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Everything posted by hppd33

  1. Ok. Im getting so fucking depressed again. Everything is shaking from my curtains in.my house to my whole body. I dont know how long i can handle this. It seems its getting worse instead better
  2. Anyone tried this with good results? Is it possible to take with Kpin? Thanks!
  3. Hello all! What do you pleople really like to do and find some happiness in or and relief of symptoms? I sill havent got a cleu what I like to do. Maybe this is more an inspiration question for me, but maybe there are more people who like to know! Thanks
  4. Nop ativan is lorazepam doesnt work for our diseace
  5. Ok interesting! Im now waiting for the psych. See what he has to say
  6. yep. got them all, along with dp/dr. acceptance and klonopin are my best shots, although i keep searhcing.
  7. Did anyone do EST? Im currently thinking about it, a reset is what i need, as it feels tht way Also my depression is baaaaad
  8. How did you get hppd, which symptoms are still there and which did vanish or reduced?
  9. Seems all money related to me.
  10. What meds do you take? What kind of visuals do you have and do you have dpdr
  11. yes i still have every single symptom, although it has decreased a little. Im in for 2 years+ but i still smoke, drink alcohol, coffee and tke clonazepam, i shouldnt do that, i think when you stay completley sober chanches are bigger you will heal faster
  12. I did qeeg and after that rTMS for DP. from the qeeg they could see i was terrified like the world could explo anytime, dont know the right word in english. Further no abnormalities, but man i have a hard time with all symptomes what come with hppd.
  13. Sounds exactly like my symptoms. Only thing i quit weed 16 years ago. I got it from XTC combined with speed + alcohol
  14. iknow wha you are saying, i have had this too, although i must say its getting better in time. First i drove only 3 miles now its sometimes 20 miles. Pre-hppd i had DR/DP too, but drove 100miles its still dangerous though. I dont drive when people go to work or go from work. Keep it as save as possible.
  15. Who tried this whole having hppd?
  16. Go ask yourself why you want to do drugs, there are the answers. MDMA and cocaine can be deadly man, you are lucky there, and very lucky hppd not retriggered. I didnt read all, but you to agree with me its not a smart move to do drugs again. Ive got HPPD from MDMA and speed. Im confident mdma triggered it, anyway its your life.
  17. Love when people cure. Now go on the streets and motivate other young people stop taking drugs ;]
  18. Will test it, next week my wisdom teeth must go out, i got a prescription. Weeeeeee.
  19. There is nothing positive about it. Maybe a reason to go to bed all day.
  20. Yes. I still smoke it doesnt help at all with breathing of course. But my ciggarette makes me happy.like visual said, excercise works i bike alot when i finish 10 km orsow my breathing is better. Then a cigarette and the shit is on again. Man i hate it. Talking to People longer as 40 seconds is exhausting
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