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Everything posted by onedayillsailagain

  1. It so happens this girl talks about HPPD (skip to about 7:50). Haven't really seen the whole vid yet, but I thought it was interesting that she actually knew of it. She continues to talk about Cannabis at around 10:30.
  2. I'll translate: "Take Clonazepam instead if you want a benzo to bring alleviation. Oxazepam is more for in the airplane." ... reminds me of the days where I used to fly high I have no access to Clonazepam. Or at least.. would require some effort. Also I just don't want to I suppose. I use benzos for short-term relief, if I use them at all. Clonazepam is long-lasting if I'm not mistaken? Moreover, if I've such a sedating effect from Oxazepam already; I fear taking a Clonazepam would not only bring upon a longer duration of said sedation, but most likely I'll also be either drooling on the floor or passed out. Not really any scientific reasoning there, but it just doesn't seem the best idea to try a stronger benzo if a "light" already had such a negative impact on me. But thanks for the advice nonetheless
  3. Synth: hope it gets through nonetheless.. Just hope you didn't order from some sketchy pharmacy Anyways, today I did 10mg Colu TID.. I haven't noticed anything. Has this all been placebo? Fucking hope not. One thing that definitely puts evaluation off course is the benzo hangover I have.. Wasn't expecting anything this severe, and it would appear I don't tolerate them well. I've been feeling really spaced out, tired, and more so impaired than usual all day, so I've not been paying attention to any effects. Hopefully tonight I'll have a good night's rest, and tomorrow will be a better day to evaluate. Also, I've opened the package of Colu I received out of the blue the other day: Same caramel color, and same speed/flowery smell. Still no word on why they sent me another gram, but I'm down with it. In the meantime the Coluracetam I ordered from Ceretropic should be arriving shortly, which I'm eager to try out. Secretly I'm hoping the stuff I have now is just of inferior quality or something, because so far it has been a love/hate type of thing; working very noticeable one try, and then not at all the next. I'm starting to doubt my experiences and considering it may have been placebo, though I would be very surprised if it was placebo, because I did notice significant improvements. I just don't understand why it sometimes works and sometimes doesn't! Guess that's what I have to find out. Depending on how I'm feeling tomorrow, I'll try either 5-10mg doses.. Also it would appear that I'll be receiving my CBD a bit later than expected.. bummer. Shouldn't be too long though. Nothing else to add for now, so cheers guys
  4. Just gonna copy paste the abstract here: I'll read the article later.. Case reports are generally speaking not so useful, though it may indicate further implications. Judging from the abstract, they're thinking that lamotrigine's (potentially) neuroprotective and mood-stabilising properties contribute to symptom remission. AFAIK there are many substances that have these properties along with anti-convulsant action. I do know Lamotrigine has been used for both DP and HPPD with marginal success, so I guess if anyone is looking for a new attempt at treatment, they could consider Lamotrigine for sure.
  5. Seeing as this thread is twenty-something pages long, and is derailing a bit.. Qaiphyx would you mind summarizing your theory, so we can further the discussion on what may help? Kind of hard to figure out this discussion, moreover there's a lot of misinformation in it (e.g. "neurons cant regrow you have the same number since you are born " which is of course complete bullocks), but also some more sensible ideas (e.g. "HPPD attributed to certain drugs may carry certain consistencies to only their respective causal-drug", and possible neuroendocrinological dysfunction and the involvement of stress). I've not much better to do at the moment, so I'll try to summarize some ideas that have been proposed in this thread: 5HT2a inverse agonism/antagonism/downregulation/dysfunction/involvement (possibly a little bit of a hyperfocus on 5HT, IMO) Involvement of (metabotropic) glutamate receptors? Calcium channels Prodopaminergics Neuro/excitotoxicity, both acute and prolonged (epi)genetics Mitochondrial respiration Cannabiniods, Glutamate, and Dopamine in psychosis Demyelination A bunch of stuff about psychosis and anti-psychotics Signal/Noise ratio And a whole lot of unrelated topics Anyway, if you could summarize and post your hypothesis of your neurogenesis theory, then we can start contributing (instead of fussing about who comprehends Einstein's theories the best, which is totally irrelevant to the discussion). If I understand correctly, you seem to think that HPPD was caused by acute excitotoxicity in the visual cortex, which now needs neurogenesis to be repaired? So what do you propose? Intracranial NGF injections into the visual cortices? So again: Could we please get back to discussing our ideas about HPPD causes and cures?
  6. I did pay a full 10 euro's for 100mg's.. Haha! Yeah I suppose I can keep 'em around. Don't know of anyone who could use it here though, or at least nobody who could use them responsibly.
  7. Hey Synth! Yeah the Guanfacine would take longer, as I presume it's coming from India or so. Anyways, curious to read of your experiences with both substances Today I'm gonna try Coluracetam again. Think I'm gonna start out with a 10mg dose, and see where that leads me. I seem to have a benzo hangover, so I hope it'll clear the fog at least. I'll update later today.
  8. Woaw note to self: do not repeat. Yuck I feel like I've a hangover. Complete with headache and all. Definitely not worth it IMO. I'm throwing these things out.
  9. Endocannabinoid CB1 receptors modulate visual output from the thalamus. The maturation of GABAergic transmission in visual cortex requires endocannabinoid-mediated LTD of inhibitory inputs during a critical period.
  10. Slightly.. Tolerable though. A cup of coffee is far, far worse. I just tend to "hyperfocus" and "overshoot my thoughts" on Modafinil. It speeds things up a little, rather than improve cognition. Though it does the latter quite decently too. Feels a bit forceful so to speak, though I did like the improvement in working memory. Though now I think of it; when I tried Moda it was in my first few months of HPPD, and I had much more anxiety than I have now, so perhaps it could be useful. Maybe next time I'm feeling fogged out, I'll try 50mg's without anything else and see where that leads me.
  11. I suppose so.. not my cup of tea it would appear, though out of all benzos I still tolerate oxazepam the best. Perhaps next time I'll try it in combination with 100mgs Modafinil.. Should be quite the effective combo I suppose: oxazepam mitigating the anxiety from modafinil, and modafinil mitigating the sedation/fog of oxazepam. Phenibut, on the other hand, I could tolerate quite well, though higher dosages sometimes gave me sedation and pretty severe motor impairment. Anyway, thanks for the reply
  12. Yes I know. I'm absolutely sure this is not a placebo. I just seem to be very susceptible to benzo's? I remember I once took a Diazepam (didn't know anything about pharmacology back then, nor payed attention to dosage, but it was a little blue pill) and I was totally out of it for an entire day, and this was before HPPD. I was looking for a backpack in a shopping mall, and apparently I ended up walking into the same store twice asking for a backpack. I wasn't even looking for psychoactive effects then, because I told someone I had back-pain, and he just gave me the pill and said "Take this". I'm not so much obsessing about it as I was when I just took it (thoughts like: "this is probably a very bad idea taking Damiana, Keppra, and Oxazepam together"). But for the past hours I've just been writing in my journal about other things, not really paying attention to effects that much. It was only when I put my pen down I noticed how sedated I felt. Strange though.. Perhaps you have an unusually high tolerance instead? Probably not.. well I guess Oxazepam (or any benzo for that matter) is just not for me.
  13. I had kind of a failed experiment today. I had soaked some tobacco in Damiana tincture last week, and decided to smoke it today. Apparently, smoking it isn't the best idea. Felt kind of high but good for an hour or so, but thereafter I felt unusually strange and fogged out, and just generally felt like shit. Thus I proceeded to drink coffee in a vain attempt to recuperate somewhat from that. Of course, I just felt worse because of that, so in the end I decided to take some Oxazepam, seeing as the last time I had a benzo was months ago. The first time I took Oxazepam I had 10mg's and thought it was overkill. So today I took 5mg's, and guess what? Overkill. At first I got some heightened anxiety, which smoothed out over time and then I just kind of dazed off slowly, to somewhat of a zombified state I am in now. I've had much worse, but this is tiring as well. Actually I think I'm "coming down" and I'm slowly starting to feel better. So my question is: Does anyone have any experience with Oxazepam here? And what dosage is most effective for you? This has only been the second time I have tried it, and it's just too much for me. Perhaps if there's a next time, I'll try 2,5 mg's.. Kind of hard to split a 10mg pill any smaller than that. Just hate the sedation that comes with it..
  14. Sounds like what happens to me when I use THC/weed. All I can do in such a situation is crawl in bed and wait for it to pass. Batshit stuff. Are you speaking of foreign/intrusive thoughts, or perhaps pseudo-paranoia? I just had half a cup of coffee and I'm significantly feeling more on edge. Figured it would be fine and all because I had a buttload of Damiana today, but I was wrong. I suggest you avoid coffee at all costs.. Time after time I'll think: "Well maybe this time it won't be that bad" and then I end up feeling like shit all day. Maybe I misunderstood.. could you elaborate? What do you mean by that they can be accompanied by visual sensations?
  15. Hey Kellen, I've also been using a B-complex with B-12 sublingually. I've noticed that I can also get a little stimulated from this. I'm going to try just swallowing it instead of absorbing it sublingually, which should even out the effects because it won't be so rapidly absorbed. Perhaps you can try to do so as well? I know that when I was taking a B-complex in pill form I didn't have this 'stimulation' type of feeling, so I'm guessing it'll help. The stomache noises may be from the magnesium. If it doesn't hurt, just let it play out. If it does, try lowering or spreading out your dosage, which should help. Anyway, just some things to consider! Hope it helps. Odisa.
  16. Welcome Vis (that's Dutch for fish, in case you didn't know )! Good to read your symptoms have been manageable so far. If you're looking for any info or advice, feel free to comment on or open a topic. All the best, Odisa.
  17. Interesting stuff.. I remember periods of my life where I could think "Ok, tomorrow I'm waking up at 8 am" and I would wake up 7:55 really refreshed. Other times (like nowadays, but also in my "I hate school" days, or my "party till the sun rises and then some" days) I could set 5 seperate alarm clocks, have someone throw a bucket of icewater over me, drag my mattress from under me, or whatever, and I would still stay in bed sleeping. Anyways.. I just wanted to comment: For me, sleep deprivation worsens DP/DR, but improves depression.
  18. There's also retinal LLLT therapy, but that's some questionable stuff and may also worsen floaters if done incorrectly from what I've read. By the way; I'd like to have one of those sad lamps (hehe), but they seem to be very bright.. would be a pain to look at directly.
  19. Yep.. usually the good stuff is expensive and hard to get Thanks for the reply mikezero! And yes the memory.. I carry a notebook in my pocket nowadays, haha! So I guess that means no HPPD'er has tried CBD without THC (afaik at least)... Should be an interesting new experiment then! Awesome State! I don't think shipping should be too long if you ordered it from where I think you did. Probably should arrive next week. Look forward to reading of your experiences The only negative study I could find was one about intracellular calcium elevation and oligodendrocyte cytotoxicity.. Which is odd, because CBD's neuroprotective and anticonvulsant (though I haven't looked into the mediation of its anticonvulsant effect). I'm not all that knowledgeable on oligodendrocytes, but they appear to be cells that support and create the myelin sheaths of axons. It just so happens that procholinergic therapy may have beneficial effects on myelin sheaths. Combined with the fact that CBD doesn't inhibit HACU, I'd say it would be an awesome augmentation to Coluracetam (from initial glances). Also, the oligodendrocyte cytotoxicity study would appear to be biased, moreover stating that CBD induces oxidative stress, whilst another study states the opposite and also seems to indicate that CBD protects against glutamatergic neuro/excitotoxicity by reducing calcium influx (however it could be a location/cell specific action, thus not necessarily contradicting the other study.. again; haven't looked into it that much). Looks a bit conflicting and all, but I have absolutely zero worries about CBD myself and think it's well worth the shot. And with that I conclude my insomniatic rambling *munches on Melatonin tablets like candy* .
  20. No don't have the patience for that, haha! No.. bout half a gram of CBD. Taken sublingually, the stuff could last a long time. And afaik no THC present.
  21. Indeed, but I thought I'd skip the obvious Also, it is possible that the 5HT1a receptors are involved in CBD's effects. Nonetheless, guess what I'm getting next week P.S. For those who don't know of it yet, check out Project CBD
  22. ^Wow that's an old post. Anyway, , I saw you ordered Dixie's Dew Drop CBD thingies in another thread. Care to share your experience? Also, referring to the first post: If I'm not mistaken, CBD acts on 5HT1a receptors, not on 2a receptors. Anyone else have any experience with pure CBD? Short clip:
  23. Well no improvements from either Choline or ALCAR, and I just took another ~23 mg's Colu. Just very tired. I'm thinking this is overkill.. Anyway, tomorrow I'll do a washout day (I'll be chilling on Damiana instead I suppose). Nothing really adverse, just spaced and tired out, that's all. Perhaps the day after tomorrow I'll try 10mg TID/QID, or maybe even see if 5mg TID/QID does anything/is better. IIRC best results were from 10-10-20 and 10-20-20-10 so far. Interesting, as the 10-10-20 was pretty decent untill the 20 dose, and the 10-20-20-10 was decent as well, yet the last 20 and 10 didn't seem to do much. Hence, I'm thinking 30mg is the sweet spot apparently. Think I'll start doing 5-10 doses in different orders/frequencies and see how that plays out. As far as I've experienced, more doesn't necessarily equate to better. To clarify: Today was a 20 TID day, with combinations of Choline and ALCAR. First Choline combo seemed to help a little, but subsequent combinations didn't prove to help. EDIT: Forgot to mention; today I've been noticing a continuous tinnitus. I've had this on and off before, but the past few months it hasn't been there or not really noticeable I suppose. Perhaps noteworthy.
  24. Yeah it promotes BDNF correct? If that's it's sole MOA, then it might take a while before you start noticing benefits
  25. I tried it for a while.. can't remember dosage (nor regimen), but I experienced no (side/adverse) effects whatsoever. Was one of the fist things I tried. Just don't megadose and you'll be fine I suppose. There's a bunch of discussion about MOA, safety, dosage etc. over at Longecity.
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