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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. there is a new one now... i've used it a couple of times... works fine. Make sure you get the right url though, there so many scam sites.
  2. Yep, that is the kind of stuff I face each day When I mention that a huge % of the world's crop is grown purely to feed cattle, they move onto the next argument.
  3. If you can get on the 3 days on, 4 days off benzo routine.... I think you can at least find some long term relief. As a fellow long termer, it has vastly improved my life. Maybe hit up silk road or something. I checked it out when I knew I was moving back to the UK and how hard it would be to get benzos from a doctor... Plenty of cheap valium on there.
  4. There are always ways to obtain benzos.... It is shit that we are pushed towards illegal drug dealers or online stores purely because doctors don't understand... But that is a better option then suffering without relief. I'm sure you know that benzos are not really a cure though, tread carefully.
  5. Well.... Be prepared to be treated like an outcast by some people, at the mere mention of the word vegan. It is unbelievable the pseudo intellectual ramblings I have to hear when people find out i'm vegan.... Some get very defensive... Like I have challenged their religion or deepest beliefs (Even though I never bring up the topic).
  6. I've been vegan since the start of the year.... I definitely feel healthier, body wise and actually feel stronger during my gym sessions. In the same space of time, my life is all over the place, moving house, moving country, setting up a business and selling another.... so it is hard to say whether it has any effects on my mental well being. Once the dust settles, I should have a better idea.... But I have been sleeping well lately and have coped surprisingly easily with all the change and stress. Try it for a month and see.... It is so easy to do in the UK. The amount of shit they put in diary cows and factory style meat could have some affect on us HPPDers.
  7. I've said before that the first 6 months, i'd forget about meds, let your body try to adjust itself without any further strain to the system. Just get 100% sober (not even caffeine), get healthy, eat right and try to limit stress in anyway possible (even if that means quitting your job and locking yourself in a dark room watching movies.... or sit on a remote beach in brazil and try to find the beauty in life again). The 1st year is the hardest, it would be such a waste of your life to end it now when you could be cured in a few months, or.. if not cured, in a better position to deal with this. I was suicidal for the first year too, but now.... although life is not perfect, it is still something I can enjoy Please skype (jaybirch) if you ever need any support, a shoulder to cry on, someone to get angry at.... Anything goes. Just don't give up. We are all here for you and will always be. Keep on fighting.... Their will be a light at the end of the tunnel.... It might seem far, far away right now, but it WILL come.
  8. Society for the Study of Perception Disorders I think "altered" still has too many negative, drug based connections. Perception disorders is a good "catch all" phrase.
  9. I tried it too, didn't work, unfortunately. Pretty safe though, so give it a spin
  10. I can pretty much clear some time to do a full production documentary. I need help organising people to interview though and create a story arc. I've thought about this a few times and see it going something like this: Intro to HPPD Dispelling the myths Sufferers stories Non judgemental discussion with hallucinogen takers Doctors' input and scientific breakdown Success stories Conclusion
  11. It's a good concept, but converting stats into subscriptions is a very, very difficult thing to do, even if it would seem like our users could really benefit from making a payment and helping the cause. Some will have financial problems, some will dislike the idea of paying for information, some will look elsewhere etc etc. I think an anonymous donations route is the preferable route. If we close even parts of the community to only paying members, it could cause a seperation and lead to the community dying down. It's a tough one..
  12. I didn't mention VS though or even give any suggestions... I just asked her to really look into her visual field and tell me if she sees anything other than bue sky.... 1st she saw only a few floaters, then described VS and tracers.... She knows I have hppd, but we have never really discussed the details of the visual side of things, so it was all on her. Try it on someone you know. btw - she has never done any drugs.
  13. You'd be surprised what most people can see when you ask them to look for it... I have got my wife to look at the sky and really study her visual field and she could see noise and tracers if she really looked. It's all natural stuff, imo, we just can't filter it very well.
  14. To be honest, I don't think he has any better mindset in dealing with the problem... I just think he has a very mild case (for now). The level of hppd that I consider myself to have, there is simply no escaping the feeling of being mentally and physically ill. I do, however, agree that combatting the anxiety and the self blame is the biggest step to getting a better life.
  15. Would be interesting to try this with something like the Occulus Rift, fully imersive.
  16. I have apologised via PM and I will apologise to all concerned here, including Chris, obviously. He shouldn't leave just because I lost it. I don't think I should be admin anymore and will leave the site for a while. Good luck everyone, hppd is shit and takes it out of me.
  17. I'm gonna leave the forum for a while... But want to try and leave on a fairly positive post. I've been on here for quite a few years now and have heard stories from nearly everyone here that had the illness for long term (over 3 months, say). Nearly everyone has a breakthrough after a few years,,, it just clicks. That is not to say life will be perfect after that, or easy.... But it will become manageable and you WILL start to live again. My 1st year, I wanted to die... I felt like my mind was toxic... Nothing made sense and everything hurt. But the mist did clear, life did go on and improve. You have to fight this with the same determination as you would fight cancer... If your current state of mind is stopping you from doing something, then gather up all your strength and do it anyway.... Start simple, make small talk with a stranger, go into public places that would normally freak you out, keep building your confidence.... chat to the girl you like, try to play the sport you love or the music you love.... If hppd is saying no, then shake yourself and say yes... go travelling, go to school, if you hate your job, change it, if you hate your town, change it. Always keep fighting
  18. The only reason I became a mod was to help David deal with the spam issue.... I don't claim any moral high ground and if someone continuously belittles people on here and refuses to back down after various polite attempts to resolve the situation, they will get both barrels from me, even if I am not a mod.
  19. I'm not apologising to this guy. So strip me of my admin duties... Let this place turn into the cesspit that Chris craves.
  20. If you step back from the illness..... Is there anything you could change in your life that might bring you some peace or happiness? Travel? A new job? A new skill? I know how bad this shit gets, but if you can just grasp onto one thing, it can help (for instance, at my worst moments, I decided to just sit and learn everything I could about playing music.. guitar, piano, bass, drums.. anything i could get my hands on).... Did it help my hppd, no.... But it did help my mindset. Keep fighting
  21. Chris, if you want to talk about the pros and cons of non traditional medicines, start a topic about it. It's a good topic, but I don't think this is the right place for it.
  22. Can't see this getting any better, so locking it.... If you want to carry on with the original topic, post a new thread and keep it civil. Really hoped I never have to do this on here.
  23. No one was threatening YOU.... I was making a blanket statement on this type of behaviour. Do you think I WANT to be an admin? Do you think I want to spend part of my day getting rid of spam and trying to weigh up which posts to delete, when they reported? Do you think i'm enjoying this morning, getting involved in this petty nonsense? I'm trying to help David, who is busy trying to find a cure for you guys. Do the same.
  24. Don't we have bigger issues than arguing about fucking grammar? Get a grip people, the last thing I want to do is ever ban someone, but this bullshit will ruin the forum and make it a place that scares off new people. Seriously, put an end to this.
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