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Everything posted by cs1234

  1. Sadly it sounds like you have a pretty severe case of HPPD, however your case seems kind of unique. Valerian root sounds fine, some of the members here use it to get to sleep easier and report no ill affects. I've yet to try it but I just ordered some form Amazon so hopefully it'll ship soon. If you have really bad anxiety I'd suggest getting some form of benzo script for occasional use, but be wary of addiction. As for other drugs, defineitely never even think about taking hallucinogens or MDMA. Weed is also a big no-no. Alcohol can also really affect visuals negatively. I'm not entirely sure of how stimulants and other drugs affect HPPD. Opiates are known for having few physical adverse effects on the body (except for the obvious addiction and terrible WDs) and I'm pretty sure they don't really make visuals worse, but you should just stay away from them in general. I've seen some family members go down the wrong path in life from opiates and end up in jail as 22 year old losers. Bottom line, STAY SOBER if you want to recover. It's not even about taking "anything 'big'", because soft drugs like weed can really aggravate and permanently worsen HPPD. ...However I am kind of interested in how kratom affects HPPD. it's legal where I live so its very tempting. Did you notice it worsening your symptoms? I don't really know the difference between opiates and opioids so this kind of interests me. I hated this feeling, but I attributed it mainly to anxiety/PTSD and since my anxiety has gotten better it's gone away. It's funny you feel your symptoms worsen in the summer because I find the opposite. Also, you should try motorbiking! I read that extreme sports that cause a larger amount of dopamine to be released in the brain can actually ease symptoms. Whatever you do, if you stay healthy and sober you'll eventually heal up.
  2. yeah I'm just waiting for the right time for the talk. I KNOW he's tripped before but still...I'm just waiting for the right time.
  3. I dunno about HPPD, but I know you can hallucinate from xanax WDs. I've also read about people getting HPPD after trippin off spice.
  4. My dad's an eye doctor. This makes me kinda wanna tell him about my HPPD so I can at least talk to him about prescription glasses and maybe even get some that may help.
  5. I contracted HPPD while on antibiotics. Of course HPPD was from the LSD but it's just worth mentioning. Also, for the past 6 or so weeks I've been on 2 different antibiotics twice a day. Yeah they'll make you sick at first but I didn't really notice worsening of symptoms. However when I got off them I think my visuals got a bit better.
  6. Adaption is very hard but you'll get through. Even if your visuals don't heal up 100% sooner or later you'll just get adjusted to HPPD and it won't bother you as much. It might take a while, but it'll happen eventually. This might not mean much coming from someone with mild symptoms, but from what I read on the board no matter how bad your HPPD is it'll become easier to handle eventually. I hope the sinemet works for you and remember to keep your head up.
  7. Dude I wish you wouldn't worry so much. Kinda recently I've discovered that most of my anxiety was just negative thoughts that I made up for some reason...it was in my head. I'm not saying that your anxiety is made up shit in your head; it (probably) isn't. But it was for me, and thinking positively has made all the difference for me. Lately I spend probably less than 10 minutes a day focusing/adressing my visuals, and I'm convinced I'll at least make a partial recovery by the end of summer. Remember, your still young and your brain is still developing and since you've been 100% sober, you should make a full recovery. For me, HPPD only affects me as much as I let it. I would at least go to a doc and get some sort of benzo script that you can use occasionally if I were you because it sounds to me from some of your forum posts that fear and anxiety have been consuming you. But I'm a different person than you, and my case is pretty mild, so anyways... That does sound pretty scary, but some weird shit has happened to me, too. Once in the morning 15 min after waking up, my snow (which at the time wasn't even snow but just straight geometric patterns) turned all hexagonal and got 10x bigger and then got smaller and changed back to circles in like 10 seconds. It freaked the shit out of me for like the next week.
  8. Ever heard of PMA? It's not positive mental attitude (i love the bad brains lol)...it's Persistent Migraine Aura. It's pretty much HPPD brought on by migraines instead of drugs.
  9. Once when I was drunk I bumped some nutmeg...bad idea but nothing happened. haha food is the least of your worries just stay away from beer.
  10. yeah man this is a great place for support but I forgot to mention try not to read about HPPD very often...the less you acknowledge it the faster it'll go away
  11. hey jay, you ever try a really high dose of that picamilon stuff?
  12. I'm with ferret on this one, alcohol causes dehydration and that's the main cause of hangovers. and dude when I'm really really dehydrated my snow is so bad i feel like I'm trippin again. like seriously everything changes color too and trails get way worse. stay hydrated guys!
  13. Welcome to life buddy But anyhow, my situation is pretty much identical to yours. Did acid 3 times, short bad trip brought on by weed, tripped off weed the first couple times after the lsd, same exact mild visual symptoms, etc. Seriously haha, I feel like I'm talking to a 6-months-ago version of myself. YOU NEED TO STAY SOBER! I only got HPPD on new years day this year, but I've been smoking moderately and occasionaly drinking since. In fact, I just went completely sober a couple weeks ago. Your injury might have something to do with it; but only because of stress/anxiety that accompanies injuries. It sounds like your HPPD is mild so please stop drinking and smoking, I think all your symptoms will go away if you stay sober. I wish I had, and I feel like I would have healed by now if I didn't smoke at all. All my friends are potheads too haha, but you just either need to tell your frat bros what happened to you and how you cant drink/smoke anymore, or just find some new friends. BUT SERIOUSLY STAY SOBER! now my visuals are a little worse than when it all started and I have anxiety out the ass. good luck and I know you'll heal in time if you stay sober
  14. My doc claims 1 mg "isnt enough to REALLY get addicted" but tbh my visuals don't even start to go away unless I'm really fuckin benzed lol. So, unless .5 magically makes your visuals go away, I'd just stay away from it. However, it will do wonders for anxiety. But if you can live with the anxiety just stay away because the memory loss is pretty noticeable even at low doses. If you're still taking classes I'd at least wait for those to finish. You might even want to go with Jay1's klono program (2 mg like once every two weeks and then an occasional .5 a day 'vacation' week). But like I said, if you NEED it. My doc's plan is for me to take a tiny amount at night for a little while cuz she thinks it'll just calm me down long enough for HPPD to pass (because I'm young and I feel like I'm on the tail end of HPPD at this point). Thoughts on my situation?
  15. I've had HPPD for 6 months. The geometric patterning is very strange, I can almost control when shapes appear but I cant make them disappear. is this normal? I'll try magnesium suppliments cuz that sounds easy and cheap, then move on to other suggestions if that doesnt work. Thanks guys!
  16. In the first couple of weeks of HPPD, my visual snow was 100% geometric patterns. So whenever I closed my eyes, I saw crazy alien-like patterns. The shapes moved and changed and got bigger and got smaller etc. This meant that I would need to face these patterns for a little while when I was falling asleep. It got to the point where I was dreading bedtime and I was scared of it. Since then, I've learned to sleep with the light on and thankfully my snow has turned into more of a geometric mesh/static and its really easy for me to get to sleep. However I'm still scared of going to sleep and I still usually wait until I'm too tired to keep my eyes open to go to sleep. I'm still scared of going to sleep even though it's no longer stressful and scary! I've never had sleep problems before, in my opinion it's one of the worst side effects of HPPD.
  17. I've been given the chance to try triazolam as a sleep aid because of the insomnia that comes with HPPD. This is a benzo, but it's different from xanax and klono and valium. Triazolam is a hypnotic benzo similar to rohypnol because it just knocks you out. Anyways, I've heard that at high doses triazolam causes delirium and hallucinations. So how would a small dose (.125 triazolam) orally affect my hppd? Does anybody out there have any experience with this drug?
  18. I know what you mean nepu. Even though i might not ever touch weed again I'm always gonna keep my bowl just for memories. And oh god that heavenly smell... Different strains give you different highs and affect HPPD differently, I had this one strain with very high THC content but the high was fluffy and comfortable and I had zero anxiety and my HPPD didnt flare up as much as it usually did when I smoked. I think I read that someone's HPPD hit them really hard when they took a couple hits though. They said they had mild HPPD and rarely smoked, but one night they hit a joint and the next morning their HPPD was worse than ever before. Don't smoke after you recover, you never know what might happen.
  19. Hey james you should see a therapist or something, they can really help with social problems (even if its really bad). Tons of people including myself have always had social anxiety problems, but yknow try to see someone about it. I also love phil lesh and I'm gonna see the further in a couple weeks, i cant wait! Haha what a long strange trip, sometimes I wonder if that line is about HPPD.
  20. Oh damn haha I wasnt really thinking when I posted that...I just saw the 'tuss' in the name and immediately related it to cough syrup. Anyways dont do hyrdrocodone or dxm
  21. I don't really know what to say but I feel like I should post something. You should really take jays advice and go out and just do stuff. I know a guy who has a psychiatrist for a lot of social problems. The psych told him to go to a park and just try to have a conversation with everyone he saw. I not sure if you have any social problems but I'm just putting that out there. Also have you ever thought about Zoloft? Ssris can make hppd worse but some people say it doesn't affect theirs that much. Besides, if your suicidal I would think its worth it. I just feel reall bad for you man hang in there.
  22. Believe me dude I was thinking the exact same way. 5 months ago If you asked me if I could go the rest of my life without ever smoking again, I would say f*** no! But now I think I would be able to never smoke again and not care. I dunno, I guess after a while hppd just made pot less and less fun, but still you need to kind of accept how you might never be able to touch weed again. I know it took me 5 months to accept that, so that's why I'm saying you don't need to quit right away. But now I don't even crave weed anymore.
  23. Haha shaolinbomber^ I agree with u but I think he's talkIng about dxm, a dissociative that has 4 completely different highs depending on how much you take. The only dxm experience that I had was when I took around 300 mg of he extended release stuff with 15 mg of insuflated ritalin. I had also been taking adderal a couple times in the days before the experience. I was at the second plateau but I think it started to border along the 3rd plateau because I was starting to get super noticeable and scary time and audio distortions. Jesus that was a scary trip, not because I didn't know how much I was taking and it hit me pretty hard when I was I unexpectant of it but because I was soooo scared I was gonna start gettin visual hallucinations and that it would fuck up my hppd forever. Luckily it didn't but because of all the adderal and Ritalin Anne dxm in a small time period I got a mild case of serotonin syndrome. It was terrible, i got a tremor in my neck whenever I drifted off to sleep so i was just up all night shaking.i think that i permanently fucked up my visual snow, made it larger and now I see these little flashes of light in it. It's been returning to base line though, especially since ive been stayIng sober. Even though it was scary lookin back I wish I could've known that it wouldn't have fucked up m hppd so I could enjoy it, bu here's no way in hell I would do it again. If you don't have dpdr yet then I would stay away from all dissociatives at all costs too. It was kind of a spiritual trip tho, learned a lot about what's causing most of my mental problems. Bottom line, stay off this shit, especially while u have hppd. I understand that this particular drug might click with you, but you'd regret takin it if it made your visual snow worse, like it did to me.
  24. Weed and alcohol make your hppd worse in the long run, especially if your smokin blunts all the time haha. Anyways, I smoked for 5 months after I got hppd and I regret not stopping sooner. I mean you dont need to stop right away, I believe I was mentally addicted to weed so I couldn't just quit cold turkey but you should start to slow way down, only plan to get high a couple more times before quitting for a good long while; at least long enough to heal. I miss being a pothead but I miss my normal vision more.
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