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Everything posted by NRFAdmin

  1. We should all attend, make our case heard and demand these companies fund HPPD research.
  2. It doesn’t matter what you believe. The fact of the matter is that the NRF is directly responsible for recruiting the researcher and acquiring the initial funding from the individual associated with the HPPD Foundation that gave life to this project. The PRF had NOTHING to do with it and while I welcome collaboration I have a problem with anyone taking credit for work that doesn’t belong to them. If they want to whitewash the thousands of hours the NRF put into this project, I’m afraid that’s not going to happen. We were the forerunners on this research protocol having invested many years in making it happen. Anything the PRF manages to accomplish is a credit to them, just not the MacQuarie Protocol.
  3. You know full well that the NRF was behind the MaQuarie Protocol. The PRF had no part in it.
  4. And remember, this study comes EXCLUSIVELY from the hard work and dedication by a group of HPPD patients, including Spartan who founded the Neurosensory Research Foundation. www.neurogroup.org
  5. https://cen.acs.org/pharmaceuticals/drug-discovery/Could-an-NLRP3-inhibitor-be-the-one-drug-to-conquer-common-diseases/98/i7
  6. Neurosensory Research Foundation (NRF) Survey Announcement. The NRF in conjunction with the research team at Macquarie University (MQ) is circulating an invitation to participate with the Hallucinogen Persisting Perception Disorder ICAN Protocol survey. It is vital for each and every one of you living with HPPD to register and participate. Once registered, you will receive a link to take the survey. This effort is the single greatest hope persons affected with HPPD have and reason why the MacQuarie team needs our inclusion. Thank you ——- Please click the link for survey access and protocol update: https://www.neurogroup.org/2017/01/25/peter-goadsby-needs-our-help/
  7. Anyone have any information if Rabdosia has an effect on HPPD? Once upon a time long ago I tried St. John’s Wart which exacerbated my symptoms badly and ever since I’ve been leery of taking supplements or herbal medicine. Thanks
  8. Hello Family, I wanted to share the updated donate page of the NRF. Please have a read, suggest changes and above all, after all is said and done, please share it. Thanks https://www.neurogroup.org/donate/
  9. The success of the MacQuarie is dependent on funding which currently is not available from any federal agency. Heck, the Psychiatrist who I know personally that took over Dr. Abraham’s practice, who gets several HPPD patient inquiries PER DAY, goes to conferences where he discusses the condition where a small fraction of his colleagues are aware of it.... Until that changes, it’s up to US to get this study funded. The Macquarie Protocol is singlehandedly our greatest chance at making any headway toward solving HPPD. Please donate. It’s an investment into your future and a means to spare anyone from having to suffer the same fate. https://www.neurogroup.org/donate/
  10. Our mission is to fund research that will undo the damage from HPPD but we, as patients, can’t fight this battle alone. We need family and friends to organize, lend their voices, raise awareness and get legislators to pay for research!
  11. After a decade of hard work, the Neurosensory Research Foundation (NRF) a which began with a group of HPPDer’s with moderate to severe forms of the disorder is pleased to announce that th HPPD research protocol has been approved. The NRF is accepting donations, 100% of which will go to fund it. https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/projects/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder-hppd-protocol-multimo Considering federal funds are non existent to pay for the research, it is up to us, family, friends and other loved ones to support it. Please donate here: https://www.neurogroup.org/donate/ Click this link to sign up if you would like to become a participant: https://www.neurogroup.org/the-foundation/register-with-the-nnrf/ Research will be conducted in Australia and participants are limited to 50 but the results will determine whether or not it is replicated multinationally which is why we need everyone to support this effort. It took us a while but we did it. Let’s see where we go from here.
  12. The HPPD research protocol has been approved. The NRF is accepting donations, 100% of which will go to fund it. https://researchers.mq.edu.au/en/projects/hallucinogen-persisting-perception-disorder-hppd-protocol-multimo Considering federal funds are non existent to pay for the research, it is up to us, family, friends and other loved ones to support it. Please donate here: https://www.neurogroup.org/donate/ Click this link to sign up if you would like to become a participant: https://www.neurogroup.org/the-foundation/register-with-the-nnrf/ It finally happened...
  13. There are those with manageable symptoms and those whose symptoms are so severe that the result can end up in suicide. There’s no hard and fast rule with this disorder which is why it must be researched and cured.
  14. @Fawkinchit I’ve had the study in my possession for several years but couldn’t share it as it would jeopardize it being accepted by Macquarie.
  15. Yes, that’s been in the works for quite some time. if you want to volunteer or donate, click here: www.neurogroup.org
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