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Everything posted by StateOfRegret

  1. I have my first session with a psychologist scheduled for tomorrow. I'm really looking forward to it!
  2. That's a fun question! Gotta think about that one for a while (aside from the "obvious"; hire a team of medical professionals who have a higher chance of figuring it out than I do )
  3. I just stumbled upon this HPPD Trivia Quiz. The answers are of course quite obvious to someone suffering from the disorder, but nonetheless I thought I'd share it. I wonder if it was made by a HPPDOnline member. Interestingly, the quiz states that ketamine is known to cause HPPD. Do we know of any actual cases of ketamine-induced HPPD?
  4. Wait, weed gives you increased working memory, attention span and reaction times?
  5. Hopefully not at the same time? Anyway, I don't have any coping strategies. My HPPD is mostly constant, though, so it doesn't actually "go through the roof". I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, though, and I don't have a coping strategy for that either. edit: Oh, well, perhaps I do, if smoking cigarettes count
  6. My GP has stated that she is willing to prescribe Keppra as well, after my psychiatric evaluation (if the psychiatrist doesn't prescribe it, that is)
  7. LarryC has mentioned a couple of times that Dr. Abraham says that beta blockers are contraindicated in HPPD. Does anybody know more about this? I'd like to hear from people who either a ) Know if beta blockers are indeed to be avoided or b ) have first-hand experience using beta blockers with HPPD. Thanks in advance, State.
  8. I think he means that nobody knows, as nobody keeps statistics on that.
  9. Here in Scandinavia, you can usually get a referral, which means that the national health care system pays most of the cost (~2/3 here in Denmark).
  10. It's often a question of intensity (and of desensitization as well, I guess). I had moderate HPPD for a few years, the visuals didn't bother me significantly either. Once it got worse (continued drug use) it started bothering me somewhat. Coexisting disorders (anxiety, panic disorder, DP/DR etc) make it harder to deal with the feeling of "unreality" that the visuals often create.
  11. Which general anesthetic(s) are they offering? I had it done under nitrous oxide, but that was pre-HPPD. By the way, have a look here, if you haven't already .
  12. Yep, sounds like a bit of a trip! What you're describing sounds like heightened pareidolia. Is it disturbing to you nowadays or have you become accustomed to it? All the best, State
  13. Kudos to you for dealing with your situation, SeingStars It's hard to tell if what you're going through is pathophysiologically similar to HPPD - the speculated mechanism of action of chloroform certainly differs drastically from the usual drugs which cause HPPD (the "psychedelics", the 5HT2A-agonists). However, some people are known to suffer HPPD-like symptoms induced by a plethora of drug and non-drug factors - and they sometimes benefit from "HPPD medication" anyway. Look at Visual, his symptoms were caused by environmental toxins, but he still benefits from some medications otherwise used for HPPD.
  14. hppd24years: I couldn't understand half of what you wrote and, frankly, I don't want to get dragged into another pointless discussion with you. You asked why I always stand up for Chris? I don't. In fact, here's a post where I call him "exceedingly negative and critical without any discernible reason" and tell him that "It's fine to be skeptical, but plain negativity leads nowhere". Anyway, let's not turn this thread into another deranged rant-a-thon.
  15. I always end up downplaying the severity of it when explaining it to people, so as to not freak them out. I sort of wish I wouldn't.
  16. Yeah, that is almost equally tiresome. All the people saying "I see slight patterns in the dark, too - HPPD is nothing!"
  17. I find it pretty hard to understand. Could you draw it, perhaps?
  18. You're right, I guess It doesn't hurt to discuss other things once in a while, but I admit I haven't read Chris' latest posts.
  19. Very motivational Thanks! (even though it wasn't directed at me)
  20. It depends. Everybody should be cut some slack once in a while, everybody screws up I'd say; First "offence": If the mod/admin apologizes, he should perhaps be encouraged (by other mods) to take a short break, couple of weeks. Repeat offence/lack of apology: the mod/admin should probably be encouraged to take an extended break or perhaps step down completely. Being a mod of a forum which has actual disputes is damn hard. It's very hard not to get "drawn into the fray"! Doing it openly sounds better to me, not worse .
  21. Sorry to hear that. You deserve thanks for doing the admining for as long as you have, anyway
  22. It says "You're a cunt, just a mean spirited pseudo intellectual prick that I would knock completely unconscious if I ever met". That is pretty clear! So what are you saying? That it's not a problem that administrators/moderators threaten members if it is warranted? Is it ever really warranted? Shouldn't mods/admins hold the "moral high ground" so to speak?
  23. What the... When an admin or moderator behaves like that, that should be a clear indication the he needs to, at the very least, take a break from his duties. Don't get me wrong, I'm grateful that someone does the job of administrating the site - but behaviour like that is completely unacceptable - for everyone, but especially for an admin. You're better than that, Jay, surely . Thanks for sharing, Chris, that's the only sensible way to deal with threats like that, IMO.
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