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Everything posted by mgrade

  1. So are you still enrolled in the university? Feel free to contact me if you wanna talk.
  2. 1045 This is the number of possible combinations of the game of chess. 100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 Excuse my language but Fuck it, it's not worth it. Bobby Fischer drove himself mad.
  3. I think bad symptoms, along with some added depression and anxiety and dissociation, can seem to a doctor making a diagnosis that one has a more severe mental illness. I don't know if necessarily there is a difference between really really bad hppd and very mild schizophrenia or bipolar disorder. One thing I know is that I was UNABLE to drink or do drugs. The anxiety and dissociation was so profound! I felt like whatever it is, what you want to call this thing we have was slippery and it was hard to catch or get a grip on it. At some point, you start getting some mental traction back, so to speak and you are able to get back some executive functions. This takes time. But Jay said it correctly. And I think jess understands as well. That sometimes you continue to experiment with drugs after this and sometimes it's OK, but other times it sets something off much worse. Maybe be something as simple as smoking marijuana or even taking something like prednisone.
  4. I feel your pain. And I also find klonopin or benzos in general to help but yes, you've stated the truth, that its easy to just keep upping the dosage and once the benzo wears off you're like "shit man! This sucks." I'm happy you made this video though! ☺ It takes balls to move on from something like this and not be a total basketcase! Cheers friend!
  5. Sounds like migraine. And these are also signs of dehydration. The anxiety just makes it chicken-and-the-egg: anxiety feeds your perceptual disturbances and the perceptual disturbances feed the anxiety. You also have to remember that some of these things you describe are somewhat "normal". One must consider that, unlike the eye of the eagle, much of the wiring runs along the frontal area of the eye for humans. Perhaps a somewhat faulty aspect to evolution but that is the fact as it stands now in terms of human physical adaptation. You've heard of the term eagle eyes. They get that reputation because the acuity of their sight. Well, one fact is that the wiring is positioned in the back of the eye, behind all line of sight, or rather not hindering the line of sight.
  6. This has not been addressed. Where did those posts go?
  7. This was never addressed. Does anybody know where these posts have gone?
  8. They use hydroxyzine in countries other than the USA for depression, etc. I think it's basically an antihistamine. But antihistamines have been used psychiatrically for a long time. It makes you go to sleep, i would guess. I don't see any downside, i think it's fairly safe...... follow your doctors instructions! And ask your doctor about interactions with other meds and food, just in case!
  9. It scares the shit out of me. Sounds like the drug that did it to me. (my drink was spiked) : /
  10. Nah. Not at all. You'll be fine..... ...........Nah, I'm dealing with my own crap. I'm propping up my bad self-esteem with the illusion of me really knowing anything. LOLLLL
  11. i had mentioned this one drug on this thread, post #181 Bit of an idea for possible CURE. Has some weight to it. Posted by -mg on 27 September 2012 - 09:43 PM in MAIN AND GENERAL FORUM Qaiphix---Check out this drug: Retigabine. ------------------------ IDK if this guy i am about to show you is any good or is no good. But here he is: Phil Corlett Ph.D., winner of a 2013 IMHRO/Janssen Rising Star Research Award, explains the basis for his proposal to test the drug Retigabine as a potential therapy for schizophrenia's delusional and anhedonic symptoms. *Note the dates LOL
  12. Uggh. Well, here is the funny thing (if you can find some humor in it : / ......): I was on both the HPPD site and the DP/DR site. I often see many people from the hppd site come on the dp site because dp/dr is one of their symptoms. I remember you on the dp site and, at the time, i was on a sober kick (..I still am) and i was like to anyone who said "hey i'm gonna do this or that drug", "Yo, not a good idea." LOL I remember you asking if it was a good idea and i remember just giving out my usual stock answer of "Not a good idea, i think". But f--k it!!!!! Just roll with it, and don't let anything too traumatic get to you. It sucks you've now entered the site of HPPD as a member. But ....eh.... you will improve ... i give it a 99% chance. We all want you to get better and we all have hope/faith for that, because we are all going through the same thing. We understand. Feel free to lean on any of us, if you are having a bad day or a hard time. .... OK?
  13. Really great honest video. I hadn't thought that ibogaine would help for people like us, and i think i had voiced that. The one good thing that did kind of come out of that shitty ordeal is that now (as you said in your video) that you know what it's like to have hppd and take ibogaine and you can warn people of its dangers. And that's exactly what you have done. It sounds terrible, ibogaine, and i hate the idea that it hurt you and worsened things some. I am wishing right now it will all go away (bad symptoms) for you. And for the rest of us. Nice to see you as a real person and not just a figment. Thank you again for the video. It will be ok if we all stick together; we love you jess.
  14. I've heard that Jess about naloxone and dp/dr. My guess is that it "resets" things but you could also try short term Seroquel as I think it "resets" things too. They both block things.
  15. May I add: i wouldn't do it. But hey what do i know? eh
  16. Suboxone is an opiate with Naloxone. Naloxone is used for heroin overdoses. And i believe Suboxone came about because abusers can not inject the drug and successfully get "high". Therefore it was not abused opposite as intended.
  17. Take a ride to France and just get some opiates [ie- painkillers]. I don't think you need a script there (not sure). You need one, some or all of the big three: 1. Benzos 2. Norepinephrine/Dopamine meds 3. SSRIs. I'm no damn doctor though!!! Low dose opiates may help too [iMO.....just don't get addicted please]. You need some klonopin, I think. The question is: do you have DP or DR or both? Because I have found that ADD meds have helped me overcome DP, less for DR. While wellbutrin and/or SSRIs can help both perhaps (at least in my case!).
  18. Oh Man!!! I was a regular at dpselfhelp.com. I had been on this site way earlier though. I remember you Miss Jess [reddish dyed hair, from England I think]. And I remember you saying that you went to South America for a PTSD/dp/dr exorcism (of sorts). These chemicals [DMT, Ibogaine, etc etc etc] are not to be toyed with, as you and the rest of us know. I'm so sorry though : (. In theory these shaman/medicine man cures seem worth doing but I'd be cynical and cautious. : /
  19. http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/image.php?u=79310&type=sigpic&dateline=1280054529 : (((((((
  20. This scares me :'( http://www.hipforums.com/newforums/showthread.php?t=385996 http://www.theverge.com/2013/10/2/4794780/fbi-seizes-underground-drug-market-silk-road-owner-indicted-in-new
  21. I like this guy! : ) You seem to be on my wave length. : )) )))))) But a bit out there. You arent still experimenting with illicit drugs are you??
  22. There are so many chemicals that can mess you up good. It's good to know what they are and ID them so we can avoid them and be cognizant of their existence. It's fine if these people from the druggy forums wanna test themselves and tell us about them. Though the rest of us make a very important point that many of us are suffering a LOT. We prefer not to glorify drugs that may cause us long lasting or permanent damage, effecting our lives fkn EXTREMELY negatively. The info is great. It's just we don't want any more damage; we want to get better. So discontinuing use of hallucinogens, dissociates, deliriants, etc. is our motto. I like Mike a lot but ...there are some bad things that grow from the ground: poisonous plants mushrooms castor beans nightshade angel's trumpet etc etc etc. {I mean willow bark is ok but some other sht aint so good .}
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