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Everything posted by ferret

  1. Hey Ill give you my full story. I took about 4 grams of shrooms (twice as much as you should on your first time) in early january. Before that all I had done was drink and smoke weed a few times. I tripped really hard, I was in a completely diferent dimension talking to people who don't exist, and time had no meaning. at one point I became really scared that I wasn't going to come back and began freaking out trying to physicaly claw my way back into this world while my eyes were closed. Still the next morning I was fine and I looked at the trip in a positive way. Three weeks later I smoked a little and the night after that I drank a little. The night after the night i drank I woke up from a really messed up dream shaking with really bad anxiety. For the next week I had horrible anxiety and sleep issues (hynagogic hallucinations and such) but no other symptoms. after a week it went away but then a few days later it came back with all that stuff plus 24/7 visual snow and some after-images and some derelization. The next two months were hell but then things started to improve. After 4 months I was feeling a lot better and could ignore HPPD pretty easily, after 6 months I was basically back to normal, Its been almost 7 months since the HPPD started and my remaining symptoms are: anxiety- more than i had prior to HPPD but not that much, moodyness- I get depressed more now but it really isn't a big deal, weird visuals on occasion- sometimes I'll see weird shit but its not common and isn't a problem, sleep issues- I get a lot of vivid dreams and some CEVs before sleep and once in a while will have a hypnagogic hallucination, visual snow- in certain lightings its still there but so minor that if it had never been any worse I would think its something normal that everyone gets. I am confident that the Anxiety and moodyness will completely disapear at some point. As long as the sleep issues dont get worse they are actually kind of fun (although sometimes I have trouble remembering if I had certain conversations with people in a dream or in real life.) My visuals are so minor and i can go a ful day without even noticeing them so if they get better than great but I'm fine if they dont. I got better by doing a few things- 1. Ignoring HPPD as much as I could and still doing everything that I would have otherwise (besides drugs of course). 2. Staying sober- now that i'm better I drink ocassionally but am cautious and know that I can never do another drug again. 3. Eat Healthy and take supplements, ecspeacially brain related ones. 4. Exercise its good for you and will help distract yourself. Good Luck!
  2. It might get temporarilly worse but overall It wont get worse unless you agrivate it. Stay sober. Alcohol might be ok occasionally once you are feeling well again but untill then stay 100% sober and never smoke weed again. Give it a few months and youll be feeling normal again, I had worse HPPD than you and am back to normal. Live healthy- eat well, take supplements (ecspeacialy brain related ones), exercise, and keep busy. You may also have to be wary of prescribed drugs like SSRIs or antibiotics , only use them if necessary because they have been reported to amplify HPPD in some people. Also stop looking for symptoms, ignore them and they will disapear faster. Good Luck!
  3. Those blue dots were the first visual i got after eating shrooms but I never got them after the trip.
  4. I waited for my HPPD to subside substantialy before drinking and although alcohol can sometimes raise my anxiety and VS for a few days after drinking It hasn't produced any longterm effects.
  5. Its not from HPPD. You are describing a mirage which is different from a halucination or an illusion. It is normal and not at all connected to HPPD. Stop worrying. From Wikipedia: A highway mirage is an inferior mirage which can be seen very commonly on roadways by day or by night. This hot-road mirage is usually most noticeable on hot sunny days. It seems to look like a 'pool', however when you get closer you realise that it actually isn't there. Warm air is less dense than cool air, and the variation between the hot air at the surface of the road and the denser cool air above it creates a gradient in the refractive index of the air. Light from the sky at a shallow angle to the road is refracted by the index gradient, making it appear as if the sky is reflected by the road's surface. The mind interprets this as a pool of water on the road, since water also reflects the sky
  6. Just try to relax and distract yourself. Anxiety causes or at least amplifies most symptoms so try to control that one first. I bet you'll be fine in a month or two. I got HPPD 6 and 1/2 months ago. I have basically made a full recovery but it took mee 5 and 1/2 months (but I waas real close after four). i think you'll be ok. Know that it isn't going to get worse on its own (it might get a little worse temporarilly but overall you'll see improvement).
  7. I had a lot of sleep problems when my HPPD first started but they have become rare since then. However both of the past two nights I have had a bunch of crazy dreams and a hypnagogic hallucination on each night. They didn't bother me that much but I thought that they were interesting so I decided to make a thread where people can share there dreams/hypnagogia. Night 1: I had a bunch of really odd vivid dreams including one that involved me road tripping with Will Ferrell and a cop in order to save a little girl from Mr. Burns (from the Simpsons). Part of the dream was animated. At one point I was looking around my room and noticed that my ceiling light was about 5 times its normal size and in black lettering had a message written on it. All I can remember from the message is how it started: "A gift from Father Micheal..." I have no clue who the fuck Father Micheal is so I realized I couldn't be awake and i tried opening my eyes (even though at the time it seemed like they were already open). They did open and I saw the room the same but with the normal light, when I closed my eyes again I still would see the alternate room and I could open or cose my eyes at any time to switch between the two. I think I was probably asleep with my eyes closed for the whole thing but Im not really sure. Night 2: I had a bunch more crazy vivid dreams that I cant really remember. At one point i dreamt that I was lifting something on my back deck. All of the sudden I started to drop it and I heard everyone around me gasp I got that really intense feeling you can get on a bad tripp of being pulled into another dimension as I started to fall. Then everything turned white and I thought I was dead for a second, then the white started to fade but I couldn't move at all, then i realized I was in my room and a second later I could move and was awake. Where does my mind come up with this shit?
  8. This post has been promoted to an article
  9. Ive been drinking about once a week and am still doing fine. i know I shouldn't be drinking so much, but it just feels good to finnally be done with HPPD. The last 2 nights I've had mild Hypnagogic Hallucinations they were reallly frightening but overall theyy were just interesting and didn't bother me too much.
  10. I can guarantee that visual symptoms can go away. Mine have. Sometimes I cant look at certain patterns quite right and sometimes i see static in dim places but its pretty easy to deal with. I never really had that bad of visuals while i was fully awake, just snow and afterimages and some other weird shit sporadically but if mine can get better anyones can. I really think that you have a real good chance to recover. You never agrivated your symptoms with more drug use after getting HPPD and that is what I think ussually leads to longer lasting cases.
  11. Cool video I watched the whole thing.
  12. I feel really bad for you man I know how bad DR/anxiety can be and am very grateful that mine didn't last very long. For me staying busy and going to school actually helped me cope a lot, it kinda forced me to act normal and helped forget about what I was going throug but at the same time I let people know what was going on so they wouldn't think I was nuts when i would just stay quiet and shake all lunch. What gave you HPPD? How are your visuals? If you aren't already staying sober you should start imediately dont even drink untill you are feeling better. Exercise and eating healthy can make you feel a lot better, playing a sport can be great. Maybe try meditation. I think treating your anxiety will help relieve all of your symptoms, lots of people suffer from anxiety so there are plenty of methods out there for dealing with it. You should realize now that there are some really important things in life, like health (physical and mental), and that a lot of other things dont matter nearly as much as some people think they do so it doesn't make sense to worry about them. Stick with it man, you will be feeling better soon.
  13. This post has been promoted to an article
  14. Its too bad that you aren't seeing improvement. I call myself cured, im 99.9999% symptom free and have been drinking (more than I should be) without any side effects lasting longer than 2 days and those side effects are so minimal that I actually could be imagining them..
  15. Good luck Rezoe. It could impove any day.
  16. Its from anxiety. Because you are anxious the muscles in your head and scalp tighten. After being tight for a while they will get sore.
  17. I am 99.9% recovered Its taken me 6 months to get here but I was at 95% after 4 months.
  18. Anxiety and DR from such an experience is common and should go away soon, its not techncally HPPD without visuals. its gennerally the visuals that linger butt hey can go away too.
  19. I'm still not really over it but I realze that its stupid and I really shouldn't care as much as I do. I drank again last night. I had a decent amount but didn't get hammered, quite a bit of wine (first time with that) plus 1 beer and quite a few jello shots. I feel no increase in symptoms at all today. I'm not gonna drink again for at least a week (probably longer) but If things stay as they are I consider myself to be finally CURED!!!!
  20. Great to hear that you're doing better. I look foward to reading about your recovery.
  21. What'd you do wrong? How long until you get another shot at it?
  22. Head pressure is from the anxiety. Because you are anxious your facial and scalp muscles are always tighter than they should be and eventually they become sore.
  23. Well you have horrible taste in music but I know exactly what your talking about with the wondering about existance thing. It makes since for intelligent people to think about things like that just remember to say to yourself "I think therefore I am" and realize that there is no way that you can ever be sure of the reality of the rest of the world so you might as well just enjoy life.
  24. Haha I'm feeling better now my HPPD is basically gone but it obviously still makes me kind of moody. I was really sad about a girl when I posted last, its kind of funny how sad I sounded.
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