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Everything posted by Jay1

  1. Hey, welcome to the site! I never had any success with pregabalin, but i don't really respond to anything other than benzos.. Glad to hear it's working for you!
  2. Hey, welcome to the forum. There's no such thing as a dumb question when it comes to health, ask away! Hemp products have zero effect on your disorder, so no worries there. Maybe the slight anxiety of using something that you were unsure of increased your symptoms a bit. I think getting off prozac will probably help a lot.. Good luck, Jay!
  3. Hi, you wont get any lectures here. A lot of us were also doing drugs in their teens. I had some symptoms when i was 14. I think the best thing you can do right now is be completely honest with the people trying to help you. Parents, doctors, teachers... Anyone who is looking out for you. Tell them about the drugs, the clonazepam, about HPPD. Explain to them that you are being honest with them because you are suicidal and desperately need help. You should not get in trouble for that. Please keep fighting and feel free to DM me if you want one to one help. I can even try to help explain it to your parents if you want. Btw - I am now 46, have lived with HPPD for decades, but have also lived an interesting life... Travelled the world, had businesses, I am married, have great friends etc etc... I can't promise you will get better, but I can say that you can make a life worth living, even with this illness. Stay strong, Jay
  4. I'm pretty open minded about the supernatural, but on this one, i'd say a definite no.
  5. 3rd day taking P5P (150mg, once in the morning). Nothing noticeable yet (good or bad), with the exception of feeling nauseous for a few hours after taking it.
  6. I also had some form of hppd at around 14-15 too... VS and moving objects... Sadly, i thought it was cool and a "free trip" Purple Ohms, Strawberries and Raving test tubes for me! The microdot I had a glastonbury 95 was what finished me off, they were about 10x the strength of anything i'd taken before and made my visuals what they are today
  7. Welcome and thanks for sharing. I fear we are seeing the first ripples of a tsunami of HPPD cases brought about by this type of therapy. I hope you are doing ok
  8. It's a really complex situation. We are the obvious example of very severe "side effects" of these drugs. But the legit treatments are certainly helping a lot of people too and they are generally doing it in the safest manner possible (pure drugs, eye mask, minimising stimuli). I think the practitioners need to give serious thought to this sort of treatment though, especially when treating mental health issues. HPPD will happen to some of the patients and they need to be upfront about such life changing risks. As for the trolls, don;t give them any oxygen... I'm sure most of us were in denial of any risks too, when we took drugs.
  9. Hi Helena, welcome to the forum and thanks for sharing. I would say that your case is more likely to be VSS and I think you will have more success with doctors if you describe it as such. There is a case to be made that the ADHD med caused this though, amphetamines could potentially cause HPPD, though it seems rare (anecdotally). From what I have read though, the treatments, triggers and overall advice seems to be pretty much the same for VSS and HPPD, so the info you find on the forum will be relevant. And yes, it can definitely go away... There are plenty of success stories on this site, and I get a lot of DMs letting me know that people have got better over time. It's something that often seems to go away after a few months.
  10. Thanks for the update, i'll give it a try! Anything that could help ease my dpdr would be priceless
  11. There are three things that can really screw with my hppd 1) Drugs, 2) Stress 3) Lack of sleep. Lack of sleep really makes my dpdr and anxiety worse.
  12. Hope it goes well, let us know if it helps at all
  13. That's a good article, thanks for sharing. RIP Joey, very sad to read that part of the story.
  14. Hi John, that's an interesting observation and one i'd never heard of before. I can only assume certain chemicals are being released during those episodes that help with visuals, (Gaba?). Hopefully some of the more scientifically minded posters can add their thoughts.
  15. Jay1

    VSS or HPPD?

    Do you mean the SSRI was what started your illness or you have now started on SSRIs to try to help the issue? If it was an SSRI that caused your issues, you could probably class that as HPPD... but really, it makes no difference what you call it.. The treatment, things to avoid etc are all the same, from what I have read.
  16. Sadly, probably not. The only test i've heard of to show anything is a qEEG (not a normal EEG). The only success I ever really get with doctors is to calmly explain what hppd is, show them research from other doctors and try to guide them to the correct conclusion (basically letting their ego think it's done some of the work). It's a fucked up system, but it is where we are currently at, in the UK at least.
  17. Yea, there's a few of us from the UK here... I'm from the midlands Welcome to the board
  18. Just a side note, anyone thinking about the blindness thing (we've all thought it)... Just try wearing a dark blindfold for 24 hours. It's way harder than you think!
  19. Do you guys not drop into the dark web or similar when you can;t get benzos? That's how I used to do it before getting a script.
  20. Do you have a link to the research?
  21. Yea, keep on fighting... I know you've been through the ringer lately, but you are a very strong person and will get through this
  22. Welcome to the forum, some great points in your post and you sound like you have a very good outlook to this. I find having creative outlets (music, writing and design for me) have been so beneficial to keep the stress and depression of this disorder at bay.
  23. That sounds very promising, if I understand it correctly... Great find, thanks for sharing!
  24. It's possible that it is all interconnected through drug use.. At this point though, i would not think of it as hppd unless your mild visuals are still there too? Even hppd itself should probably be divided and treated as sub issues (anxiety, depression, visuals, dpdr etc)... I think grouping it all into one condition is a bit limiting.
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