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Everything posted by Sammywalker2009

  1. I was exactly the same when I first got it try not to dwell out of mind out of sight really does help if you can manage it
  2. I was exactly the same when I first got it try not to dwell out of mind out of sight really does help if you can manage it
  3. 1 .Yes often suffer with migraines 2 .I have experienced all the visual symptoms I suffer with now well nearly all when I have had migraines in the past so aura,light sensitivity,halos 3. yes My mum and my grandad (who also has palipinosa sometimes) 4. possibly think my grandad and mum have both experienced it 5. I think my grandads parents suffered and possibly my nans I think migraines are hereditary 6. don't know 7. I definitely think there could be some kind of relation I reckon if someone is prone to getting a lot of migraines then there is possibly the chance if they over indulge in hallucinogenics be it over a period of time or in my case just one time too much due to there genetic makeup they are probably more prone to developing say hppd or visual snow. I'm just speculating here but I think there is a good chance there could be a connection. For whatever reason people with migraine seem to have a sensitive brain therefore my hypothesis is people with migraine maybe but not singularly more prone to hppd. I'ts got to be the same part of the brain lots of people with constant migraine aura also struggle to get rid of there aura with migraine medication.
  4. Don't you have to have persisting symptoms for like 6 months before its classed as hppd? HOpefully it's just a warning your body saying woah I didnt like that don't give it to me again and in a few more weeks it will clear up do exercise by far the best thing i found for the dr/dp side of things and keep your mind busy youll notice it less when talking with friends being occupied it's easy to forget keep clean and live easy brother
  5. Yeah very true words by ferret and puppeteer I could do with trying a few more things
  6. Yeah I got to that point and I actually felt great it didn't really bother me and it did seem symptoms wernt as noticeable maybe even regressing I put it down to being really healthy and exercising but I've had a setback and now I'm starting over hopefully I'll get back there soon enough
  7. 1.21 2.mdma crystals after one try of a gram had done weed and coke before never had any problems 3.purely the mdma 4.i'd see visual snow before once with a migraine which went away after the migraine went away and had maybe a little more anxiety than the normal person
  8. I'd describe it as being daydreamy and not being able to focus on objects people or places I get it worse outside basicaly I'd describe it as shit
  9. I know how ya feel man i got lumbered with this shit from one high dose of mdma but i guess you never can tell what gets mixed in with these drugs probably shit loads of chemicals in it. I can understand the suicidal thoughts i have my moments where i'm just sick of it and feel like ending it all but its not the way I couldn't do it to my family and friends plus there is always hope that things can get better i been suffering with this for 2 years now and around the 8 month mark i was exercising religiously eating really healthy and getting some enjoyment out of life plus my symptoms were not as bad then I got ill with this other stomach shit now i'm right back to where i started due to not exercising for best part of a year and having an operation except now i'm probably worse cause i feel sick and have other issues getting me down to be honest I don't know how i haven't sunk into a deep depression I guess i just don't think about it too much and i'm slowly trying to get myself back to where I was inch by inch we can make up miles thats the theory anyway. I wish you the best of luck and hopefully this wont be an issue for you for too long some people just wake up one day and its better or have great success with things like keppra
  10. I'm around the 2 year mark I pretty much have all the symptoms now they were less severe when I was exercising and being really healthy I felt if I carried on the way I was going I'd of beat it and then I got another illness which stopped me working out and bammmm my symptoms progressed everso slowly now they're worse as they've ever been
  11. I don't bother saying to doctors I have hppd or think I have hppd tried that once docs didn't have a clue what I was saying so I just say I have visual snow it seems to be more known than hppd the symptoms of the two seem more or less the same plus I suffer from migraines and experienced the aura with migraines before I ever had hppd or visual snow I feel they are very closely linked and if you cure visual snow visual snow I don't see why it wouldn't cure hppd visual snow surely it's the same part of the brain which is affected that's my hypothesis lol
  12. This is just for visual snow for me personally the worst symptom that and light sensitivity if I got rid off them two visual symptoms I'd be more than happy to live with the others
  13. Hmmm yes that is annoying if the email doesn't work I typed him into google and he come up didn't see an email adress though I'll probably just ring and see if I can speak to him or get his email that way he seems he might be helpful especially in prescribing medicine as he consults people with parkinsons and epilepsy so would have a good understanding of the drugs used I'll probably still have to go down the pct route though Grrrrr
  14. I've just read an article about a certain doctor who is researching visual snow here in the uk and in London to be specific in the article he said he's doing brain scans and other tests on people with and without visual snow also said he would be interested in hearing from people who suffer so here is his email M.weatherall@imperial.nhs.uk might be of some help might not but thought id put it up here I'll probably contact him in due course
  15. I'd have to agree with Jay visual snow being one of the worst behind dr/dp which I tend to get more when the visual snow is really bad it all fucking sucks though
  16. Weed only made my visual snow thicker whilst I was high then couple days after it would settle back down I went to amsterdam with hppd lol
  17. i drank a lot of green tea as I heard it was very good and full of anti oxidants
  18. I too have felt it seems to be more of an electrical disturbance maybe because my visual snow looks like sparks sometimes lol
  19. Yeah man it would be good to talk to someone properly about this who actually has this it would probably help me gauge other peoples experience too just be good to have a real chat
  20. I read somewhere about a guy who had an operation on his brain for hppd and it actually cured him he said that he had something put inside if i remember correctly to lower the electric activity in his brain
  21. It was on watchdog in the uk abiut how half of the stuff sold on them sites isn't even legit I've often thought about it but the prices they charge I'd want to be certain its the real deal n I just don't trust em
  22. Ive read its dopamine antagonist and used as an anti physcotic ive been prescribed this for my nausea but with what is says about it im wondering if I should even take it people with a little more scientific knowledge will tyis make my visuals worse
  23. Ok so basically I need some nausea medicine due to the op I had and I've read this works on the seratonin system and wondered how this might effect me would it make things worse ?
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