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Useful knowledge about HPPD and your experience

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I am a student currently doing a research task about a chosen drug and a disease it causes. I got LSD :)

I understand LSD doesn't cause diseases nor does it essentially "cause" HPPD but studies have shown a connection between LSD consumption and HPPD- increasingly more then other psychedelic drugs. 

I was hoping for a few people to maybe share their knowledge about hppd, and maybe share a few experience? Basically anything will help :D

I've been on one forum before and got a few replies, so i have a basic understanding 



A curious student ;)

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Hello. I’ll start with saying that I am 16 years old. A lot of people would say that obviously vary young to be doing as much psychedelics as I did and I completely agree now haha. My experience with what HPPD has done to me is possibly the worst possible thing I can think of to occur from drugs other than death itself or maybe psychosis. It started out as a very small type of HPPD for a while but with the constant use of psychedelic drugs over the course of 6 months I have learned that lsd is most definitely the biggest cause of HPPD in my personal subjective mind. Mushrooms rarely if not never bumped up the symptoms for me. Also an interesting thing I’ve thought of is the time of day you take it. It seems a little out there but I think taking it at night and staying up through the night on it can most likely make it more extreme if not be the biggest cause. My logic to this is to do with sleep as sleep is the main key to getting rid of HPPD I believe, I’ve done everything I can to research the hell out of it because of how must stress and anxiety it has caused me. Also obviously taking more than a normal dose of lsd is going to make it more intense for you. When I first started the worst of the HPPD I saw what I believe to be everything you can see on lsd. I still don’t know how this happened as I’m smart and do have a test kit and have tested the tabs I have and they came back to be lsd. I took one tab of 150 ug but all the sudden on the come down everything changed and it turned into what I could equate to being around 10 or more of those tabs taken. I still don’t have any idea how it happened and it still boggles, this happened only days ago. There’s a lot more I can say but I want to say this first as talking about it for a long period of time kinda stresses me out so I’ll need a bit to think more and come back but i hope this reply helps serve some help for you. And please, if you learn any information that could help me in any way I urge you to reply. 

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11 hours ago, mccabers.babers said:

Hello. I’ll start with saying that I am 16 years old. A lot of people would say that obviously vary young to be doing as much psychedelics as I did and I completely agree now haha. My experience with what HPPD has done to me is possibly the worst possible thing I can think of to occur from drugs other than death itself or maybe psychosis. It started out as a very small type of HPPD for a while but with the constant use of psychedelic drugs over the course of 6 months I have learned that lsd is most definitely the biggest cause of HPPD in my personal subjective mind. Mushrooms rarely if not never bumped up the symptoms for me. Also an interesting thing I’ve thought of is the time of day you take it. It seems a little out there but I think taking it at night and staying up through the night on it can most likely make it more extreme if not be the biggest cause. My logic to this is to do with sleep as sleep is the main key to getting rid of HPPD I believe, I’ve done everything I can to research the hell out of it because of how must stress and anxiety it has caused me. Also obviously taking more than a normal dose of lsd is going to make it more intense for you. When I first started the worst of the HPPD I saw what I believe to be everything you can see on lsd. I still don’t know how this happened as I’m smart and do have a test kit and have tested the tabs I have and they came back to be lsd. I took one tab of 150 ug but all the sudden on the come down everything changed and it turned into what I could equate to being around 10 or more of those tabs taken. I still don’t have any idea how it happened and it still boggles, this happened only days ago. There’s a lot more I can say but I want to say this first as talking about it for a long period of time kinda stresses me out so I’ll need a bit to think more and come back but i hope this reply helps serve some help for you. And please, if you learn any information that could help me in any way I urge you to reply. 

Welcome to the forum! I wish we could meet under more pleasant circumstances but here we are.  You are indeed very young and I think that will work in your favor.  For me, I also contracted HPPD about 14 years ago from excessive and frequent  LSD use.  It does get better! But your recovery depends upon you.  More drugs will almost always make the condition worse.  For me, sobriety, time and a healthy lifestyle got me back on my feet. What do I mean by sobriety?  Well, weed always exacerbates my symptoms as well as drinking so I stay away from those things.  Even years later, I tried a small amount of weed a few time to take the edge off and it brought my symptoms back. But they receded over time.  The best advice I can give you is find a hobby, something that challenges you and is satisfying and throw yourself into it.  If you are in school, focus on your studies too.  Exercise always helps me with anxiety and mental funk plus plenty of sleep and a good diet.  You'll be fine just stay away from drugs for at least a while to let your mind recover.  Life is not over, I myself have accomplished a lot after contracting this HPPD business: I served on a nuclear submarine, I am a PhD student in math and I have a healthy marriage with one amazing daughter and another on the way.  Stay positive and put one foot in front of the other and before you know it you'll feel like yourself again.  This is a great forum for when you feel hopeless or have questions but try not to obsess over the condition; this typically makes it worse.  Let your mind heal and you'll get your life back. 

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16 hours ago, Jay1 said:

Chill our @Fawkinchit ... Help the OP understand where they got it wrong rather than berating them.

BTW - HPPD is a disorder, not a disease. 

In my defense I did leave useful information at the end lol.

It is proven neurotoxicity, I have the studies that show its mediated directly through 5htp2a receptors, and its cortical neuron loss/neurotoxicity specifically, driven by caspase-3 apoptosis. Hallucinogens do cause permanent brain damage. Ill be making a thread on it pretty soon.

Edited by Fawkinchit
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On 8/4/2021 at 11:12 AM, mccabers.babers said:

Hello. I’ll start with saying that I am 16 years old. A lot of people would say that obviously vary young to be doing as much psychedelics as I did and I completely agree now haha. My experience with what HPPD has done to me is possibly the worst possible thing I can think of to occur from drugs other than death itself or maybe psychosis. It started out as a very small type of HPPD for a while but with the constant use of psychedelic drugs over the course of 6 months I have learned that lsd is most definitely the biggest cause of HPPD in my personal subjective mind. Mushrooms rarely if not never bumped up the symptoms for me. Also an interesting thing I’ve thought of is the time of day you take it. It seems a little out there but I think taking it at night and staying up through the night on it can most likely make it more extreme if not be the biggest cause. My logic to this is to do with sleep as sleep is the main key to getting rid of HPPD I believe, I’ve done everything I can to research the hell out of it because of how must stress and anxiety it has caused me. Also obviously taking more than a normal dose of lsd is going to make it more intense for you. When I first started the worst of the HPPD I saw what I believe to be everything you can see on lsd. I still don’t know how this happened as I’m smart and do have a test kit and have tested the tabs I have and they came back to be lsd. I took one tab of 150 ug but all the sudden on the come down everything changed and it turned into what I could equate to being around 10 or more of those tabs taken. I still don’t have any idea how it happened and it still boggles, this happened only days ago. There’s a lot more I can say but I want to say this first as talking about it for a long period of time kinda stresses me out so I’ll need a bit to think more and come back but i hope this reply helps serve some help for you. And please, if you learn any information that could help me in any way I urge you to reply. 

Oh godd! Thank you so much for sharing that with me, i really sympathize with you. Please take all the time you need!! How about this, once i gather all my information for HPPD, i'll send you the powerpoint maybe it'll ease your mind a bit? I'll put a link to another forum i made in another website and a lot of people with HPPD responded with amazing answers!


I hope it helps :) 

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7 hours ago, Fawkinchit said:

In my defense I did leave useful information at the end lol.

It is proven neurotoxicity, I have the studies that show its mediated directly through 5htp2a receptors, and its cortical neuron loss/neurotoxicity specifically, driven by caspase-3 apoptosis. Hallucinogens do cause permanent brain damage. Ill be making a thread on it pretty soon.

OMG!! can you pleasee send me that link, it's exactly what im looking for :)

Thank you so much thats actually useful information

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21 hours ago, cosmiccharlie said:

Welcome to the forum! I wish we could meet under more pleasant circumstances but here we are.  You are indeed very young and I think that will work in your favor.  For me, I also contracted HPPD about 14 years ago from excessive and frequent  LSD use.  It does get better! But your recovery depends upon you.  More drugs will almost always make the condition worse.  For me, sobriety, time and a healthy lifestyle got me back on my feet. What do I mean by sobriety?  Well, weed always exacerbates my symptoms as well as drinking so I stay away from those things.  Even years later, I tried a small amount of weed a few time to take the edge off and it brought my symptoms back. But they receded over time.  The best advice I can give you is find a hobby, something that challenges you and is satisfying and throw yourself into it.  If you are in school, focus on your studies too.  Exercise always helps me with anxiety and mental funk plus plenty of sleep and a good diet.  You'll be fine just stay away from drugs for at least a while to let your mind recover.  Life is not over, I myself have accomplished a lot after contracting this HPPD business: I served on a nuclear submarine, I am a PhD student in math and I have a healthy marriage with one amazing daughter and another on the way.  Stay positive and put one foot in front of the other and before you know it you'll feel like yourself again.  This is a great forum for when you feel hopeless or have questions but try not to obsess over the condition; this typically makes it worse.  Let your mind heal and you'll get your life back. 

wow thats truly amazing! I hope you'll be fine with me suggesting your advice in my presentation as a way of coping ? :) 


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On 8/5/2021 at 3:41 AM, curiousstudent said:

OMG!! can you pleasee send me that link, it's exactly what im looking for :)

Thank you so much thats actually useful information

I posted it in my thread, The Cause of HPPD and Possible Treatments. You can find it there. There is definite evidence for neuronal damage, and possible neuronal loss.

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  • 5 months later...
On 8/4/2021 at 8:27 AM, cosmiccharlie said:

Welcome to the forum! I wish we could meet under more pleasant circumstances but here we are.  You are indeed very young and I think that will work in your favor.  For me, I also contracted HPPD about 14 years ago from excessive and frequent  LSD use.  It does get better! But your recovery depends upon you.  More drugs will almost always make the condition worse.  For me, sobriety, time and a healthy lifestyle got me back on my feet. What do I mean by sobriety?  Well, weed always exacerbates my symptoms as well as drinking so I stay away from those things.  Even years later, I tried a small amount of weed a few time to take the edge off and it brought my symptoms back. But they receded over time.  The best advice I can give you is find a hobby, something that challenges you and is satisfying and throw yourself into it.  If you are in school, focus on your studies too.  Exercise always helps me with anxiety and mental funk plus plenty of sleep and a good diet.  You'll be fine just stay away from drugs for at least a while to let your mind recover.  Life is not over, I myself have accomplished a lot after contracting this HPPD business: I served on a nuclear submarine, I am a PhD student in math and I have a healthy marriage with one amazing daughter and another on the way.  Stay positive and put one foot in front of the other and before you know it you'll feel like yourself again.  This is a great forum for when you feel hopeless or have questions but try not to obsess over the condition; this typically makes it worse.  Let your mind heal and you'll get your life back. 

Such an awesome and positive response. Out of curiosity, did you suffer from afterimages and visual snow?  

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On 8/4/2021 at 8:27 AM, cosmiccharlie said:

Welcome to the forum! I wish we could meet under more pleasant circumstances but here we are.  You are indeed very young and I think that will work in your favor.  For me, I also contracted HPPD about 14 years ago from excessive and frequent  LSD use.  It does get better! But your recovery depends upon you.  More drugs will almost always make the condition worse.  For me, sobriety, time and a healthy lifestyle got me back on my feet. What do I mean by sobriety?  Well, weed always exacerbates my symptoms as well as drinking so I stay away from those things.  Even years later, I tried a small amount of weed a few time to take the edge off and it brought my symptoms back. But they receded over time.  The best advice I can give you is find a hobby, something that challenges you and is satisfying and throw yourself into it.  If you are in school, focus on your studies too.  Exercise always helps me with anxiety and mental funk plus plenty of sleep and a good diet.  You'll be fine just stay away from drugs for at least a while to let your mind recover.  Life is not over, I myself have accomplished a lot after contracting this HPPD business: I served on a nuclear submarine, I am a PhD student in math and I have a healthy marriage with one amazing daughter and another on the way.  Stay positive and put one foot in front of the other and before you know it you'll feel like yourself again.  This is a great forum for when you feel hopeless or have questions but try not to obsess over the condition; this typically makes it worse.  Let your mind heal and you'll get your life back. 

Bit off topic but how has balancing grad school and life been?

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On 2/2/2022 at 2:14 PM, cosmiccharlie said:

It's been up and down, the pandemic has complicated things a lot but I think I will finish.  Are you thinking about grad school? 

Yeah, I'm split between applying to a Neuro PhD program, med school, or an MD-PhD program. I've always been a bit worried about 'losing' parts of my personality from spending nearly 24/7 of my time dedicating myself to academia or medicine so work-life balance is pretty important for me. I'm glad that you'll be able to finish, I couldn't imagine doing grad school during the pandemic.

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