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Everything posted by 2muchmandy

  1. Id give ANYTHING for this to go away. I have a life....its not my life though

  2. Iv been feeling shit lately so lets get some positive vibes going, what yal been up to?
  3. Im approaching 5 and a half months of hppd and i am still not doing good Snow is pretty thick, edges wobbling, nice long trails. Text dancing. Not too anxious, not too DRDPed. Eating no sweets, no caffein, no booze...Im worried, how bad is this gunna get ?
  4. Iv only seen the lights once, and it wasnt bright :/ Hope hes still focused on fixing us
  5. Agreed, more than happy to cough up the scratch. This site is such a useful reseource
  6. Woo I emailed his offering him cash but obv he didnt reply...he was in a tent
  7. Il look into it. who has regular contact with david? Cos he needs to set up an account that we can donate too
  8. Fucking nutters man, absolute nutters haha.
  9. Keto is anti epeleptic super low.carb meant to help.hppd. I didnt see it. Iv got worse. Dont know why but its sad. Im more than willing to pay like 70 dollars towards that fee. If a few of us chipped in we could save the board. Having looked at a few sites over the past week or so...this one is leagues ahead
  10. Hope everyone is doing well and hanging in there. Whats new? I tried keto for a coupls of weeks....Noticed no positive difference infact I felt shit. I felt manic, my vision wasnt great and I felt on edge and downright mental. So iv decided to stop. I also got to see a neuro, 5 months after asking. I was told not to go back, noone could help me and it wasnt a job for a neuro. I was disappointed as you can imagine. HPPD maybe hasnt worsened, but its not improved. Not as positive as I was 2 or 3 months ago.
  11. What are pigs fed? Iv been living on fuckin pork. Beef too come to think of it. hmmm
  12. Also explains why im edgy and worried as hell at night time
  13. I always feel best in the AM. Like visually shits a bit wild...but mentally im fucking solid. And i can feel in the shower to the time i eat my anxiety and wierd thoughts building. Seratonin blockers may work?
  14. Me too. Drum n bass raves stella and gin. Even just sitting at home listenin to music with a bottle of wine and some cheesecake. Wtf did we do to deserve this
  15. love it. i beleive this is the guy who wrote little lucy about hppd too. very talented chap, i cant really express my hppd so well
  16. I definately agree, I find it hard cos im single, my parents dont really help and most of my friends left the area. I just want a hug, told itl be ok soon and im not insane.
  17. just as you think your cured....you get dragged back in. woke up feeling like £1m go to bed feeling like dick

  18. Youve stated this anti epeleptic.diet is crucial. What symptoms does it help and what can cant we eat Lots of bacon, burgers, steak, sausages. What vegetables? Are there low carb deserts and breads?
  19. Im the total same the medical side totally locks my brain up. I do however understand the risks of jumping on meds and dont want psychosis to happen as a side effect. Wer all a bit kooky with hppd but wer not nutters. I dont wanna worsen matters
  20. Thats what i was wondering kev, like how can i test if dopamine etc will work, is there a natural way to increase dopamine so we can test if we feel better or not?
  21. I dunno man where I live the women are really grim. I cant wait to go to austria though.
  22. I tried the keto diet for like 4 days and I couldnt handle it. I was a very picky eater before hppd so cutting out like 3/4 of what I eat normally leaves me with basiclly nothing. I have been eating alot less carba though. Iv limited myself to 50 a day where as before it would be like 200
  23. What exactly are barbs? Tamazepam etc? Cos my doc offered me them the first day i went to her but i told her id rather wait. Also congrats on the benzo break man,
  24. Dam :/ well maybe it was the honeymoon factor and your just an honourable gent! Im off to the nurburgring and worthersee festival in austria next may so the place will be crawling with gorgeous women, i hope. Try wrangle me a wee job and a gorgeous german wifey
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