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Everything posted by ferret

  1. Don't be so negative after just three months. I've had it twice as long and am feeling really good now. If you want the 2-d thing to go away you need to make the derealization go away and to do that you need to make the anxiety go away, Treat the anxiety anyway you can (I recomend staying busy as an important part of that, but there are lots of additional things you could do) and see what else it helps.
  2. Good luck man. Having a liscence is great.
  3. Stick with the supplements, they'd be good for you even if it weren't for HPPD. When did you get HPPD?
  4. I think the flatness might be onnected to derealization. As far as vitamins, try vitamin A because its good for eyesight and Omega-3 and magnesium because they are good for the brain.
  5. Sounds like you are doing well Conquer! How long has it been in total for you?
  6. Isn't lack of feeling a common symptom of anti-psychotics? Do you think that could play a part in it?
  7. I feel kind of hollow a lot now. Like a lesser feeling form of how I would feel from derealization. Its actually made me kind of enjoy the moments when I am trully feeling sad, as long as I have a good reason to feel that way.
  8. Stop looking for visuals the soner you learn to ignore them the sooner they will stop causing anxiety and start to disapear.
  9. I did Soccer and tennis in high school. I love soccer but I'm going to try rugby instead at college because I think I'll be better at it.
  10. Great song. I wish so badly that I was more musically talented.
  11. You are so lucky to have gone two years with no HPPD. Do you really want to risk that? Why have you taken anti-psychotics post HPPD? How does drinking effect you?
  12. I think it is very hard to seperate the neurologoical from psychological its all kind of the same, everything in our mind is there because of the chemical makeup of our brain.
  13. Just curious why you don't want to tell anybody. If you smoked everyday for 6 years I would assume that most people you know would know that you did drugs. I don't think my family knew I even drank but they were fine with finding out that I took mushrooms. I think telling people was very helpfull for me but I don't know your situation. Also, the number of americans with anxiety problems is staggering, its like one in three or something so there will be people that can at least partially relate if you do decide to talk about it.
  14. Mgrade- What do you mean by psuedo-migraines? Why don't you think they were actual migraines? Did you notice any change to your HPPD durring them?
  15. This post has really motvated me to travel. I'm thinking I would really like to take a trp in one of the next several summers. just fly somewhere and do whatever i feel like until I want to come home.
  16. I have alzheimers, parkinsons, schitzophrenia, migraines, and anxiety in my family. Keeping my wits into my old age seems like a long shot, ecspeacially after HPPD.
  17. Welcome! Its good to see that you have already made some healthy changes. The anxiety will pass, I would guess it will be greatly reduced (and easy to cope with) within a month but it might not be all the way back to normal for a few months or even longer. The visuals tend to stay around longer and its really hard to predict what they will do but if you stick to the changes you have made I bet they will be better in a month or two than they are right now even though they might get temporarilly worse in between. Remember what ths anxiety feels like next time you think about smoking, I really think you should give up drugs for life. I think if you trust your friends and are comfortable around them than you should try to be with them, the anxiety might make it hard for you to interact with them but I think trying will probably make you feel better. If I were you I would let them know whats going on with you, it might be relieving for others to know. Just stick to your changes and know that it will get better.
  18. Thanks for sharing your success story. Is your snow 100% gone even in the dark?
  19. Thats really scary to know that something so unexpected can cause such a spike in syymptoms. At least its getting better.
  20. Welcome! It must be a relief to know that you aren't alone. What are your symptoms? What gave you HPPD?
  21. An HPPDer road trip sounds awesome but I have my first year of college starting soon so I can't.
  22. I've had nice ones like a bridge with flowers all around and stuff. Now that my CEVs are rare I actually kind of enjoy them.
  23. Simmiar story to mine but I took shrooms and my symptoms were mostly the typical ones. I think you have HPPD but it does seem to be different than what is standard. I'm bassically 100% cured after having HPPD for 5 and 1/2 months so there is definately hope. Stay sober (even from alcohol) for at least a month. After that you may decide to drink some but be carefull and know that it comes with some risks. Take Valerian root to help you sleep when visuals/anxiety are making it hard for you. Valerian root is a natural medicine that is sold over-the-counter in pill or tea form in most grocery stores or phamacies. Supplements like magnesium and omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial to your brain and a daily multivitamin is a good idea for everyone HPPD or not. Wait it out for now. Exercise and keep busy to distract yourself. Talk about it with people you trust if it helps. Think positively. I was worried that I had something worse than HPPD (like schitzophrenia) at first because I had Hypnagogic hallucinations that didn't match what is common on here but I am now fine and in a few months you will be too. Learn to relax and not worry about small things, anxiety can make this condition worse. Good Luck!
  24. I get that fear of insanity a lot too. I have some fucked up hypnagogic hallucinations that realy make me feel like I'm going crazy but I don't think that I am.
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