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Everything posted by gill

  1. I still drink caffeine. Yeah, it can cause a temp aggravation of hppd at times, but I've never noticed any permanent worsening from it, in the past 6 years.
  2. Well I do experience physical pain and even head pressure at times. I think these things are stress-related though. I find exercise to be helpful. And it doesn't have to be anything extreme. For instance, if I have to time to watch tv, instead of just sitting there, I might lift a few weights while watching. Or, I try to find time every week to jog too.
  3. Drinking excessive is the worst thing for HPPD in my experience. Try to avoid it as much as possible.
  4. Hello, yeah I've been dealing with this too for years now. Basically started the worst at 22, now I'm 29. As you said, and I agree, is that dealing with anxiety and even depression can be more helpful than trying to treat visuals. There's lots of different things which can be helpful for that and then the visuals can seem more in the background.
  5. Well there's nothing too horrible about being on klonopin in my experience, except I'd say to definitely avoid alcohol if you or anyone ever takes it. Combining the two definitely led me to problems. The main problem with klonopin, again, is coming off the stuff. So it's just important I think to plan ahead as far as how long you'd intend to take it if you do, because, it's real easy to get stuck into taking it a long time just to ward of withdrawals, in my experience....
  6. It's important to remind yourself that the dissociation is temporary, that it's not going to be a new permanent state, no matter how bad it gets, but it can take some time to pass. I've had dissociation so severe at times, I thought I had finally totally lost my mind, but here I still am, and things have gotten better, I don't have any special defense to dissociation, so I think if I can improve it's a good chance so will anyone else. You know, our bodies can heal a lot on their own. And, one of the biggest problems I've had with hppd/dp/dr is trying too hard to force these things away, which can cause more problems. I wish I would have had more patience in the beginning. It's very important to have to help get through this.
  7. For me, klono initially did seem to take the edge off all my visuals, in as much as 1mg, within a few days. But I grew a tolerance rather quickly to those effects. I don't think the long-term emotional effects of it are really worth the visual reduction though.
  8. I was on a decent amount of klonopin for a few years and overall I don't think it was really worth it. Maybe for a couple months it could help get things back together, but I found it very difficult to get off of (I'm still on a tiny amount which is still hard to get off) and it just causes more problems in the long run. Best thing to do if someone does decide to try a benzo would be to have a definite amount of time you plan to be on it and stick with it, see how things are after that time. Since, it can be easy to get caught up in never getting off because of the withdrawals.
  9. gill


    welp. nm.....s
  10. Yeah, I had OCDish thoughts. Noticed changes to my perception after LSD. Since OCD involves attention and serotonin, and LSD directly effects attention and serotonin neurons, I wouldn't be surprised if there's neurological relation.
  11. http://www.nature.com/npp/journal/v26/n5/full/1395848a.html
  12. I think taking it this way is worse than daily. The stuff will be going up and down in your blood, never stabilizing, causing withdrawals every week. You have to be consistent about the stuff, or just don't take it..........Least that's my experience.
  13. If you've never tasted nac, well, it's very acidic, so an antacid can help.
  14. Yeah, good point, the other issues, dp/dr anxiety are usually more directly effected by things and helping those things can make hppd seem less of an issue. And I just wanted to add, my intent here isn't to discourage people, but more just to bring a sense of skepticism back to the situation. I used to try all sorts of things, and wanting this or that to work so badly, just wrongly convinced myself that something was helping, but really wasn't doing much, and so, it's not about discouragement, it's about taking a step back and taking an honest assessment of the situation, and not being influenced by hopes and emotions... And if something doesn't work, well that's not the end of the world either, which is another story....
  15. I just gotta say that I don't think most of these meds for hppd are much more than just placebos. A couple years ago everyone jumped on the bandwagon for keppra, trying it because of a couple ppl responding well. At first a lot of people said that it was helping, including me, but it was mostly hype, since like most people, I realized eventually that it didn't do much at all. Welp, it's the same with this levodopa. A couple people report good effects, then everyone gets all excited, jumps in on it, then exaggerates any positive effects because they expect and hope it will help, only, which is inevitable, that in the long run they realize it doesn't do much of anything. Unless, anyone can show me otherwise, I'll be waiting to see it..... And don't get me wrong, I'm not saying a few people who've responded well to this or that are invalid, or that no one should try things, it's just that people should be skeptical more than anything. I've seen this hyped-up effect before, and even been a part of it, which just leads to people being influenced not by reality, but just their hope and emotions. I remember when people all the sudden thought melatonin was going to cure them. heh, whatever, I've tried tons of things, and mostly just tuns out to be hype, a placebo mostly, unless someone can say otherwise, and be honest with yourself, not just saying something helps because you wish it would.....
  16. From everything I've read about people's reports here, I havent read much of people saying that Sinement helps much directly with hppd symptoms. Seems to be more of an anti-depressant than anything. And klonopin does seem to help with some hppd symptoms for people. But being a depressant, it also dulls certain aspects of perception. So if a person is on klono and takes this, a lot of it may be simply the countereffect to the klono effects.
  17. In my experience, yes. But if you still feel the need to try this or that, I would at least avoid LSD, since in my experience this is the main culprit.
  18. Mine went from very subtle, no problem, to much worse years later after taking more hallucinogens, so basically, it can get worse, and then it goes from being a subtle change to a problem, since it can get very challenging to ignore at a point...
  19. Hi, Pretty common, fatigue, depression, muscle weakness, irritability, generally anything which has to do with mental depression.
  20. Keppra did diminish some of my hppd, but more so dp/dr perceptions. I decided that the side-effects eventually outweighed the benefits and stopped it. However, I do think the med is on the right track, which is , that hppd has to do with disinhibition, therefore, drugs which increase inhibition generally, and which I've tried, have diminished hppd to a degree. Of course though, this med like most, does not discriminate for the areas of the brain which need the effect and which areas do not, leading to the common problem of whether the side-effects, (which are generally manifesting from an effect of areas which do not need the effect), are worth tolerating for the benefits, the areas which do need such effect.
  21. Keppra made me very depressed too after a few weeks. Not surprisingly I suppose since it is a depressant.
  22. Half the time when I want to do something, clicking on a link, such as my profile, or to edit a post, nothing happens, I have to right-click the link and open it in a new window for it to load. I'm wondering if I'm the only one who has these problems, or it's this site. I don't see why it would be my computer since it's up=to-date, but whatever, it's no big deal, just thought I'd make awareness of this.
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