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Everything posted by brake

  1. Okay I wanted to know if you were trying to induce such a state or not. I`ll look into it sometime this week.
  2. Yes I am still using CBD oil but not everyday anymore. And wow I didn`t know there that there are different kind of CBDs.
  3. We can give it a shot: ContactStuart Hameroff, M.D. Department of Anesthesiology Arizona Health Sciences Center Tucson, AZ 85724 (520) 626-5605 (520) 626-5596 FAX hameroff@email.arizona.edu
  4. I`ll check it out when I have some free time. Were you meditating, focusing on something in particular, or doing something while you were listening to these binaural beats?
  5. Almost a year now. I started feeling slightly connected to my body again after 6 months and by now I would say I`m back lol. Parts of my brain still feel "fried" though.
  6. Valproic acid has been found to "restore the plasticity of the brain to a juvenile state": http://www.popsci.com/article/science/pill-could-help-you-acquire-perfect-pitch?src=related&con=outbrain&obref=obinsite Could this be used to rewire ourselves out of our HPPD state or is that not how it works? Lol
  7. Missjess, although I`m not HPPD free yet the feeling of being detached from my body and sense of self has gradually went away.
  8. Nothing groundbreaking gets said but it`s worth a listen
  9. Stuff to blow your mind made a podcast about LSD flashbacks and HPPD. It's pretty interesting. http://www.stufftoblowyourmind.com/podcasts/acid-flashbacks/
  10. I think I read an old post from someone on this forum saying ketamine was one of the main reasons they got HPPD.
  11. I stopped caring about what they think and it`s gotten to the point that they don`t hassle me about drinking, smoking, etc. At the end of the day you have to deal with it and not them. If they had this they would understand.
  12. Keep at it man and try to do at least a few aerobic exercises a day to get those endorphins going. It might not help with visuals but it helps with stress, depression, and DP. Don`t give up. It could take weeks, months, or years but everything is always temporary!
  13. Bpl, have you tried changing your diet and exercising everyday yet? And do you smoke cigarettes? I quit over a month ago and my visuals and head pressure decreased.
  14. Was there a specific moment (or moments) where you overcame HPPD or was it more of a dealing with it on a day to day basis which made you gradually overcome it? And how bad would you say your symptoms are today?
  15. How much would you say is required for a significant effect?
  16. Sorry to hear that!! Most likely it will go away again and then possibly come back another time? Who knows with this stuff but imo it will go away again as soon as you experience some good times since it went away before.
  17. Yeah I know. Just asking since I thought you took both fish oil and the supplement you linked at once before for some reason lol.
  18. I want to try the supplement you linked but I`m cautious now because I can`t take more than 5 drops of CBD oil and 1,000 mg (or more) of fish oil in the same day without experiencing side effects.
  19. Did you find this supplement to have any bad interactions with fish oil?
  20. Water, fruit juices, green tea, ginger tea, white tea, garlic, spinach, raw honey, yogurts, almonds, cashews, walnuts, eggs, peanut butter, coconut oil, whole grain cereals, bacon, fish, chicken, beef, a lot of fruits and vegetables. No more coffee, junk food, soda, or candy for me.
  21. 10 months. I`m less and less sensitive to light as time goes on but still no where near back to normal.
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