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Everything posted by 2muchmandy

  1. Whuuuut? really, thats burst a dreamy bubble id been maintaining for years.
  2. U crave brittish women? Are u fucking crazy our women are disgusting. U nords have the hottest women on earth and u want our monsters?
  3. I get the text moving and warping too but I mean edges of light coloured objects are like a heat haze. Also when I said see the air is like sometimws the snow is infront of my eyes, like suspended infront of me. Its like my snow has a range. Usually withim 2 feet theres no snow. And further than like 20 I see it in the air
  4. Ozzys head is fucking cooked. Same with bez and shaun ryder. Shaun ryder is a hero, I love the the happy mondays but hes a bit of a space cadet. Has been since he was like 20 " you know you talk so hitman ya twistin ma melon man "
  5. Theres no point worrying. I worry and regret the plethora of drugs I took. Main fears of 2cb, dmt, and the mxe as these are little known about 2cb causes me great fear and aniety but fuck it, we cant change the past. Sometimes I think its all a bad dream. U just gotta buckle in and prepare for war, constantly battling ur own brain but ul get on top of it. Uv just been at festivals etc. Ur coping fine
  6. Yeah I think its snow related. Its not peripheral for me but like, the centre is fine but 2 or 3 feet outward is starts
  7. Really? i thought that was only if you used it for more than like 3 weeks constantly
  8. Surely then we can locate the part that does this and treat it? This is why im excited to see a neuro and see what can be done
  9. Sweet il look up the uk name and probably give it a crack!
  10. YES! i get that feeling, like im waiting for something, then i think about what im waiting for and freak out. I feel like, futile and just worried that il run out of things to do or am living a dead end life. I usually relax by thinking " il visit one country every year " or somethin, to calm that feeling of running outta life to live
  11. Is there any danger in trying it? I dont think huge meds are much of a point for me, im not extreme enough, maybe something small just to take the edge off like this.
  12. Yeah good point i probably wouldnt drive on that stuff, just for days i get para. I dont have an addicting personality and huge will power, plus my parents would keep the drugs
  13. I agree i think that perhaps the ssri seratonin factor cured his anxiety and depression making the drdp go away and the visuals just coinsidently cleared up at the same time
  14. When i get excited or hyper i get paranoid cos i think im high, sometimes i feel a bit spacey. Certainly during the first few weeks i related every feeling to drugs. I feel excited like im on mdma, man im spaced like ket. Now, not so much, i usually feel pretty grounded with a 5 minute drdp tinge like every 6 or 7 hours
  15. The truth is noone can say its going to go away or say its permanant, thats why hppd is so frightening. Whats important to know is that you are ok, your not alone and your doing the right thing, cut out drugs alcohol caffein and eating too much shit, youl be fine. Youve already noticed improvement and aslong as you stay sober youl see improvements and gradually youl be back to a level your coumfortable. How old are you btw?
  16. yeah i think thats all it is, i used to see smoke on walls in really dull lights when very very hungover. but i mean drinking 2 days solid 2 hours sleep
  17. Yeah we can fairly knock back a beverage, where did u visit? By the time i was 17 i had stomach issues, too much stella and gin. man i fucking love stella
  18. Yeah its way worse when tired and it is main peripheral. like seeing the air is almost like, theres smoke or just, movement, almost like floating dust particles
  19. Iv done most of my driving education with hppd and im doing fine, its very mild and it actually improves while driving. If i have bad days id choose not to drive anyway. Il try get some atavan or something
  20. Anxiety isnt always something you think its how you feel, i feel relaxed but i know the head pains slight drdp and the muscle pain means im still anxious, just gotta defeat it totally. I also remembered you saying you hate sport, excersize really might be something to try. Id be fucked without BMX it helps so much
  21. on the correct side haha the right side man.
  22. Anyone noticed anything that helps wobbling edges? Shits getting a bit annoying to be honest. I can also now " see the air " as opposed to snow
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