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Everything posted by Merkan

  1. If you happen to own a beach resort im up for a job
  2. I do not know why, it does not matter if i take the maximum of Vitamine-D during the dark time of the year. I am so much less of a person. During the summer im almost oblivious to HPPD, but when the darkness comes its there, still in the bakground due to my meds. Mind that i live in Stockholm so we only got like three months of proper sun. I dont know how you other guys feels about this, a lot of you are living in the UK and NE US. So there should be a similar seasoning, but not that extreme as here. If you have these issues, how do you co-op? Jay seems to made a good descision to move south. I have been thinking about just that but need an income. The other option is ro sell everything and move to that exotic, cheap place though it wont hold up in the long run.
  3. D.Kozin said that he used a racetam as a "go out and do things" - drug. Lets hope the stimulating effect is a result of improved HPPD-issues is happening.
  4. I am really excited. Hope for all of our sake this will work.
  5. Thats interesting indeed, Larry. Might be on to something in this thread after all.
  6. Never had any issue with Coke though i have not used it since my worsening. Anyway, witht our without HPPD, wanna go ultimate narcissist, its for you. I hate that Coke and opiates are the only things can be used (in moderation in my case) cuz they bring me nothing that i desire. Cant even have a beer or anything else. Emphatogenes, is a real pitty they worsen HPPD permanently in many cases. Those are "good" drugs used in moderation for recreational use. Psychedelics are more tools imo.
  7. I do not understand this really but does this mean picking amanitas or "no-no" amanita this fall
  8. Actually, i had the same experience. Problem is that my symptoms got worsened for two months past that. But those hours gave me great relief. I recommend guided meditation that is focused on mindfulness/zen stuff. not the compassion or religious thingy. I believe in order to get the relief of significant one need to do something more, like vipassana or have meditation as your lifestyle and not use meds. With intense meditation comes some psychological issues even in healthy people. I am not ready to go there yet. Probably as a last resort if shit is going down in the world or if my meds stop working.
  9. To be fair, i didn't know there was a history between you guys. So probably it wasn't the best to jump in. What I said was from reading this thread alone. Whatever the feud is really about, my coment was derived from the posts here.
  10. Well, as any other member since i stepped down as admin i can now say whats on my mind. To be honest, if i wouldnt have read who was the one meditating for 6-7 years, reading in to the language used i would think that Chris would be the one meditating. Disguyhere, you seem so frustrated. Why? Its just one person not agreeing with you, asking relevant questions about your success and how it works. If it was me, i would be happy to explain how different meds that helps me work (which has been my path). That goes for the low carb diet i am on as well.
  11. +1 for magnesium. 300-400 mg at night. Thats how i take it. I also take 10.000 IE of Vitamine D during the dark and cold season. Both are great
  12. What would we do without the chinese home cook chemists? In a way this is a "good" era to have HPPD, the information age goes boom! As long as information will be free on the web, i think that the fast spread of ideas and knowledge might be our best hope for the future.
  13. Daily doses: Keppra 1500mg, Sinemet 200/100mg, Clonazepam 2.25mg Other: 400mg of magnesium citrate Need 'em all and kills my severe HPPD completely as long as i am on 'em and do not drink etc. Wont change this (tried many times, no luck) 'til something else, exciting stuff comes up.
  14. Problem with xanax is that it easily becomes five pills instead of one and then blackout. I've never had that issue with Clonazepam.
  15. Used to be my kinda music. Still in to it but not the really psytrancy stuff. Anyway sail, i will follow your trial with much interest.
  16. Finally something new. Since i needed to make myself a Guine Pig for Keppra and Sinemet, I am glad that someone is taking over. I'll follow this with big interest. Hoping for something great improvments in meds. Current regime works but its sooo many pills to take each day.
  17. The right doctor is the best, if you get tjis permanent you should at some point look around at available docs. with some understanding or knowledge about what you are going threw. There are two success stories from long term sufferers as i know it. The intense non-religious meditation techniques. A couple of members did this for some time and got very possitive results. However, they said that it was very painful as HPPD got extreme in the beginning of the meditation. 2nd is the self therapy that Jay did. It does not remove symptoms but they wont bother you as much. Basically fordring your mind not to be affected by them. Do not look away from the visuals and do not focus on them. Just try to look at the world as you used to without putting too much thought in to it. Without medicine i can recommend the strictest keto diet there is. No carbs except from like aspargus and such that has 2 grams/100grams. High fats and normal proteine. Its been used in seizure patients. Also magnesium citrate, 200-400mg. Keeps your attention and sleep pattern in a great way. Attention has a lot to do with HPPD (dr. Harper)
  18. I do not believe in the stress thing. Especially since the effect i and others get is the same as alcohol. Several weeks/months for it to get back to base. I cannot drink a small beer without getting lasting symptoms. That beer would not show up on a test. I have been around CB environment, like someone lighting it up in the park and did not get any effect though feeling anxious. Went to a CB freetown and is still feeling effects 10 weeks after that exposure. There are 100's of active compounds in the air, enough exposure and you will get affected. Some people seem to have another threshold mechanism then others. I have learned one thing about HPPD and that no normal model is appliable for the individual sufferer.
  19. I do not believe in the stress thing. Especially since the effect i and others get is the same as alcohol. Several weeks/months for it to get back to base. I cannot drink a small beer without getting lasting symptoms. That beer would not show up on a test. I have been around CB environment, like someone lighting it up in the park and did not get any effect though feeling anxious. Went to a CB freetown and is still feeling effects 10 weeks after that exposure. There are 100's of active compounds in the air, enough exposure and you will get affected. Some people seem to have another threshold mechanism then others.
  20. Sorry, but this is for sure temporary. Makes me aware of how much info is lost as the community has progressed. There were numerous tales of improvments, much like yours, post MDMA. But in all tales the symptoms returned within a week. Lack of serotonin that binds to the receptors causing the mechanism of action in HPPD is probably the reason. When you stabilize, the symptoms returns.
  21. Though i am very liberal i am actually thinking about doing this. I do not have an issue with my homecountry but the short summers and cold climate and darkness has made me decide to move over the bad parts of the year. I am looking at different options but its hard to find a place where it is year around sun and warmth and no CB. I was thinking about Tel Aviv, Miami, LA or Kerala/India but all of those are CB infested. I could go to some muslim country like Malaysia but then there is the issue of isolation. Its not just about leaving, i need to do something. I produce house music so all i need is my laptop and my keyboard and phones but i cant sit in a random hut for 6 months either. Gonna keep looking for that place.
  22. When and how was your passive CB episode? My life has been more or less f*cked the last two months because of it and it is that vertigo anxiety that is the worst.
  23. Didn't bother reading the thread, bit anyway i take 400mg of magnecium citrate (there are good and bad kinds of mg). Before bed, knocks me out and makes me a lot better and functional at work.
  24. I believe that it is possible to get affected by small amount of CB but only if you have HPPD. I cant drink a half a beer without getting symptoms, even if i do not get drunk. Our threshold is much, much lower and can be even more so on a personal level. I never get high on passive CB but the hundreds of compounds existing in CB could very well do some effect. Jay can obviously smoke it without lasting effects, if I stay around an area with CB in the air long enough, i get very bad for a month up to six weeks.
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