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Everything posted by Sammywalker2009

  1. Damn it's not one of those things where it's got to get worse before it gets better is it
  2. An acetylcholinesterase inhibitor (often abbreviated AChEI) or anti-cholinesterase is a chemical that inhibits the acetylcholinesterase enzymefrom breaking down acetylcholine, thereby increasing both the level and duration of action of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine. Reversible, quasi-irreversible (or pseudirreversible in some sources) and irreversible inhibitors exist.[1] For brainstem /cholinergic syndrome hallucinations that are distressing, multi-modality or with persistent delusions (or visual pathway syndrome hallucinations that are persistent and distressing) largely anecdotal treatment options include cholinesterase inhibitors, anti-convulsants and atypical antipsychotics17,18. Which class of medication to use will depend on the clinical context, with cholinesterase inhibitors a logical first choice for patients with cognitive impairments. any of the smart guys here understand this more than me lol ?
  3. The doctor I saw told me that people with my problems 100 out of the 1000 get the op slightly more but still not great odds I'm certain the operation would help me it's just getting them to do it they want to keep ruling other things out this sort of problem would be so much easier to deal with if I wasn't already dealing with hppd I was holding out in pursuing treatment of hppd as I thought I'd be getting my stomach sorted out sooner rather than later but it doesnt look that way now so I'll probably ring my insurers and see if I'm covered for persistent migraine aura as it's the most recognized visual disturbance and book an appointment if I am otherwise go down the nhs route I need to cure these fucking health issues
  4. Yeah mg it would be done laprscopically it's just the fact I've been suffering for so long and I have to wait longer and go through that nasty ass 24 hr test I dunno man I just feel down with it all need something good to happen in my life it's long overdue the last 2 years haven't been great too me lol
  5. I have a sliding hiatus hernia and it is pic c yes the fundoplication is what I was hoping the doctors would do the doctor I saw today was a specialist in doing this operation he told me he sees a 1000 people with this problem and only 100 can have the operation as if it's something to do with the esophogus and not reflux from the stomach the fundoplication would make things worse usually I'd put this sort of thing down to the doctor not wanting to do the operation because it's on the nhs they seem to be cutting back on all operations to try and save cash but I've gone privately
  6. Basically mg I've had an endoscopy they found a hiatus hernia. They keep saying I'm young and it's unusual for it to be causing me trouble so I have to have a tube up my nose and down my throat and left there for 24 hours which is connected to a little machine which I have to press everytime I get reflux Im on my third type of ppi been taking hr2 ranitidine and prokinetics they don't help me much I don't have any ulcers I feel in despair with it all if after this 24 hour thing he tells me it's not reflux and it can't be treated I dunno what I'll do
  7. Been to the doctors and found out I have to have this 24 hr ph test for my stomach it's not as straight forward as just having the op the doc said theres a chance It can't be treated and I'd just have to try and get on with it it's a fucking joke not only will I have hppd I'll have constant reflux and stomach trouble I really do just feel like saying fuck it Im at my wits end with this health shit I can't be fucking dealing with it anymore I have never felt so stressed and depressed in all my life
  8. Got my fingers crossed for you dude hopefully it works man I have heard of people taking it for a few months before it works then others notice it after a few days so still plenty of time man I really want to see if I can start this next year all the best anyway pal !
  9. That's good man real good did it happen suddenly then one day the visuals were gone or did it fade slowly day by day I've had it for about 18 months it gives me hope I read somewhere 50% of people clinically diagnosed with hppd get better around the 2 year mark
  10. So when you starting keppra duty I wouldn't worry about it being generic it's exactly the same chemically I am going to go see a doctor in London after Xmas who treats people with visual snow as for piracetam yeah you can buy it over the counter I bought some but wasn't sure if it was the real deal as It was a lot cheaper than other piracetam products on the Market but I'll probably get on loads of sups after Christmas especially if I get the keppra prescribed
  11. It's weird though coz now after I play video games I feel zoned out a bit don't know if it's where my eyes seem to of become more sensitive to light or what really
  12. No I took 5htp first which made me feel worse then bought that to take instead which didn't really help think it may of affected me sleep I had major derealization in the beginning only thing o found helped a lot with dr and other non visual symptoms was omega 3 fish oils and playing video games lol random I know also just exercising and eating healthy didn't try any other supps will get some in the new year though and hopefully start keppra
  13. I found it aggravated my symptoms too as did I with 5htp so I stopped them supps
  14. Maybe it's a premonition and you'll go on to create a cure for hppd and visual disturbances and call it scelera because it sounds like sclera which is the white of the eye and the majority of us here have visual disturbances. Lol I've had dreams that have come true weirdly once I had a dream me and my friend had a fight with these guys in a opera house. The next day me and my pal had a fight with these boys in a club. I've also dreamt I won the lottery still waiting for that one to come true though haha
  15. Haha yeah you would definitely get someone who would go to their doctor and ask for provasic lol
  16. Yeah this is very promising in the last 20 years medical science seems to have come on so much and in the next 20 years who knows what we will have cured hopefully hppd will be on of them and hopefully it will be sooner rather than later
  17. Haha you say that but I gave someone a drink once and told them it was alcohol and they were acting drunk it was so funny I don't know how powerful the placebo effect can be but I know it doesn't work for everyone and I know there's a theory it could be down to genetics on the programme I watched people mainly beat there anxiety and fears through the placebo but it also helped people with smoking and even cleared up peoples allergies such as hay fever and dermatitis next week it's about faith and how people who are religious can miraculously cure people I believe it will be related to the placebo effect I'm a strong believer in the power of the mind and brain you hear of these cases where people heal and it leaves doctors stumped admittedly these are rare
  18. Neramexane is a drug related to memantine,[1] which acts as an NMDA antagonist[2] and has neuroprotective effects.[3] It is being developed for various possible applications, including treatment of tinnitus[4][5], Alzheimer's disease,[6]drug addiction[7] and as an analgesic.[8] Animal studies have also suggested antidepressant[9] and nootropic[10] actions, so there are a wide range of potential applications this drug may be used for. It also acts as a nicotinic acetylcholine receptor antagonist.[11] What do you guys think could this help
  19. Since ive had it only notice it if I close my eyes and look at the sun it's as if I can see all the lines in my eyeball or something it's weird and nope not on anything want to be soon though
  20. Ahh I see is rock and roll your music genre preferences then mg and thanks for the different doctor info I'll email them tomorrow to see if they have any knowledge of visual snow or hppd symptoms
  21. Oh really yeah I been to Florida a couple of times loved it out there better weather lol can't say I follow zepplin or pink floyd though and whose David gilmore lol
  22. just watched a programme about the placebo effect it helped with all sorts of problems just wondered how helpful it would be with this condition especially if it was used with the power of suggestion just food for thought lol
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