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Spartan last won the day on July 22

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  1. I actually had the idea to mix the two from some else that poster about here on the board..
  2. Thankyou ! That is unfortunate you had a reaction! Sorry to hear that.. I wonder if you may be able to stay on it a little longer to see if you can tolerate it or possibly adjust. Though if you had a reaction Likley this is not a good idea. Yeah it's a really interesting combo : It's interesting that one hypothesis for a cause of hppd is " seizure activity taking place within the occtipical lobe of the brain" There are both anti seizure anti epilepsy medications so it kind of makes sense. Yeah fingers crossed will keep you all posted !!
  3. So today seen a new psych for the first time.. He seemed pretty chilled... I was his first hppder ever, so Likley spun him out a bit.... Anyhow... He was supportive and for the time being and has approved meds: Klonopin And Lamotrogine Up to 1 mill per day K pin And slowly build up the other lamotrogine.. Soo not a bad outcome.. I also do have an awesome GP from new Zealand who is very supportive. Hope everyone is doing good ! Cheers
  4. I'm over this stupid fucking disorder!!
  5. Wise words and great advice from Jay 1.. I would take this as a possible warning, sign post to possibly refrain from substance use as you maybe susceptible, especially with heightened anxiety etc Take care of yourself.
  6. Possibly a shift in perspective around the condition / illness. in some traditions "healing" is a shift in perception. they may see it as a form of "spiritual emergency" i.e. crisis in relation to psychic opening etc. yeah very interesting topic!
  7. This is cool I've dived deep into shamanism since i was around 17 years old and have been initiated into various traditions' seeing HPPD has no real treatment or medicine I sought to find my own "medicine" through healing arts /medicine ways / non ordinary states i.e, shamanic practice. shamanism is all about mastery of ecstasy and mastery of spirits, meaning the ability to enter non ordinary states at will and to bring back those recourses in service of self and or community, the spirit world is always open and available to guide, hold and "heal" us.
  8. Though my symptoms have been worsened greatly over past 2 years due to a horrid acute situational crisis. I'm hoping once I'm though it I will be able to focus on my healing once again and things may return back to a baseline.
  9. Fascinating stuff.. !! When I'm at home or not doing much it's like total engulfment visually which I feel can turn into panic / dp dr etc like it's too much to endure.. Generally visuals still present tho not as vivid when doing things that engage more of the senses like driving or working out etc. Though still generally vivid in most activities. Tho possibly not as much when more active and new environments.. hope it makes sense.
  10. Hello everyone. Just wondering, do hppd sufferers find that symptoms are worse when idle, home alone etc ? Or possibly Les intense when active or distracted i.e. driving or traveling etc ? Please share your thoughts or experiences. Thankyou.
  11. My MRI results showed one pupil larger.. freaky looking
  12. This is awesome Jay. I look forward to exploring the artists you have shared! Many are new to me. Thankyou !
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