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Everything posted by Merkan

  1. Some people have asked me why DMT release during sleep does not effect my HPPD. I heard about DMT release during night but i do not know if this is scientific prooven. If it is, can someone explain it?
  2. Is it supposed to be aired on NatGeo or is it already been done? For those people who do not get threw to their docs with papers or do not have the capability to search threw the litterarature, just showing this could be helpful though the Flashback term can ger you wrong in the system.
  3. I read that some start talking about Sinemet as a placebo. Now Sinemet has been showen to work in a way that was more then the researchers could think. I got a mail from David for some time ago and he said he was stunned about the results. It does not work for everyone, the researchers aknowledge this. Now i am on other meds but i can vouch that Sinemet turned me back in time to pre-HPPD. I do not visit this board fore the sole reason that im full with life and busy with living. I produce music, have an online project and will also studying music with start this fall. Besides that i work with starting my life again. The last one is hard, i still feel like 21 when i got this. I just wanna ensure that this is no placebo. However, it does not work for everyone and additionall medical therapy might be needed to get you 100% there. Visual however said that Sinemet made him 75% better on sinemet alone. It might not work for every individual but do not be hasty to call it another placebo.
  4. Gill>> I do agree with you, I seem to be one of the few who strike lucky with all these meds. What goes for Sinemet it has a 30-50% succes rate in trials, i think this is important to remember. Lets say that there is 30%, that leaves 70% to wish for. However this might say something about HPPD and perhaps variations of it.
  5. Well i started on 1000mg and then went up to 1500. Tried to go down to 1000mg before sinemet, didn't work out at all. When the Clonazepam cut settles i might try to go down again. I did get a bit irritated in the beginning and some migraines but all that left in a couple of weeks.
  6. 1.5mg, 0.5mg*3/daily. I just made a cut from 2.25mg so i am still a bit shaky but things are getting better. I need a couple of weeks to know if i am just as good with this dose.
  7. Congrats Fred, since you are four days in I would say its safe that this is your new pal. Its really wonderful to experience the connection to your surronding again, i know. Keep going a couple of weeks and if the 20% visuals are still there you might wanna try keppra, like 1000mg and see if it takes care of the rest.
  8. This is more and more likely to be the greatest advance in HPPD since Clonazepam was first used.
  9. Gotta answer to this as well. This is one thing i notice when i am in the bathroom. My pupils are down 50% in size. Also they adjust to light switching on and off instantaneously
  10. Yes very relaxing, when i first took it, and still at some times, it feels like my body looses tension and i get more balanced in my mood.
  11. It should be mentioned that in Dr. Abraham trial with DA substances there were 30-50% success rate. So, that some people wont feel any difference is expected and i believe it is important to discuss this in the open (trials) to get realistic expectations in people.
  12. Shaolin, have you tried keppra and how did you react? What is interesting is that most people who respond to keppra seems to respond well to sinemet. I agree with the afterimages. But with keppra my visual snow goes away aswell. However i have not A/B tested, with and without keppra due to my recent cuts in klonopin
  13. Boogres> i am sorry i dont have too much time to give you a proper answer but i read all of your questions and the answer to them all is yes.
  14. I started Sinemet for about two weeks ago. The dose is 50/12.5mg 3x/day Well, the story goes: I was very nervous when i was about to pop the first pill, i remember it like when first taking psychedelics. I knew there were about 30 minutes before getting full effect. I took it and laid down i the couch trying to distract my thoughts, listening to some relaxing music. It only took about 15 minutes before something happened. I felt different in a way. The effect kept raising, i didn't now if it was good or bad. When the clock where close to the 30 min mark I already had tears running from eyes. I felt this "warmth" in my body that is very hard to describe. I cannot say it was like a strong painkiller cuz my mind was sharp. But it was soft and so pleasant. I started to notice my body, my legs, arms etc. it really felt like I sunk back into my body and felt a comfort i didn't have had in years! The initial effect stayed with me for, say 3 hours. This was at afternoon. I was excited about the initial reaction. I took my 2nd pill, the evening dose, and the effect became even stronger but this time i was ready for it. I felt a little bit of anxious that passed. I went to sleep and slept well. During the following days, I felt great in every way. My DP/DR was completely gone. The last visuals subsided in 2-3 days and everything in my vision became smooth. One week later I reached another threshold. The member "Visual" explained it as "recharging a battery and it takes a week for full effect", i did not pay attention to that then but now i know what he means. My sense of orientation towards the surrounding world functioned for the first time in 5 years. Everything around me felt real and i could place myself in time and place. My creativity and libido came back, i started reading books and wanted to interact with people. I phoned my whole family just to speak out because I started to feel an attachment to them. I can truly say that this has changed my life in a profound way like nothing else before i have tried. I do however feel a bit confused. One would think that the question "who am I" would come up but the question that i am trying to sort out is "where am I". I got this disorder when i was 21. It is now 4.5 years since and it feels like i just woke up from a dream, like I am back where i was at 21. I do not feel sad right now about realizing the fact that I lost my youth years but i am perplexed where to start of again. My idea is not to try to catch up what once was but just to start of my life where it is now and what i feel about it.
  15. Sorry to hear that Jay. Maybe you are right, your visuals are very intense but you still live a very normal life it seems. I do not have the same visuals as you have described at the board before but i am suffering badly on a functional aspect. When i look at your work i am amazed of what you are able to do, i would never be able to study or even think a creative thought without meds. I'll post my story to show another outcome and we might learn something
  16. I found your approach very healthy, Gill. I have heard similar approaches where there is denial but that is definitely not in your case. I support your stand. I do not care what i call it, since i combating HPPD with meds i need to call this a disorder at my appointments but i do not dwell over having a disorder when i am symptom free.
  17. For those of you that try this, please make a topic in this section so we get some quality anecdotes. I will post myself further on, right now i am trying the difference between the slow release and the instant release
  18. I am sorry i do not respond that much to questions on the board anymore. I try to keep it running and remove spam (its been a lot of that!) besides going to class and having 500+ pages of literature to study every week. Visual has done a tremendous job explaining sinemet. Yes i can think, feel, sleep etc. completely normal. Like Pre-HPPD. I have only been taking this for two weeks on half the dose that Jay1 is on (100/25mgday). The only concern now is what to do with the other meds. I have already dropped the clonazepam dose with 30%. I do not now i Sinemet alone would do it but since i have a lot to study i cannot experiment too much right now. I already took a huge leap with cutting the clonazepam dose. To give you an idea; when i normally walk in to the bathroom at night before turning the light on everything is black and a little bit hazy. On the first day on Sinemet, i walked in to the bathroom an immediately my eyes adjusted to the darkness and i could see the whole room and objects in there, clear. When i took my first pill i started crying 30 minutes in due to the feeling of sinking in to my body again. When i looked out of the window i could adjust my vision like i had superpowers (normal vision that is), like reading the text on the ships in the harbor, before Sinemet, i didn't even notice the ships.. But the best part, i remember....i remember my family and emotions towards them, what my life is/was like before HPPD. I feel like an individual basically.
  19. No idea Visual, i cannot tell at all if it helped.
  20. Done! no more WD symptoms +1week after last drop. Im starting to stabilize already. Sweet.
  21. When it comes to depth perception it is kinda interesting, i can actually see the depth of a spot on my screen towards the webpage i am reading on right now. My English vocabulary ain't good enough to explain it better, maybe you understand. Levodopa/carbidopa is really something special. I know that there are 50/12.5 pills available. I will ask my doc to prescribe me them next time. Wanna try the difference between retarted ones and the instant ones.
  22. I hesitated to post about my Sinemet trial. But its up now and it changed my life to the better, WAAAY more then only Keppra. I take the same dose as you, twice daily. Right now i am on the retarded version. Not sure its the best one but it works. DP=gone.
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