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Everything posted by cs1234

  1. Yeah I rarely take klonopin but I don't worry about me
  2. Do CEVs cause afterimages for you guys? I rarely get CEVs but about an hour ago I was trying to take a nap and I got hit with this surge of CEVs. I was insanely tired at the time so I don't remember very many of them but I do remember just closing my eyes and seeing this cat in a box, and then it dissapeared and left an after image that took a while to fade. I forget what else I saw but I remember it was all really weird and most of the pictures/movies left afterimages. Do CEVs leave afterimages for you guys? I just thougt this was really strange
  3. ollie it's great you've already chosen to live healthier and stay sober. I can't praise thinking positively enough as well. I'm fairly certain you'll recover, but sometimes it can take a while. anyways, just wait it out and keep your head up. eventually the visuals will stop bothering you and then probably fade away. good luck!
  4. I think sleep is really, really important. I think that having a very strict sleep schedule helped me a lot, (as in eating meals at the same time everyday too, and dinner no later than 6 pm). the next most important things are staying sober and thinking positively,
  5. hehe yeah, i only used a 1/2 lb of seeds (was being cautious) but next time I'll try a whole pound and try to nod out for a little while, maybe that'll make all the snow totally go away, at least for a little while btw to answer your earlier question, kratom is a plant. I think it's legal in most places but you can buy extracts or a bunch of leaves in bulk at headshops or on the internet. merkan, have you tried any real opiates or just the kratom when you had hppd?
  6. stay away from ssris, but I'd suggest keppra. I've never tried it but I think it's supposed to get rid of that 'trippy' feeling and I also think it can help with ptsd. you should look into it though, that is if you stay sober for a while and nothing improves.
  7. I know hat you guys mean about the weed + psychedelics, I'm 95% sure this would have never happened to me if I didn't touch my pipe while tripping. I wish I knew I hadn't even been close to peaking yet at the time, but oh well...at least it was pretty damn cool to trip that hard. Never gonna forget those 12 hours though haha. Anyways, dph is pretty nasty and I've heard of deliriants solely causing HPPD on another image board, but all those other psychedelics probably didn't help either. Anyways I can guarantee you that if you quit smoking for a little while the anxiety will go away. I was smoking small amounts pretty frequently for the first couple months of HPPD...everything got worse, got a few new symptoms, my anxiety and DR were at all time highs, but then I cut back a lot and I'm finally feeling like my old self again. It's been 23 days since I smoked pot and I at least plan on not smoking til next summer, if I even want to start back up again at all by then. Also go see a doctor right away about all the other more obscure symptoms you have. I really hate to scare you but I don't think all that stuff is nessecarily HPPD related and the sooner you see a doctor the better. I know some guy that claims to be 'permafried' and lists some similar symptoms though, so who knows. I think that booze and bud are by far the hardest to avoid but you really gotta take a break, or at the very least limit yourself to just one or two drinks. I'm not sure If I'm reading your posts right though - you say that GABAergic substances make your anxiety and stuff worse?
  8. Just wanted to say, I made some poppy seed tea the other day. It's pretty much just some cola mixed around with a bunch of poppy seeds to wash off the opium latex some of them have. this contains morphine, codiene, and all the other alkaloids found in opium. It felt great and I noticed about a 50% reduction in snow. It only reduced snow, though...weird
  9. in the US ambien is prescribed pretty frequently for sleeping problems, so you should try to get a script! It's great that something cures all your symptoms, if only for 15 minutes. I've also heard some pretty crazy stories about ambien hallucinations too, so I wonder what effect it'll have on someone's hppd if they trip on ambien...
  10. from wikipedia: "Side effects are similar to those of morphine, but pentazocine may be more likely to cause hallucinations and other psychotomimetic effects;". I've never had any problems with hydrocodone but whenever I eat some oxycodone I start shaking, sweating,and getting pretty nervous towards the comedown. they always make my visuals better though. As far as anxiety goes, each one affects people differently...some people get really sick from hydrocodone but then they'll get 0 ill effects from oxycodone for example. I think that opioids like kratom and tramadol and pentazocine are kinda sketchy though, but hey if you don't care about visuals then go for it. Also if I were you I wouldn't risk it with the salvia haha
  11. I mean it's a hallucinogen so there's probably a 99.9% chance your hppd will get much worse
  12. wait, did our serotonin receptors get permanently worse or better? My guess would be that they got permanently worse, in which case the 5-ht2a antagonist would help. i always got the impression that more serotonin = worse HPPD (ie: ssris making hppd worse)
  13. has anyone ever heard of cyclobenzaprine or cyproheptadine? cyproheptadine is an anthistamine and on the wikipedia page for it, it says: "Cyproheptadine is known to be an antagonist (or inverse agonist depending on the site in question) of the following receptors, listed in order of potencyfrom greatest to least (Ki): H1 (~0.05 nM)[20] > 5-HT2A (~2 nM)[21] ≈ 5-HT2B (~1.5 nM)[22] ≈ 5-HT2C (~2 nM)[22] > mACh (M1-M5; ~7-12 nM)[23] ≈ D3 (~8 nM)[24]" so it's a 5-HT2a antagonist (or inverse agonist, whatever you wanna call it). i wonder if it'll greatly reduce symptoms or something. I also mentioned cyclobenzaprine because apparently it has a very similar structure to cycloheptadine (i also got that from wikipedia) so has anybody tried these? it might be worth a shot
  14. I smoked several times a week for the first 5 or so months of HPPD and I think it made it a little worse in the long run. One day after I was smoking 3 or 4 times a day for about a week, (it might have been a little more though) my trailers got noticeably worse suddenly. I remember I picked up a can of soda and it left a really trippy trail and it hasn't really been the same since then. at least trails don't bother me at all. I also think it can be interesting to say the least what the stuff does with your snow.
  15. Yeah I know I checked in every day to see if it was back. That's too bad though. keep your head up!
  16. I didn't really believe this until I ate an ear of corn about a week ago. My visuals got so much noticeably worse. haha visual I'll never doubt you again. Is there anyway that eating corn can cause a long term impact?
  17. I've been on it for about 1.5 months now but my doses have been pretty well scattered (not everyday). Hopefully it'll stop doing this to me but it's well worth the trade off. yeah 16
  18. ^yeah I never tried meditation but I've read about it really helping out some of the people here. Anyways I wouldn't really recommend using them because of the addiction and crippling, long lasting withdrawals but you could always try the occasional use of benzos. Know what your getting into though if you chose to go down that route. Valerian root is a supplement that apparently has GABA in it and it reduces visual snow for me.
  19. This post has been promoted to an article
  20. Ok, so I know one of the side effects of benzos is memory loss, but i get it REALLY bad from klono. even on .5 or 1 mg, the memory loss is so bad that I forget what I was just thinking about or doing in less than 5 minutes. On 2-3 mg, I honestly walk up to people with the intention to talk to them, but then I actually forget what I was gonna say. does this happen to anybody else? Does anybody have any other benzos I could switch to that don't have as many memory problems?
  21. yeah .5 doesn't really do much to me, but it's all my doc will give me. I don't take it everyday too cuz I dont wanna get addicted. Anyways, best of luck to you man. Everything will balance out soon enough.
  22. haha i know what u mean. smokin pot at lunch time and then going back to school fried only to get even more smacked later after school and sneaking out in the middle of the night getting twisted and etc etc. good thing hppd doesn't last forever
  23. im jealous! So did it have any affect on visuals?
  24. Hey hope can I do a mail-money order for this?
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