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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. are you on any other meds or supplements?
  2. Worse.... those brown things are dog treats! they have a video of the dog eating it's dinner off my face and I didn't even move once.
  3. i'll grab some next time i'm in town and test it out
  4. I think 5 or 10mg is a more likely treatment for hppd. Be warned that Valium has a very long half life, so if you took 2 a week, you might never be fully clear of Valium in your system. Klonopin has a better half life for this.... You will get a full day's relief, but it clear out of your system the next day (Valium can take days, but you don't feel it's effects after the 1st day)
  5. I used to take 10mg of diazepam to feel the same relief as 2mg klonopin. What is your long term plan for taking benzos?.... please don't take them every day, unless you are really in despair.
  6. This is great news.... You don't have to jump to 1500mg if you are already feeling good. Keppra is a strong med, just take the amount that makes you feel normal (you could even try lowering the dose). Are you taking anything else?
  7. Yea, I was 18 and living with my brother at the time, down south, 150 miles away... so made it easier as I only saw my parents every few months. Getting away from my drug mates saved my life, much respect to my brother for taking me in at such a crazy time of my life.
  8. Let's see some photos of the worst state you have been in.... See if anyone can beat this hahah
  9. i've not told them about hppd as I had battled through the worst of it when I was living down south and had my brother and girlfriend as support down there. They'd be cool and understanding, but I don't want to worry them now I am on top of it all.
  10. cool, sound like good folks... really helps having supporting freiends/family. My dad had a go on the acid too... he looked like he was a proper cool dude, back in the day... full on afro
  11. no, i've never had that.... they just gradually go back to baseline. I think some benzo addicts have said that their vision was even worse, as they went through withdrawals.... Probably anxiety/stress related. 2Much,, do your parents/guardians know about your condition?.... If so, If the doc is refusing, it might be wise to take them with you as back up and even suggest that your parents keep the pills and distribute as and when needed.
  12. No, if anything, it will help VS It is my fave benzo, but doesn't last long enough (for a full day of hppd relief). Perfect for anxiety attacks though, I carry one at all times.
  13. If it is for panic attacks... Get Xanax, as it works really quickly and doesn't last all day, just enough to get you past the anxiety attack. I can't stress enough how addictive these things are though (physically and mentally)... So be careful. It will also be very hard to find a doctor to perscribe them. Gabapentin is a safer bet
  14. don't think so, but it will help you stay relaxed, less stress and less anxious.
  15. I'm a bit confused about this.... If you are still on Klonopin, then you might just be masking the symptoms. I don't wanna put a dampener on things.... But I also don't want people to read this and think Klonopin is a cure. It is simply not true. The HPPD might have gone away while you were on Klonopin, but Klonopin did not contribute to the healing.
  16. stay busy, focus on other things not sure... there are more clued up people here that can answer that one diet can help, search google for good foods for gaba boosting avoid caffiene, junk food. They reduce activity in certain areas of the brain, including the visual cortex. You should avoid taking them everyday, in my opinion... they are highly addictive and hell to come off. If you are strong willed, you can take 1-2 a week to have a break or get through a very difficult day. yes, as far as I know All the best, Jay
  17. Alot of people fully recover from HPPD, so it is curable. Quit drugs, alcohol, eat healthy, excerise and try to fill your day with things that you enjoy and can take your mind off the hppd. Try and do some sports (become the next antonio valencia!), go for walks in nature. Try and take the stress out of your life. Also, remember that there are alot of people on here that have hppd but also a great life... married, good jobs, education etc . Even if you don't get cured, you can live a great life. Good luck, Jay
  18. Welcome to the forum.... I know it is scary talking in terms of years for illness/recovery.... But it seems like nearly all the long term sufferers here have a breakthrough moment at around the 3 year mark. For me, my depression and heavy anxiety seemed to get progressivly better around this period and this seems to be the same for others here too.... I don't know if our brain changes or our mindset (acceptance and moving on with life)... so, fingers crossed... You should be closing in on that time. Keppra seems to work on quite a few people here, so I wish you luck with that.... But don't give up if it doesn't work.. as various things work for different people, i've probably tried 30 different meds over the last 16 years (mainly in the last 4 years).... yet I only 2 weeks ago found relief from anxiety taking magnesium supplements, of all things. Stay positive, keep fighting. Jay
  19. Yea, but i only allow myself 1 or 2 a week..... So that wouldn't help, in an office situation. Luckily, the freelance design industry is picking up again, so I can work from home alot more
  20. yea, the anxiety is killer for me.... especially in tough situations, like working in an office, sometimes I can hardly breath. I could live fine with any visuals, if the anxiety went away (but I'm sure they are connected anyway)
  21. I think it improves playing, if anything. I can zone out and play without thinking.
  22. They eat cow tounge here in Portugal After seeing that pic, I might try it in a hotdog roll
  23. remove a symptom (anxiety). after 17 years, I pretty much know it is not getting better or worse.
  24. Zukov, that 1st photo is amazing, is that Argentina? Looks so cool. Here is me and my wife on honeymoon in Iceland (last summer)....Some proof that hppd can't ruin happiness
  25. haha true, we should warn brad and angelina to lay off the shrooms.
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