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Everything posted by bpl4269

  1. I have been reading up on natural COMT inhibitors. Some that came up as possible cantidates were quercetin and egcg. Egcg is a natural catchetin found in green tea. It has COMT inhibiting properties. I have not yet been able to find a pure egcg supplement. All of the ones that I have seen have been green tea extracts which contain caffeine. I have however been able to find a decafinated egcg green tea extract. It contains 70% egcg and a negligible amount of caffeine. It is however quite expensive, so I will have to wait until I get my next check to purchase it. I have however purchased a quercetin complex which has shown to have COMT inhibiting properties. I will be recieving that in about four or five days. I will report back when I have tried both. Considering dr abrahams COMT inhibition study with tolcapone, this could be a very promising prospect for treatment.
  2. Trudging through the mental anguish I'm unwillingly forced to endure. Slumber transforms into my subconcious sanctuary. An escape from the disturbing reality that plagues my waking existence. I arise from a deep slumber. My visual cortex is immediately bombarded with external stimuli of insignificant nature. Dissociation disrupts my fragile sense of self, and the weight of the world rests heavy on my weakened shoulders. This is my reality.
  3. Andrewcb, actually I have had this condition for eight long months. I was almost recovered around the six month mark and then my dumbass decided to smoke weed. The first time it actually didnt do anything to my symptoms. Then I smoked some higher grade shit and my visuals shot through the roof. I was literally having visuals more intense than my first acid trip. Fast foreward four months and here I am, pretty much back to square one. Hopefully it will pass again. As long as the anxiety/dp/dr fade I will be happy. I am never touching another drug in my life.
  4. The former fiend. Really appreciate your comment with ways to improve my life, but sadly I have been doing or have done everything you suggested in the past four months and have little to show for it. Mild symptom improvement, but the more debilitating of my symptoms have not subsided in the least. On top of all this I am going through mild benzo withdrawal after using .5 mg per day for eight days straight. I was prescribed them by dr abraham and was so tired of dealing with this condition everyday, I started blindly taking them. I decided though after some more research on long term side effects and withdrawal syndrome that I no longer wanted to taint my fragile brain with more foreign chemicals. The stories of wd absolutely horrified me. Hopefully these additional strange wd symptoms will subside soon. Its been about 2 weeks since I stopped taking the clonazepam. Thanks wooshka, Ill messae you with my phone number as soon as I obtain some minutes for my cell phone. Maybe then we can text each other for support.
  5. Lately Ive been tantalizing myself with the fantasy of death. I find the thought both terrifying and comforting. It seems as if I have irreversibly destroyed my life. I strive so very much for improvement of some kind, yet all I am met with is false hope and broken dreams. I love my family very much, and I know deep down that I would never take my life, but this journey we call life is more than I can bear. Every relationship ive ever had is shattered or broken in some way, and Ive burned every bridge ive built. So in turn, Im left with absolutely nothing. No self esteem, hardly any hope, broken relationships, and no one who cares to take the time to understand my plight. You people are all that I have. However pitiful that may sound, it is comforting to me that someone somewhere is going through this with me. Ive been waiting to get this off my chest. I find that when I spill my thoughts out on paper, or in this case an internet forum, I feel a little less depressed. Thanks for reading if you are somehow still with me. I guess im done :-/
  6. Thats great to hear youve got a friend who understands and accepts you for who you are kellen. Wish I had that...
  7. Wow, you make some pretty extraordinary claims. It seems promising, but I am slightly skeptical. Regardless, Ill probably try this at some point in the future. Its not like I have much to lose. Thanks for the post!
  8. So what is your worst symptom of all? Mine is the feeling that my nose is always obstructing my field of vision and when I try to ignore it and just use my eyes in a normal fashion, my nose starts to tingle and I get very anxious. This happens especially when I am having a face to face conversation with someone, which is hard enough due to dp/dr mind you, but on top of that it feels like my brain is not properly filtering out the presence of my nose in my vision. When this happens during a conversation, I start to feel anxious because I feel like the the person Im talking to can tell that Im uncomfortable. The only thing that fixes it temporarily is putting my hands in front of my face. I know you guys probably have much worse symptoms, but this is what has been plaguing me lately. I could care less about visuals now, but If this particular symptom was gone, I feel like I could overcome dp/dr.
  9. Yes, I have palinopsia, but it has faded to near nothing in the past couple weeks. Whether that be because of the klono or not, I cant really say. I have also been taking a large dose of lions mane mushroom every day. I think that may be the culprit. It has improved my visuals in the past as well. I have also decided to stop taking the klono before its too late and I have a full blown addiction. It makes my memory atrocious and I felt pretty suicidal last night. I read symptoms of withdrawl and they terrified me enough to stop taking the klono after a week. Honestly I think it will cause me more problems in the longrun. Im going to try getting out and living my life again along with cognitive behavioral therapy to adress my anxiety and dp. This along with healthy living, I believe that I will recover to a full extent. At least I have been diagnosed and I know that I have klono on hand for occassional use or stressful days. My next venture will most likely be with levetiracetam. (keppra). Stay strong guys.
  10. Yes, I understand how bad withdrawls can be and how addictive klonopin can be, but I talked to dr abraham about my concerns and it is understood that I will only be on a low dose of klonopin. Just enough that I can confront my anxieties and overcome my depersonalization. After I feel like I am living a normal life again with zero anxiety/dp I will very slowly come off the klonopin. Dr abraham maintains that when I come off of the klonopin, I shouldnt have much issue in the way of withdrawl. He told me that most of his patients have little issue coming off of a low dose of kpin. He thinks that if my anxiety levels are lower, the healing process will accelerate. I am already seeing evidence of that. My visuals have been improving again after only being on it for a week. So for me, the benefits outweigh the negatives, and if the klonopin can help me get my anxiety under control and consequently eliminate my depersonalization for good; (with of course effort on my part), then taking it is worth it to me. Before taking it I was suicidal. Now, I feel like I am slowly getting my life back.
  11. Also he talked about possibly medicating with keppra in the future once Ive got all of my anxiety issues out of the way.
  12. So I am just getting back from my appointment with dr abraham. I feel so encouraged right now! Looks like ill be going down the benzo route for a while now though. For the past two days ive been taking clonazepam .5 mg a day and I can tell you I already feel like myself again. Its wonderful! Minimal anxiety in almost any situation. It feels like ive got my life back! So the plan is for me to take the klonopin every day for six months to a year until I get used to feeling normal again. Then I will slowly taper off all while having regular cognitive behavior therapy sessions. Dr abraham said that by what he has heard me tell him about my past and present symptomology, he thinks I may make a full recovery! Wish me luck guys! Hope you all find a doctor as kind and understanding as dr a.
  13. Yeah, the aniracetam sort of backfired on me and eventually made my visuals worse. Hopefully ill be back to baseline before too long. Shits pissing me off. My brain is so goddamn sensitive it seems like 99% of the things I try blow up in my face. Whatever. I guess ill just buckle down and ride it out until I feel moderately better or until my appt with dr abraham. Maybe then I can at least get some klonopin for occassional relief.
  14. I dont want to gripe about something we all have to cope with, but I have to get this off my chest. I know a lot of you guys probably have this wors e than me and I cant even fathom living life with my hppd any worse than it already is, but it really feels like im existing in my own personal hell. When I say existing, I mean it, because you sure cannot call this degenerate lifestyle living in any sense of the word. I feel like im living halfway between life and death. A purgatory if you will; where all emotion except utter despair ceases to exist. I guess you can blame that on the dp/dr. By far the worst part of my hppd. Because of dp I can no longer go out and have a good time with "friends" because any friends that I may have had have long since abandoned me. Now I go on facebook and watch all of my old friends live out their dreams and be successful, when Im simply stuck here living with parents I resent and working a dead end job. On top of that, it feels like Im getting dumber every day because of cognitive dysfunction and also because of the company I keep at my job. Even though I try so fucking hard to exercise every day, eat healthy and keep my head up, it seems like it backfires on me every time. I dont know what the hell Im supposed to do at this point. Im sick and fucking tired of being sick and tired. My only hope at this point is my appointment with dr abraham in a week. Honestly at this point I would happily trade an addiction to clonazepam for the suffering I currently endure day in and day out. Fuuuuuuuiuuuuccccckkkk, I would just be happy to die at this point. There is no chance of me finding a relationship in my condition. Women need someone to supplement their emotional needs and I feel as if I a incapable of even doing that. The question I need to ask myself is how am I supposed to help somebody else, when I cant even help myself. Alright. Feels good to get that out of my system. Sorry for my bitching.
  15. Yes you can buy it without a prescription in the usa. I live in connecticut. Actually, after experimenting with aniracetam, I would suggest not trying it. The reason being that after taking it for four days straight it actually worsened my positive and negative afterimages slightly; along with trails as well. Now im just really hoping it goes back to baseline. Maybe this has something to do with the activation of h2a in the brain?
  16. You must be out of your mind to try steroids in your condition. They are bad enough for a healthy individual, nevermind someone with hppd. Who knows how much havoc they could wreak on your mental stability (roidrage) or possibly negatively affect your visuals. Imo, its just an all around dumb idea.
  17. Compared to before dosing with aniracetam they faded twice as fast, but after taking it for four days straight the afterimages seemed to increase. Idk. I will continue to guinea pig myself for a while and see how it alk pans out.
  18. So yesterday I took 750 mg of aniracetam after work. Experienced anxiolitic effects but was sort of irritable. Today I took the same dosage at about 2 pm. Experienced strong anxiolitic effects. Was able to carry on conversation with my mother without the usual severe anxiety/awkwardness. 2 hrs later effects began to wear off so I redosed 750 mg. I am currently experiencing the same anxiolitic effects as before. I was doing some reading today about the mechanism of action of aniracetam and it is believed that the anxiolitic effects that the drug displays are achieved by modulation of serotonin and dopamine receptors. It was also hypothesised that it inderectly effects gaba through another chemical process of which I have forgotten. Also I have noticed an increase in trailing at night and mild increase in positive afterimagery. I am pondering whether I should continue using aniracetam due to this. Although it has caused temporary remission in one of my worst symptoms where It feels like my nose is almost always obstructing my field of vision. I guess the question is, do the positives outweigh the negatives for me? Time will tell I guess. Im going to take a few days to a week off of the aniracetam. I will report back after that.
  19. Yea it doesnt worry me, just thought it was pretty bizarre and wanted to share.
  20. This is the strong oev ive had before as well.
  21. So yesterday I woke up and went to take a bath/meditate like I usually do, but this was the day after I dosed with aniracetam. I was pressing on my eyelids with my eyes closed entertaining myself with the colors and a circular like orb with a neon exterior and a black vortex in the middle formed. I then opened my eyes and it remained in my vision. Admittidly it freaked me out a bit, but I ignored it and it was gone within 5 mins. What do you make of this? Idk what the hell it was.
  22. Oh,and I forgot to mention that negative afterimages seemed to fade much quicker while under the influence of aniracetam.
  23. 1 and 1/2 hrs after first dose feeling extremely energised and motivated. Anxiolitic effects are apparent. At this point I redose along with 400 mg of l theanine. I must say, fantastic combo. I feel more relaxed/connected/motivated than I have in months. I will continue to redose in the upcoming days. Also, no negative side effects experienced, unlike when I first took noopept. Will report back tomorrow.
  24. Just recieved some in the mail today. Took 1/4 of the reccomended dose. Feel very on point/stimulated right now despite the low dosage. Writing feels very fluent. Dont feel very anxious right now. Will report back either later this afternoon or tomorrow. What have your experiences been like with this racetam? Im certain some of you must have taken this at some point in time.
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