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Everything posted by StateOfRegret

  1. File Name: An exploratory study of combination buspirone and melatonin SR in Major Depressive Disorder File Submitter: StateOfRegret File Submitted: 05 Mar 2014 File Category: Publications An exploratory study of combination buspirone and melatonin SR in Major Depressive Disorder (MDD): A possible role for neurogenesis in drug discovery Click here to download this file
  2. I have access to it. In fact, I have it open right now through ClinicalKey, but they do not allow printing or exporting to PDF. I'll see what I can do.
  3. Always interesting to hear about people's experience with supplements. I remember reading that NALT is really just tyrosine with better bioavailability(?)
  4. Lower Ki means higher affinity. Potency is proportional to affinity. Which in itself would be pretty useful for many of us :-) Does it posses no direct effect on 5HT2A-receptors (when I say 'direct', I mean apart from the SERT blocking)?
  5. I am very sorry to hear that you're going through rough times. SSRI withdrawal can be pretty disabling. May I ask which anti-depressants you've tried in the past?
  6. Chris; while I fundamentally agree with your point, your posts often remind me of a scene in South Park, where a guy (from the future) says something like "Thank you, Richard Dawkins, for teaching us that it's not enough to be right, you also have to be a dick about it!"
  7. Isn't that Christopher Hitchens in the photo? Famous atheist (among other things). My take on it is pretty simple, perhaps naive: recovery is about feeling good. Whatever may give you a push in the right direction is good, even if it could be placebo.
  8. Well, then you're not really entitled to any advice, are you? Geez...
  9. Some people have positive after-images with HPPD, yes. I personally don't - I have pronounced negative after-images, though, which I believe is slightly more common with HPPD. But as I said before: you really won't know until you know whether it is Hallucinogenic Persisting Perception Disorder - i.e. if it lasts beyond the expected transient post-trip disturbances
  10. So, what's the question again? No-one can tell you if you have HPPD yet. What you have sounds like a combination of anxiety, hyper-focusing on normal visual phenomena and some after effects of a hefty drug binge. Or it might be mild HPPD, no way to tell. Lay off the drugs and give it some time :-)
  11. Hey Jay - did you continue taking buspirone? What's the score?
  12. Wait a week or two before worrying Having a bit of a 'trippy' vision is quite normal in the days after taking psychedelics.
  13. I think I can reveal, without disclosing any confidential information, that both syntheso and I are acquiring some Tianeptine :-P Will of course keep you guys posted! :-)
  14. I see, thanks for clearing that up :-) I was precisely reacting to the panicky tone in some of your posts, but I think I understand now.
  15. Right, I am not disputing that :-) I just know that anxiety has caused me some strange symptoms in the past. I still have HPPD, no question about it, and so do you, I believe.
  16. That is very strong of her! Wish you all the best, Missjess, and hope you'll benefit from the journey :-)
  17. Huh? I think you're misinterpreting me completely. The reason I am asking is because I know first hand how anxiety can cause all sorts of seemingly very real symptoms, especially when you're not aware that anxiety is in fact the cause (which I am not saying that it is in Missjess' case, necessarily :-)) I want the best for every member here. That doesn't mean I have to sugar coat everything I say. You judge unfairly, hppd24andsoforth
  18. Is that sort of thing unique to NMDAR's? I've never heard about agonists upregulating receptors - but then again, I'm not well-versed in neurobiology
  19. Yeah, looking forward to mainline a couple grams!
  20. I feel for you :/ Do you still maintain that you do not feel anxiety?
  21. Most drugs (medications) that have been known to treat HPPD are nothing like recreational drugs[1]. Keppra, for instance, has no recreational/abuse potential whatsoever. [1] Except benzodiazepines, which are sometimes used palliatively.
  22. Hi pickl, very sorry to hear about your predicaments. I would love to hear which medications you have tried. If you feel like it, I'd be interested in hearing about the incident which brought on HPPD in the first place. The fact that you've come here, and found what is presumably the correct diagnosis, is a step towards recovery, I'd say As for dealing with stressful situations and anxiety with this condition, I'm afraid I don't have any pointers. I'm still trying to learn how to do this.
  23. Really? I have piracetam lying around somewhere. Do you have some info on that? My main problem is anxiety, really. But my visual symptoms are patterning, palinopsia (negative after-images), splotches of colour/visual snow etc. A general feeling of 'intoxication' (as per the thread title) is also present.
  24. Because I deemed Keppra to have at least as high probability of being effective, and it seemed to have less of a risk of serious physical side effects. Sinemet is on my to do list as well, if Keppra doesn't cut it, so to speak. I'm aware that Sinemet often works faster
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