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Everything posted by bpl4269

  1. I actually find that kava helps with my dp and speech issues. I feel more calm and collected and can more easily gather my thoughts when I'm speaking like I used to. Thanks onedayillsailagain for turning me onto the kava again It has really helped me these past few days with my anxiety and dp. I no longer get head pressure from it.
  2. So I ordered an organic kava tincture last week. Got it yesterday. Really helps me be sociable and relieves my anxiety/depression. Very pleased with the results, just wish I had ordered more. Its just as effective as a benzo, has similar mental effects as alcohol as far as lowered inhibitions, and makes me talkative, which is a godsend considering my issues with dp. I think this may be a way of pulling myself out of this anxious/depersonalized state. :-) so happy right now. Also, doesnt seem to affect visuals at all. If anything, they are diminished. The brand of kava tincture I bought was Estatic Earth on amazon. Give it a go guys, you wont regret it.
  3. Tell me about it, my mom is still convinced im schizophrenic, even though she hasnt the slightest clue what the symptoms would be lol If I was schizo, I wouldnt even be able to tell the difference between the real world and my "delusions."
  4. I know exactly what you are talking about, i used to get this all the time. Scared the hell out of me. Used to get hypnic jerks too, where your falling asleep and you hear a loud noise and jerk awake with your heart beating fast as hell. They all went away with time though.
  5. Guess your right man, kinda regretting last night though because my visuals seem worse this morning.
  6. Thanks for the advice man, i guess im just in a bad spot right now. Hopefully i can change that soon.
  7. So i kinda feel shitty about myself right now. Popped 3 benzos at work to numb me from the pain of depersonalization. Then proceeded to chain smoke cigarettes for the rest of the night. (Im not even a smoker!) Idk what the fuck is wrong with me. I guess i just want to escape from this bullshit. And if that means taking benzos and smoking phillies, i guess ive proved to myself that i dont care... Depressed, angry as fuck at the world, pretty much want to kill myself right now.
  8. I struggle a lot with this, what helps is to be around people who helped create your identity/ego, such as your parents, close friends, etc.. you are a product of your environment as they say. I find when im deep in a conversation with my mother or father, my true identity comes out and for that split second i feel normality, but its fleeting. The trick is to be able to hold onto that identity after the conversation has ended. I have yet to achieve this.
  9. He may have said that, but those lyrics are too deep to be about that. Its got to be about dp.
  10. If any of you are at all into melodic hardcore check these guys out, Their album art is my profile pic btw. It symbolizes the struggles we face in life, that we are stuck struggling in the "water", but we will get to where we need to be. Hence the album name "The current will carry us" and the man struggling to stay afloat in the water in the album art. Really meaningful music, got me thru some hard times.
  11. Melatonin, valerian root, california poppy, kava, l theanine. Try these supplements. All promote sleep. The kava will kill your anxiety as well if you deal with that.
  12. Hope you find something that makes you feel better man I know how scary this can be.
  13. I found this online. "Bitter taste is caused by caused by anaerobic bacteria that live within our bodies. These bacteria can grow in number very quickly when given the right environment or food source thus causing a bad taste in mouth You can fight against the metallic taste by having citrus juices, lemonade and foods marinated in vinegar. They not only break through the taste, but also help in saliva production that helps in washing away the metallic taste." My advice is that the pulsating feeling and tingling could be anxiety related. The symptom you describe where you look at the computer screen and then at the wall and still see it is called an afterimage. The fact that you have visual snow, auras, cevs, and breathing walls makes me think this is most definitely hppd. Do not take the anti psychotics. They could potentially make you much worse. If the Benz helps short term, great. But you could end up with some more problems later down the road from benzo addiction if you continue to take them habitually.
  14. So today at work I went outside in the dark for the first time in a while. My starbursting seemed greatly reduced and almost non existent. Two hours later it was like a switch went off in my mind and the starbursting got worse than ever. Do symptoms fluctuate this drastically for you guys? Does this mean im getting better?
  15. So what kinds of music do you guys like to listen to? Do you play instruments? I personally love listening to hardcore/metal and playing guitar/drums. What about you guys?
  16. My favorite series of all time is Dexter. You can find the episodes online for free at sidereel. The walking dead is also a great series as well as weeds. Check em out.
  17. Starbursting greatly reduced today! Dp is also letting up! God I hope it stays this way.

  18. There it is again, that higher than thou attitude. Your clearly implying that you have a greater moral compass than I do. Truth is, you simply do not know me and my values.
  19. All I can say is ive always felt a certain level of hostility from you whether it be in my response to a post, or in chat. I dont know what else to say. All I was trying to do was give this guy some hope and you shit all over my post. And in the end, who is to say that you are right and I am wrong, or the inverse. You don't know what causes this anymore than I do or any other poster on this website. So quit acting like you do. For all you know this could be completely psychological.
  20. I dont mean to sound rude, but how the hell did it take you 10 fucking years to figure this out? I had this figured out within a week and knew what was going on with me. I figured most people had the sense enough to look on the internet and at least try to figure out what was wrong. And really? How am I supposed to come up with an example of a conversation we had weeks ago in a chatroom. Its not like I keep records of every chat Ive ever had on this website.
  21. Look, I was wrong to make judgement about you and why you have not recovered based on your attitude, but I stand by the fact that positivity is a good thing no matter what and it can help with this situation. Sure research articles have a purpose, but staying positive and trying to live our lives to the best of our abilities is what is most important. Im sorry to hear about you attempting suicide but im sure you had your reasons. I would just prefer you had a more open minded view about things rather than pidgeonhole yourself into a corner of doom and gloom with no hope in sight. It just saddens me to see that this condition has made you such a bitter person.
  22. Sure you offered me some words of encouragement and I thank you for that, but every other time i've made an attempt to talk to you and others in the chat room, you've had this heir of superiority and negativity about either my opinion or someone elses. That gets under my skin. As for the reason that there are so many long term members on this site? If people are suffering with this condition long term, they are going to flock to this website, therefore these sufferers are concentrated in one area making it seem as if long term hppd is more prevalent. This condition isn't common and when you are on the internet, you tend to get a one sided view of things or a skewed view of the actual prevalence and longevity of this condition. Just fucking think about it! I guarantee you there are just as many if not more people who have had this disappear with time that are not registered to this website. You never hear about them right? Because it is no longer a part of their lives and im sure they feel no need to talk about it on some online forum.
  23. Ive tried to be positive with you and ignore your blatantly shitty attitude multiple times, but seriously? Its no wonder you havent recovered. You seem to have this pervasive negative attitude of doom and gloom that you feel the need to spread amongst the population of hppders. Just because you havent recovered, doesnt mean others wont. Spreading a message of negativity only makes this situation seem more hopeless to some of us who make the choice to be positive and hopeful. Keep your comments to yourself. If you dont have anything constructive or helpful to say, just keep your mouth shut. By the way, my sources are neurosoup/John Halpern. This condition is not permanent for most. It is rare to have it as severely as yours or become lifelong.
  24. Living in a dream, losing your personality and identity.
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