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Everything posted by Merkan

  1. Dont worry. I got issues from 2nd hand CB. I spoke with another person who had the same experience at two times and both times it took him 3-4 weeks before it got better and 5-7 weeks before baseline. My experience is the same. Took me four weeks to get functional, before that i had a lot of anx. Now i have migraines since i am starting to get better, 5 weeks post the toxic exposure. The migraines comes because i start to do things again but stil a bit fragile minded with slight visuals. Dr. Halpern adress the need to try not to focus on symptoms for a better healing progress.
  2. Im scared of anything "natural" except opium and its synthetics since my set back four years ago on kratom. It ruined my already f' hppd life. I do not wanna go completely sober for the rest of my life and opiates just makes me not care about life. Is kava known for what it does? Kratom was known as an opiate substitute but showed up being partly tryptamine.
  3. As i have read on numerous forums there seems to be an almost certainty that cannabis wont enter the bloodstream in high enough levels to get a person high. There has been some debate about extreme "hotboxing" can actually get someone affected. Now this is for normal people, in HPPD nothing seems normal. I've been around smokers outside on festivals and never experienced any effect. However, recently i went to Green light district in Christiania/Denmark. I went to have a look at this place all people talk about and at the outside cafés people were smoking a lot. At three occasions i felt a strong smell though i wasn't near any smokers. Everytime i felt a strong smell, I went away and/or tried to hold my breath when i realised that i could not get away anywhere, i simply left. When i left , i felt a bit uneasy and weird in my body. I paniced a bit but could manage it. I did not feel a mental high in any way. I am not sure if this was some kinda effect from a panic attack from something in the contact high spectra or a real effect of cannabis. While i did not get a mental high, i still got slightly intreased visuals and DP/DR. I can only explain this in two ways: 1, I got a panic attack and my weak HPPD brain responded accordingly 2, I actually got exposed to some amount of cannabis that would not show up on a test but once again my weak HPPD brain is over sensitive. There has been some people complaining about effects of passive marijuana smoking. I have been exposed to the smell of Cannabis before, always outdoors, and never felt anything. This time though there was a lot of it and the body sensation is hard to just ignore (hard to walk straight and felt numb in my legs and a bit dizzy). Still have some DP/DR left and some elevated visuals. So I am asking the community, what are your experience of passive inhalation of weed? I hope that all this was a suggestive experience. But I have heard others who really believe they got a bit high though far from what you get from smoking it yourselves. So, any stories?
  4. Sammy> Keppra 1500mg, Clonazepam 2.25mg and Sinemet 200mg. Yes, its a lot of pills in a day but as long as i keep track on time when to take em i am ok and that beats HPPD any day. Also noticed that magnesium citrate is a great sup. Probably because it helps so much with sleep. I use the app sleep cycle and i get 90-100% quality sleep. Without it i get like 50-65%
  5. I believe a white lie can be handy at these situations. Just say that you took the pills and call after two days and say that you cant stand the elevated symptoms. But thats just me and how i work
  6. Clonazepam made me ok from the worst visuals and i pretty much need that as a base. Keppra and Clona is a great combo for me. Keppra makes me less dizzy. Sinemet gave me that last thing, affection and cognition. Its the ultimate DP killer to me at least. If my system was "clean" i would start with sinemet if i was depressed about the whole situation. A part of me is interested in what would happen if i would go off keppra and Clonazepam. Sinemet is the only one i havent tried on its own.
  7. As i said before when i got my worsening 4 years ago, i will do anything that potentially could make me better even if it would kill me. Now my meds are giving me 100% relief but if there would be a surgery to get me off them, i would do it just for that reason. Lets say that you would do all these tests and qeeg and they find some markers of where to start slashing and there would be progress with whatever they do, i would go off all my meds and compare my test and see if i had the same markers and if...bring forth the butcher knife! Btw, Deep Brain Stimulation sounds kinda nice. Orgasm for the brain...mmmm
  8. Too bad i am symptom free with the current meds since i was the Guinea pig on this board or else i'd be on it yesterday. Anyone else wanna give it a go? Some of you who taped blood and felt relief might wanna try it.
  9. I do not know much about this but it was suggested at another forum. Its supposed to relieve pressure in the cns. Remember that some people who have given blood felt relief and there were some debate about cranial pressure. Sorry if this already been discussed but some of you neuro experts might wanna take a look at it.
  10. In depth, any ideas why is it helping? Is it because we have too high 5-HTP levels in relation to "normal" dopamine levels or are the dopamine levels just low by themselves for some reason, causing 5-HTP to be normal but still high relative to dopamine. Or anything else? Would be nice to know really what is going on in there. Btw, still love the sinemet and since the sun is coming back i do not need my Vitamine D pills for much longer but discovered magnesium and its a great addition to my arsenal 200mg:s of magnesium citrate on empty stomache right before bed makes great results on DP/DR.
  11. This is especially for those who lives in parts of the world with little sun exposure, especially related to seasons. I have noticed that my symptoms got worse between october-mars. I always believed that it had to do with colds and being indoors to much. I read that during the summer, just 30 minutes/day of sun exposure gives you the maximum amount of vitamine D. Since the body only can store vitamine-D for 1-3 months, a deficiency is almost unavoidable. when the sun does not reach over 45 degrees above the horizon the body do not accumulate any Vitamine D regardless of exposure. All of this is particulary Important for people with darker skin then kaukasian. So why is this Important? Vitamine D plays a big role when it comes to dopamine and norephedrine functions. That is probably why scandinavian countries has so much depression during autumn/winter (lack of Vitamine D) and a lot of anxiety during the spring (levels of vitamine D raises too fast from aprox. nothing). People i have encountered from abroad that visit Sweden during the winter season often get diagnosed with Vitamine D deficiency when going to the doctor complaining about fatigue and blues like feelings. So, if you live in south of the US or mediterranean you are probably not affected but if you live in a place where the clmate changes during winter and where there is darker periods when you dont get exposed by the sun you might wanna look up a supplement with Vitamine D3. In the beginning you might feel nervous if you have Vitamine D deficiency when the dopamine levels stabilize (believe me, i did) but that passes in a couple of weeks. I take 5000 IE/day (30 min of proper sun exposure gives you 10.000). This is by far the best supplement i have taken and it is standing next to the trinity of klonazepam, sinemet and keppra. Of course this isnt as taking sinemet but for me it helps a lot. It is almost like my cocaine, sometimes i just need to take an extra pill if i get a bit tired and dizzy. Tired and dizzy=brain fog dp/dr. Soon i will up the dose to 10.000 IE but i do not recomend it as a starting dose. The darkness is extreme here so i guess one have to feel for themselve what a proper dose is. I recomend starting with 2000 IE and perhaps increase it if desired. My stories should always be looked at as anecdotes but my pupils are even smaller since i started this.
  12. As you already can see, i am no longer administrating the board. The reason is my own wish to do so and David made it happen. The reason is very simple, at some point most people need to move on from something to something else. I've been here for five years now and i feel a bit fed up with it all. I sat the other day contemplaiting why and it occurred to me why. All of my old buddies that embraced me on the board five years ago is long gone. I feel old in this community, too old like there is nothing more for me to do but feeling blue when i login. I do however had some great help from people that is still on this board, Jay and Visual the most. I cannot thank Visual enough for him to guide me to the life i now have threw previously unknown meds. Jay has been the one to bring laughs even when things really looked bad and also helped me out with other things. Basically what i am trying to say is that you wont see me around anymore. From time to time i'll probably check on the progress in research, as i believe my old buddies do. One day i hope we all can come together when there is a major breakthrough for all of us, my breakthrough has already come and i owe myself to embrace my new life and move on. The fear of moving on is what kept me here for too long the last year but now i know enough about myself to take the step and meet the scary outside world. Take care all and I'll see you around somewhere in the future.
  13. I am not sure this is even to consider a serious thread. Was thinking about closing it since it has nothing to do with the "cause". Yes, people ask about continous drug use post HPPD and that is of course something to be serious about. If you want answers, and not attention, search the board and you will find plenty of discussions about this.
  14. First, there is a great chance that your relapse will fade. I have had contact with a member who "relapse", or get aggrevated symptoms from passive cannabis smokers everytime. It takes about three months for it to settle and he need to take a break from his studies each time. Do not panic and wait a bit longer and try to keep your normal routines if possible. I have also been around passive cannabis smoking since i go to a lot of outdoor raves and have had people smoking a ton around me. But that is outdoors. However, one guy smoking a joint should not affect you in a car. But when i listen to what the other member say it seems like HPPD:ers are more responsive. Non-HPPD:ers need to be exposed to a lot of cannabis in unvented spaces for a long time to get affected.
  15. Looks like its going to work out after all. The worst spaming is gone and Jay is active. However, it would be great if one more active admin could be in for at least a year. If you are interested, try PM David. Unpinned....
  16. +1! However , it isnt something to take for symptom relief but raises some interesting questions. I learned my lesson on staying awake on pills for insomnia.
  17. Cannot remember I've ever had any after images from cev's. When i get them during periods of worsening in HPPD i do not even need to open my eyes to get rid of them. I just roll over on My back and focus on a thought to wake myself up a bit and then its gone.
  18. Just wanna heads up about kratom. It made my HPPD full blown for 3 1/2 years ago and got so bad i ended up at the hospital for weeks. Now i need three types of medication to keep my symptoms under control. The onset five years ago i can accept since it came from MDA and i new it was an ecstacy tab when i took it but still i have hard to get over the fact that i got full blown HPPD from the "safe" Kratom.
  19. Sorry for the bad english, wrote it on an iphone with swedish spell correct while watching a movie.
  20. Well there is a menu above you can use, just skip the eggs and meat. If your goal is 30grams try to find that yoghurt i talked about and eat more. Use cinnamon. 400grams is plenty and if you find that yoghurt that would be like 16 grams of carbs but plenty enough fat to make it til lunch. If you dont like meat, eat the unprocessed chicken of your choice with cream at lunch. That will give you like 2-3 carbs from the cream as long as its full. For dinner you can eat salmon with cream cheese spread on (like butter on a sandwich). That is if you arent over sensitive to omega 3 that many with HPPD get. In that case you can make stuffed paprika where you cook the paprika whole in the oven and the cut the top and fill it with cheese and perhaps some grinded meat and mushrooms. If money isn't the issue you can use portabello mushroom instead of meat. I do not really know how to replace meat (i guess we are talking about red meat here) with anything else then chicken, fish, portabello or eggs but eggs was out of the equation. Maybe someone else with vegetarian recipes can pitch in. But do use butter, cream and healthy oils to get full.
  21. I do eat some veggies like asparagus. The thing with keto is that the need for water based vitamines is reduced. For instance the inuits survived on whale meat. Also, the tooth issues from sailors was solved by adding fruits when they started eating crops and potatoes alone. The carbs fuels inflamation and with a low carb diet, less vitamines are needed. The essential vitamines one get from meat, fish, cheese, eggs etc.
  22. I had similar things going in, remember that its more or less like detoxin from a drug. At the two-four week point your brain switch fuel from carbs to ketosis. A typical daily menu for me is: Breakfast: 200grams of russian yoghurt (17% fat) and two boiled eggs. Lunch: chicken thigh fillet cooked with real butter or olive oil. Then i add plenty of cream for it to cook further Dinner: Some kinda meat cooked in butter/olive oil and then i add either spiced butter or a puré made of mashed broccoli and cream. If i need snacks i eat some fine cheese or smoked sausage. Stay away from processed stuff and dont over do sausages, even if they are low in carbs (some sausages contain 10gram+ carbs/100grams.) Too much of processed meat like bacon and sausages can cause bad health. However, bacon and eggs makes the ideal breakfast. And do not go easy on the fat! You'll need it to stay full.
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