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Everything posted by Sammywalker2009

  1. Yeah I was going gym all the time playing sport and was going to take up yoga lol gave up pretty much alcohol an weed then got this reflux problem so going to the gym stopped as it made me sick and now I'm in limbo as I'm waiting for tests to be done life is a bitch ATM I want to try the prescription drugs as many people have had success with the likes of keppra to get rid of the visuals for me would be like winning the lottery lol with all the time I've had on my hands lately and all the waiting around I've found myself constantly worrying about my health
  2. I been a year and a half dealing with this too it got better but seems to of got worse again since I have been having alot of stomach trouble dr/dp got better the quickest as for visuals the visual snow light sensitivity is the worst I'm aiming to go down the pharmaceutical route figure a drug caused this so a drug will cure this hopefully anyway
  3. Haha yeah I can imagine a high dose would fuck me up lol
  4. I find Valium doesn't do anything for me most I've taken in one hit was only 4mg all it did Was give me a dry mouth I need something stronger
  5. Yeah I get anxiety I've always been an anxious person before I ever had this though cant tell if I'm more anxious or not although I've only ever had a couple of panic attacks in my life one before hppd and one shortly after taking the MDMA the latter was by far the worst when I get anxious I feel really sick almost like butterflies In my stomach also I find I feel more derealization if I'm anxious I mainly feel stressed out and annoyed about all the waiting I feel really tense ATM with all the waiting around for the docs and stuff I feel angry too it's shit tue Valium helps but I'm reluctant to take a lot due to the tolerance build up and withdrawal not sure how long you would need to take it and how much to get to the stage where you'd get withdrawal symptoms though !
  6. I had one last night was weird I also had a dream where I thought I was awake in my bed and then I woke up I have the most realistic dreams sometimes so weird
  7. When you dream do you dream in hppd so to speak do you have the visual symptoms? I had a dream last night and dret I was looking down this country pathway with trees all over hanging and my visual snow was ridiculously thick first time I've noticed my visuals in my dream
  8. I love sleeping lol my sleeping has been a bit fucked up recently the valium helped a lt with that yesterday I have such vivid dreams always have and have dreams that feel so real sometimes I don't know whether they are I love it though very rarely do I have nightmares most scary dreams I have are when I dream a huge tsunami is coming lol and I can see it coming or see the water receding Ive even had dreams that come true not exactly but very close to what I have dreamt they call me the oracle haha jokes
  9. Haha this made me laugh could from another point of view the dwarf could be some kind of emotion or ego preventing you from doing things you want in life I.e get the girl doesn't have to be that simple the girl could represent anything and the dwarf is clearly an obstacle maybe the dwarf needs nuturing and will grow into a great guy lol
  10. That grapefruit juice or grapefruit wine lol jokes yeah I'll look into that I found the relaxed me even at 2mg first time I'd ever taken them though !
  11. Ah damn hopefully I don't have trouble I have to get approval from my local primary care trust which I'm hoping isn't going to be an issue it's all very frustrating keppra is an anti-convulsants which are generally used to treat visual snow I've read that many places on the Internet keppra is a well tolerated anti-convulsant I don't understand doctors who don't want to try it it's not as if it's a drug we would want to try or abuse we don't think mmm can't wait to get that keppra fix lol
  12. Good luck dude though dude hopefully the keppra works for you !
  13. Chris i wrote on your introduction but i'll write on here too I am currently going through the process to set up an appointment with doctor Ffytche this wasn't the doc you saw was it lol. have you not considered seeing this doctor yourself as he seems to be quite aware of visual distortions ?
  14. Chris I am currently going through the process of trying to arrange an appointment with DR ffytche I have been in contact with him and no waiting to get approval from My local PCT going down the private route might not be possible due to the nature of this condition and the hospital the clinic is run out of my insurers don't cover it well that particular hospital they cover kings but not maudsley hopefully i'll get it on the nhs
  15. I had one today but I don't think the 2mg has affected me that much i did feel a slight relaxation no change to my vs but I reckon If i had it at a higher does i'd defintely feel stronger effects from the drug
  16. I found another doctor mg who is an expert in visual disturbances hes got a clinic and researches this stuff all the time so thought he'd be my best bet I did email a couple of them docs you wrote down for me but they never wrote back I am in the process of arranging an appointment it's going to take a while but I'll try If there's a chance it well help and be sure to let everyone know as soon as I've seen the doc
  17. My doc only gave me 21 I'm hoping it just helps the anxiety then when I see the other doc I can get some meds that are proven to help prescribed just constantly waiting at the moment
  18. Yeah my symptoms have increased anyway due to all the crappy anxiety hopefully seeing someone with experience of visual issues soon
  19. ok so I went to the doctor because my anxiety levels are through the roof not because of my hppd but because of the other health issues and the doc prescribed me 21 tabs of this stuff havent tried it just wanted to know how this will affect my hppd I know clonazepam works wonders but didnt know if this has any positive or negative effects
  20. I was reading an article on a visual disturbance doctor here in the uk who I am trying to go see need a refferal from my gp his name is dr ffytche I'll seevif I can find the link
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