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I think it's a gift

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I dont know when it started exactly, maybe a year and a half ago, I was using LSD every couple weeks a blotter tab or 2 a time. Woke up one morning and noticed the ceiling kinda being blurry. Come later on to find out its called "Visual snow" I see it everywhere and especially in the dark as well as clouds of different colors randomly and small orbs of pure white light sometimes too. I do smoke marijuana regurlaly and it helps with the anxiety a lot. I dont know where its come from but I have this belief that maybe we had this layer over our perception of reality and now maybe its altered into just seeing more. I could talk for hours about the way its changed my perception on life and how the universe works....."If you let anxiety affect you negatively it becomes just another disorder, You can look at HPPD the same way."

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He only said it seems like a gift "to him".... Every case is different and it is a good mindset to get into.

Just be aware that your gift can become a nightmare, if you continue with drugs. If you stop now, and feel your hppd doesn't negatively affect your life... Then great.

Even with severe hppd, I find 1 or 2 positives (more empathetic, more in touch with nature)

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I dont know when it started exactly, maybe a year and a half ago, I was using LSD every couple weeks a blotter tab or 2 a time. Woke up one morning and noticed the ceiling kinda being blurry. Come later on to find out its called "Visual snow" I see it everywhere and especially in the dark as well as clouds of different colors randomly and small orbs of pure white light sometimes too. I do smoke marijuana regurlaly and it helps with the anxiety a lot. I dont know where its come from but I have this belief that maybe we had this layer over our perception of reality and now maybe its altered into just seeing more. I could talk for hours about the way its changed my perception on life and how the universe works....."If you let anxiety affect you negatively it becomes just another disorder, You can look at HPPD the same way."


You know who also mentions a chronic, debilitating disease as a "gift"?


HIV-positive people.

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  • 1 month later...

Wow, I can understand why you guys are acting the way you are, but this site is meant to help people. I'd say dude, read some other posts and see how bad it can truly get. It's horrific and debilitating for people so by you calling it a gift could perhaps upset quote a few people.

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I didnt see anything postive with hppd its just maked me more isolated and now mabye feel my brain has in coma dont feel no emotions like a plant, libido gone etc

If you say about i dont feel emotional pain this maybe the small benefit

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