelors degree in a science is not useless, even if you dont make it to med school. My sleep paralysis/rushing stopped when i started taking acetyl cysteine.
  11. was watching an interesting talk about mycotoxins and health here: http://www.bulletproofexec.com/bulletproof-video-get-stable-energy-perform-better-by-avoiding-these/ In the last minute of the talk he mentions actos as resetting the gene expression changes caused by mycotoxins, and wondered if there may be any hppd crossover. Actos is also being looked into for a parkinson treatment (it is usually used as a diabetes treatment). Anyone with diabetes taking this drug, or has a diabetic friend willing to give you some?
  12. i like vit d. I get 5000iu caps off ebay.
  13. ah yes i see her thumbnail says she lives in washington and you're in scotland. Actually, i'm going on holiday there in the spring, praps i should try to beat you to it! If my wife doesnt mind. Or find out.
  14. ideally you want an ex-hppder. Someone who is sypathetic and patient without being indulgent, but not retarded, so at least she can pay the bills on time for you when you are too busy gurning at wood veneer. Actually, why dont you ask rene out? She looks quite hot (from what can be gathered from her thumbnail pic), and is a mostly recovered hppder. I seem to remember a girl on the old forum who looked quite cute too, but maybe she got lost in the transition to the new forum. Also, given this is a worldwide forum, prepare for some long-distance lovin.
  15. lonely hppd looking for increase in dopamine and seretonin levels, maybe more. Gsoh, dp/dr. Likes cats, computer games, and staring at walls. WLTM a beautiful vision to share numbed emotions.
  16. there seems to be nothing on this board for people who have or had psychosis. Is this sufficiently unrelated enough from hppd to have its own separate support, or should hppdonline reach out to these people too? Would they be interested anyway, or are they too busy dribbling into their straight-jackets?
  17. Thought of an exercise that might get visual inhibition working again: Get some text that has unknown words on it, lorem ipsum is ideal. Put the words far enough away that you can barely make out the words. Slowly try and read the words, spending time on ones you aren't sure about. The words will swim about etc but i reckon part of your brain will be working to stabilise the images, and this exercise may stimulate that part and start strengthening those neural pathways. It would presumably take some time to work. Just an idea. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Lorem_ipsum_design.svg
  18. what is the study that you are referring to rene?
  19. http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2013/01/130114111622.htm
  20. ha, yes, i forgot to mention, it is a bit on the alternative side. He has a nice hat.
  21. http://www.deep-trance.com/hypnotherapy-bristol.html seems to work with a few techniques to unlock mental problems
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