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Everything posted by Mr.50's

  1. No it usually doesn't sometimes though from 1 cig but if its gonna happen its from 2. I inhale a fuck ton more often than the average smoker to get a huge nicotine rush but that's just me
  2. Probably not but any affect in visuals yet?
  3. It would be interesting to me to see everybody's living conditions. Just a picture of your rooms to see if anyone has a clean room or if they just don't give a shit about their living conditions due to the stress of hppd. I personally try to keep a clean room ill post a pic soon.
  4. Thanks for asking I'm doing pretty nice nothing great but almost on the verge of feeling normal. I thought I should post this here, I'm not sure but I think something is changing with my visuals. They are fluctuating greatly from bad to good during the day and idk something is just different with how my snow looks. Trailers have reduced lately but that's my only reduction. Do you know what's happening? And how are you doing?
  5. I'm sorry you guys for saying I was almost done when I wasn't but I was telling the truth. I heal so much when I'm relaxed and not at school so when I had the 2 week Christmas break I was literally that close to recovery. When school started it went back to the way it was before but I'm still not feeling bad. I swear this summer so much healing is going to happen I will probably be cured.
  6. Big update, I'm actually still doing great! I just had a few days of intense stress and pressure and it made me worse but I am still doing just fine. The biggest news is I realized something VERY important to me. When I feel like the world sucks and I feel depressed its not my hppd, it's the way I view the world. Hppd and depersonalization made me expect the worst from the world and just in general not be happy because it makes me see the world as a depressing fuck but it isn't. If I can manage to make my self feel more optimistic and happy with how the world works I won't feel mentally like shit anymore.
  7. Do you guys know anything about PTSD? I think I have it maybe it sure seems like it
  8. No I was just feeling really fucking good I mean REAL fucking good for a bit, but its over now
  9. Yes I agree but when my visuals go away will it still be like that?
  10. Fuck dude idk. My visuals are still going away just a little slower. Can you relate that feeling like your doing great and then random anxiety and depression strike from nowhere absolutely no cause they just happen?
  11. Haven't been feeling as good as I was, amazing how this disorder goes from up to down so unexpectantly. I'm still feeling ok ill tell you if anything gets worse tommorow from the stress and anxiety of Mondays.
  12. And just like that I get a little anxiety and it all gets worse again. Not feeling as good as yesterday but yes as long as I keep my anxiety low like it was yesterday I think I'll see a complete recovery of all of my mental/cognitive problems within a few months. It's weird though, since my visuals started to go away I've never been to excited or happy for that. I guess the anxiety and dp/dr is the worst symptoms of them all.
  13. I'm glad to report that I am almost completely done with this hppd shit. i have been feeling AMAZING lately and my visuals are quickly dissapering. I've never felt better in all of my hppd days which has been almost a year in total. I'm just so fricken happy, I had to tell somebody. My visuals are still there but they are all very mild and are vanishing at a relatively quick rate.
  14. I had to post this as my symptoms are almost completely cleared up and I'm feeling amazingly normal again except for this symptom. It's not about seeing my visuals more in the dark but its more, kinda unexplained. At night I feel like shit and scared of life and everything in general. My anxiety gets worse and I just feel like shit again. And no I'm not scared of the dark I just feel scared in general. Can anyone relate?
  15. I take that 500 mg pill^^ in the morning every and It has reduced my visuals by about 25%. It definitely makes my stomache hurt though.
  16. I've been taking it for almost a week now and have not noticed a change in the intensity ofmy light sensitivity. Although it weirdly seems to be reducing my visuals by about 30%. Kinda supports my belief that I have something physically wrong with my eyes.
  17. Sorry you guys this was a stupid post I was high when I posted it. My account was actually blocked or banned for like a week cause when I tried to log in it just didn't let me. Wtf is with that jimmy guy? is he hacked or just haven't a hard time lately?
  18. I've heard multiple times that when an hppder takes a large dose of a benzos their visuals dissapear entirely. Now I may be wrong but doesn't that mean that the only thing keeping your visuals there is an ever present anxiety, and that if you remove this anxiety completely without meds that you would see a very large drop in visuals and they would slowly dissapear till thepoint of no longer having hppd?
  19. Alcohol is my drug of choice now, I would love weed and used to smoke 3 times a day but shit changes. I seriously don't recommend you smoking weed, It isn't always that bad on your symptoms but it seriously sets you back in terms of mental progress, seriously.
  20. Idk why but my snow is getting thicker everyday. I take my vitamins, valerian root, and eat healthy. My anxiety is unchanged, it's bad the entire day, and my dp/dr is still the same, not bad but noticeable. Why is it getting worse while every other symptom stays the same?
  21. Can you explain what it is? Is it just plain magnesium?
  22. About to pick some up from cvs, pretty cheap stuff IMO. I have a lot of hope in this stuff. I've realized that my light sensitivity actually intensifies my visual snow but mostly my after images. If this stuff reduces my light sensitivity by any amount I will definitely be adding it in my daily routine.
  23. Just waking up from another scary night. Idk why didn't post this before maybe it was because it didn't happen every night like it is now, maybe I tried to ignore. This is BY FAR MY WORST SYMPTOM, and it happens every night. I go to bed and fall asleep nothing strange but when I wake up, I'm in hell. I wake up and no matter what I'm scared as fuck and i can't think straight, I start thinking about killing myself, my brain convinces me that my symptoms are so bad that there is no reason to live. Now I know it's not something along the lines of waking up from a nightmare and forgetting it but still being in a panicky state. I don't have nightmares just dreams that are so vivid that when I wake up I think that my dreams had actually happened. My dreams were like that from day 1 of hppd and this scary wake up thing did to but it went away. But since I relapsed on pot a week ago, it's been non stop. I don't take anything for sleep if that helps. Sorry for making it so long but can anyone relate, I need advice or something cause this is horrible.
  24. Probably has to do with the fact that drug use is so accepted in modern society that there are a lot more kids that screwed up than you thought and are looking for help.
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