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Everything posted by Mr.50's

  1. Good give life a try without nicotine, no matter what life is gonna have major ups and downs. I know what you mean by sick from nicotene. The other day I smoked 2 cigs in under 15 minutes, threw my guts up for almost an hour.
  2. Just wanted to know if anyone else uses. What are its effects on your visuals compared to ciggarettes? No this is not a "how tobacco affects your visuals" thread. Shisha, hookah tobacco' doesn't have all of the additives that cigarettes have to make you feel happier and get nicotene in your system faster. With that said I just want to know how it effects your visuals compared to cigarettes.
  3. I've created my own "benzo" sorta speak. I've found it very useful if I can't get my hands on any actual benzos. First off I drink a big glass of grapefruit juice. 15 minutes later I take 2 450 mg valerian root pills. The grapefruit juice slows down how fast your body removes the benzos contained in the valerian root. Sounds weird but you should give it a shot, it seriously helps.
  4. Idk about the depletion of dopamine receptors, I don't believe that they would because they don't release much at all from nicotine. I've heard that it can increase anxiety, obviously because its a stimulant. I know for a fact though that it helps me get through the day, there's nothing better then waking up and having you first cig of the day. Idk if this is true but I've heard that if you've smoked and then use an e cig that overtime it creates a film of e liquid on you lungs. And that this film of e liquid helps to dissolve and "loosen" the tobacco tar on your lungs, therefore cleaning your lungs.
  5. Bpl4269, thanks ill just live with it, been doing that for quite some time anyways
  6. Thanks for the reponces, my visuals aren't as bad as yesterday but I'm freaking the fuck out. I've thrown up 6 times today at school from the anxiety alone, I can't get picked up either chase both of my parents are at work. I just feel like I was cured which I basically was and I just hit the restart button, literally.
  7. I fucking relapsed this weekend. I needed a break and smoked a bunch of pot now everything is worse. I was so close to recovery I actually felt normal! Now I'm scared all the tim, can't sleep, visuals are worse, I'm just do fucking scared. I know it was stupid but I don't know what to do now.
  8. This weekend I tried weed again for the 1st time in 8 months. I smoked a lot of weed in a period of 24 hours. Stupid I know I seriously needed a break but this was dum. I was literally so close to recovery, the closest I've ever been. Now my visuals are worse tenfold, got my anxiety back, headaches. I'm still a little high right now actually. Please I need some advice to, get back on track sort speak.
  9. All you guys know that getting stoned doesn't feel the same anymore. It, atleastfor most of us, is usually full of anxiety and feels a lot more like acid. With the amazing fact that my symptoms are improving, I was wondering that once this goes away, will I ever be able to smoke again. As a high school boy weed was and still is my life. I was just wondering, even if I manage to not get anxiety during the high, will I always "trip" on it?
  10. Puppeteer, I don't fully trust e cigs, they appear relatively safe but there is really no research into them yet. Floydian1973, yes it definitely reduces my symptoms and gives me a nice mood lift
  11. Hey everyone, this is mostly for people who's symptoms are reduced from smoking. I've recently discovered snus, they are basically little tobacco pouches. These things are cheap, they are not fire cured which releases carcinogens, and are accepted as the safest way to consume tobacco out there. The chance of getting oral cancer from these is like 1% and if you don't believe me there are TONS of studies out there that confirm this. I am not recommending consuming tobacco of any type even one this safe, but I you find nicotene helps to alleviate your symptoms, you should at least give it a try, he'll of a lot better than smoking.
  12. I'm going to an eye doctor for this. I'll update on the effects of the medication hell prescribe.
  13. Little late, but light sensitivity is my worst symptoms and I'm getting it checked out by an eye soctor soon. Sice lute in and zeaxanthin are the most prescribed for it, I might get them. If I do I'll tell you about any changes in symptoms
  14. Hey everyone, I need some help. I know most of you guys aren't in school anymore but maybe if you have a job you can relate and or help. Every single day I go to school, EVERYTHING gets worse. My brain fog is worse, vision worse and I seem unable to become happy. I'm currently a freshmen at a cool school right by the beach, I have lots of friends and school itself is easy. Besides these great things, school just feels like a death sentence, it has never been this hard even when I had only a few friends and bad grades at a shitty school. Does anyone here currently go to school or is stuck at a Job they hate for a few hours everyday? Do you have any tips to get through the day
  15. Hi I seriously want to give keppra a try. I'm 15 and I feel like I shouldn't be dealing with this hit right now and I'll do anything to get past this, but I don't want to get addicted to benzos. Do you guys know if I can be prescribed keppra at my age and if hppd is enough to be prescribed it, thanks
  16. Holy shit you did coke!? Well it isn't that bad if I were going to do a drug with hppd I would have done either coke or an opioid . What was it Like? How did it effect your visuals
  17. Andrewcb, they sell the liquid extract at my Walgreens I haven't tried it though cause its so expensive. About the benzos I really just want them for emergency like a bad day or a panic attack. I'm thinking about lyrics now that you mentioned it, I've heard some good about it. Btw, kava is known to cause liver failure and is banned in some places, why the fuck do they have to ban it for that when they just put a small label on cigarettes? I don't know If I can get benzos or lyrica anyways cause I'm a kid so I kinda have to go to the doctors with my mom and I Don't wanna explain stuff to her. And can you tell me about Kanna, I heard it causes anxiety to.
  18. Do you guys think it might have to do with sleep, getting to much or not getting good sleep and not knowing it?
  19. I know every one of you have experienced this. Why do my symptoms get better and then worse. It's like I was feeling SO much better lately and then I wake up one day and my symptoms are randomly worse and I'm depressed. I've been anxiety free lately and my visuals were getting better but this happens whether or not there's changes in my life. Can someone explain?
  20. Hppd24years, all of my symptoms are low on the scale. My visual snow is usually barely noticeable during the day and isn't a problem st night. My afterimages are light but sometimes noticeable,not when I look at light but passing cars or if I wave my hand in front of my eyes. Everything else such as trails, tracers and morphing are very low except for my light sensitivity which has always Been a problem. You should ask your doctor for some sort of benzo like klonopin, I would if I was old enough to be prescribed them
  21. I've posted something about magnesium and valerian root but this is new. I've been taking 1000 mg magnesium pills 2 times a day,5 450 Mg valerian root pills a day, and 5 Passion flower pills a day. I have absolutely no anxiety now and as a result my visuals have greatly decreased. I never really had bad visuals but now because of these pills my visuals are about a 3 or 4 out of 10 on the scale. These are all relatively cheap supplements you can get at any cvs or Walgreens, all I'm saying is to give these a shot you won't regret it.
  22. Andrewcb, can you tell me about this prl-8-53 stuff. What exactly is it and is it safe for a teenager to take. Also where did you get it. I have brain dig nothing as bad as yours but I would like to have absolutely zero
  23. no matter what photo i use it says its to big and idk how to use the adjust to crop thing. ive got a sick profile pic but cant post it. can somebody help me, im bad with computers so dont give me crap if its really an easy thing to do.
  24. Hey oddysseus, by plastic shel on your head do you mean like the feelings on your face don't feel the same. Kinda like your face is a little bit physically numb. I get this non stop and only on my face its really weird
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