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Everything posted by hppd33

  1. HI I notice more "fun" in myself. Like i have more joyfull toughts, also i need less klonopin, which is very nice. Sometimes noises can destract me from what i am doing and want to quit, now this seems better.. Sometimes when i am in a busy restaurant or something i hear all people talk trough each other, i have had several times i needed to walk away because i thought i was going CRAZY. Now with piracetam, the sounds around me dont come in soo freaking loud. Which is nice! The CEV's are still there but better managable, its not a magic medication, but its helping a bit! Now only the damn DP/DR ! HPPD33
  2. Hello World! So i got piracetam today from my doc in the netherlands. I got 1200MG a day, i dont know how it is going to work so i m a bit nervous. I mainly have trouble with my cognitive behaviour and depression. Also I do have DP/DR VS and CEV's, after 19 months from the intoxication from too much MDMA, the VS is getting less, which is nice. Dont know what to report now, but i'll keep you updated. HPPD33
  3. Hi All. How do i start hahaha. Whenever i go to a store and want to buy new clothes i always buy clothes who are detached to my body, it just makes me feel more uhh me. Its something Dp'ish, Often there are girls at the counter telling me a shirt which is a bit wider looks better. Same with shoes. i hate somekind of shoes, i always walk on my running shoes, perfect to feel detached to the world. Anyway it helps!
  4. hppd33

    help me!

    a lot of meditation? What do you exactly do when you meditate? I cannot even sit still for 3 seconds.
  5. Mr 50s It goes away, just stop every addiction. Showing your emotions is no problem, you are still young and your brain will heal. Thats certain. Just go with the (good) flow and your system will forget this(trauma) Your brain had to fight against a mechanism thats not natural. Give it time. Go play football or get some hobby you always liked, not behind the computer
  6. Yes. I did rTMS for DP/DR and before that i had a qEEG. From the qEEG (we) could read i was nervous, everytime something new with neon stuff or weird questions came up, it was readable.. For me i didnt made any difference because i was on klonopin and lots of other meds. The good news is, there are people in (my) group of test persons, who dont have anxiety anymore for DP/DR.. for HPPD it didnt work(me.) My thoughts are if you have DP/DR and depression and you dont take meds, its possible it could work.. You will need to have patience and money though. It was in The Netherlands.
  7. Haha. Respect man! I wish you all the best with this experiment, i recognize so much in your storie's We will find a cure, no matter what!
  8. Thanks for sharing Sam, I understand out of your story you dont take anti-depressant's? I tried lamotrigine - didnt not worked, it made me agressive. Klonopin is the only thing working, right now. 1MG daily. Hopefully i get other medication, Klonopin is a bitch! It fuckes up my memory. Keep us updated Sam!
  9. Hi All. Been for six months on lamictal now. 200MG. It doesnt work for me. The CEVs dont go away. I became agressive and my bones and muscle's are almost broken nd very weak. The damn Klonopin is the only fucking BENZO that works, for me. I am quitting with it, 50mg a week, 3 weeks to go. My brain makes overhours, cant really sleep, although sometimes i dream, that might be the real REM sleep, which is positive. DP/DR is another case, its almost unhuman. Hopefully we will get there, with less symptoms. And shake the younger people awake! Helping people is the best thing what works for me, a happy face from someone who really finds you did a good thing.
  10. 200mg here, about 3 weeks. The closed eye visions are still there. Also i feel very mellow the whole day, i also take klonopin(1mg a day). I must say, it gets a little better now. I am trying to accept it, but its hard. some doctors say, oh panic disorder, you should try anafranil etc. I am now on lexapro(ssri10mg) i'll stay on it a while. Yesterday i was at a docter to see how my blood is, for all the meds etc etc. Pfff. Hopefully its ok.. I try not to sleep in the daytime, and when its get evening i feel alot better and want to continue behind my computer I just need a structure, healthy food, vitamin.. etc. Its hard for me too eat i just dont like food anymore!@@ Give it time people, listen to you mother/father. Take your time with everything. Take care everyone,
  11. I keep trying to make people laugh. I just cant talk funny anymore, because i dont feel a damn thing. Sometimes Joy in my head. Or I laugh at people how they are, and want to be like that. FUCKED UP!! My hope is still on Lamictal, i really hope my vision' and death fear go away, and will heal. Probably most of you want this I have a bad case of DP/DR and HPPD. I feel like shit, and want to cry all day. I am going to be alone.. in my own world.. my mom is going to die.. My brother and me are not friends, I have no real friends anymore. I dont like irritating jokes, i like to look at things and think ohhh how nice it could be again! I think i think i think i think. Elliot helps me. Here are some examples: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1n5uyWeNs0Y&feature=share http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LAi5wAT3q28 Maybe you have someting about it! Have fun!
  12. me: besides benzo's 1.3 years, No more alcohol too. It is going to be a long way to heal, I do feel slightly beter then the first months of this shit. It does goes a little better, I still live in my head, i need to break out of my head, Look at the world, focus onto that! Difficult, probably the answer, The worst part of my hppd is DP/DR. It exhaustes me.
  13. I get panick attacks, Redbull doesnt work for me. I need sleep in the afternoon too. I get alot of motivation speak of Elliot Hulse, see YouTube. You might want to look into that, its funny and helpfull. Especially the breath part
  14. Interesting video! You have/had everything i have! How old are you? Do you take any medication? How can you meditate with CEV's? I always feel when i walk on the street something is going to happen, like someone is holding a gun to my head.. fear like that. I want to let lose of that! I was a different person, before too much MDMA. now i must read things 4 or 5 times before i even understand! My sleeping is so messed up. I slept only 2 hours today, and yesterday too. I am getting tired of this shit.. it doesnt heal! Im getting pissed of every and each day more. I am not secure of the things i do anymore. I constantly have the feeling something is going to happen. I have bizzare and weird toughts, sometimes a word shows up in my brain what doesnt even make sense. Its scarey! I try to run and enjoy my grow in that, but when i walk into the gym, man, enourmous weird feelings, its probably because of the people. If i am alone I feel much better.. Also i need, to be more faster in my thoughts, when someone asks me something i want to be more sharper instead of thinking too much! Please advise!
  15. HI all, I have so much problems to sleep at night. I wake up every 2 hours, and i only sleep 2 or 3 hours at night(R.E.M) I dont know why i wake up so much. I take rivotril 0.5mg and some other anti-depressants for sleep, but still wake up. Is there a technique or something? Do you take another benzo for the night, Sleep is so important. I hate it to wake up at 4 am i hate the whole day then.
  16. Hi all. For DP/DR i went to a "haptonoom" I cant find the english word, anyway. My DP went away in my legs! It was gone for the whole day, couldnt believe it. Also the CEV's went form 80 to 20 %. Look at the dutch wiki. Its trauma related stuff, great insights by this man. http://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haptonomie
  17. oxazepam works different then rivotril, rivotril takes away CEV's, alot of anxiety and will make you more "social" at least, that was for me. On the other side, it maade me depressed and soo tired that i decided to quit them after 1 year. Now i am on 0.25 only for the night to sleep. Problem is i am very restless and irritated all day now, and my close people say i have changed. I know what its from I still have visuals and a bad case of DP. I must say DR is low atm, might be because of the lamotrigine i am taking.
  18. Neem dan rivotril als je wilt dat een benzo verlichting brengt. Oxazepam is meer voor in het vliegtuig
  19. my closed eye vision is reduced with 50% on lamotrigine 100mg, I can go to 300mg. Also reducing my klonopin from 4mg to 0.75 for sleep. also building of lexapro now, this is a bitch! Hopefully i will feel again. Dont lose hope!
  20. Run go run! It will give you peace in mind. In return the DP/DR goes away for a while, while you are high from the run.
  21. Sun, no clouds, No people to talk to is great. Just watch the world, and be accepted. Only thing i wish i could drink beer to forget all this shit but im taking too much medication, so i dont dare it anymore. I also want to leave the country, only thing is I will be alone, and with (mine) our condition its hard to make friends.
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