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Everything posted by Sammywalker2009

  1. Well when I finally get it done (the nhs is a joke waiting times are ridiculous) I'll be sure to let people know what effect it had on my symptoms
  2. Yeah I do use sunglasses but I find when I wear sunglasses if I take them off everything seems 10xs as bright and worse than if I don't wear them. Do sunglasses help your eyes in the long run would you say ?
  3. Yeah I'm having a stomach operation due to constant heartburn and acid reflux so think they'll give me morphine as it's laprascopic surgery and I've heard the pain can me terrible after this type of surgery due to trapped air so hopefully it doesn't aggrivate my symptoms and helps I've heard mixed reviews whenever I've had codeine it hasn't really effected my symptoms greatly
  4. It's definitely the most annoying one for me along with photophobia if I could kick them two symptoms I'd consider myself hppd free after images don't bother me at all neither do starbursts and I don't have the mental troubles of hppd which some people have I kinda got past them maybe get the odd DR if I'm really tired or stressed but I'm good at snapping out of that shit lol
  5. Yeah man I never done loads of drugs used to smoke a bit of reefa now and again went through a stage of doing coke then like nearly od on MDMA and ended up having a fucked up trip and week long come down only did it the once but got this shit guess it only takes the once but I ended up stoping everything hardly drink either man like it's good it's made me never wanna touch drugs again but in a way I miss the not being able to smoke the reefa and get drunk it's doesn't make my hppd worse only for like 2 days maybe but I reckon it probably affects the recovery
  6. Sounds like it's probably hppd dude I have visual snow and it's not really White just staticy In front of everything also got palipinosa which I never had before it's loads of black dots that just look like flys going around
  7. Cheers man cool I definitely believe I'll get better I'll try all kinds of things I wanna start meditation and yoga and get back in the gym maybe try keppra if I can find a doc to prescribe it to me after I've had a stomach op I'm waiting for all the mental side of things have pretty much gone I just need to get past the visuals lol
  8. So ferret what did you do during your recovery just exercise and good healthy living ?
  9. Very inspiring mate glad you beat this shit buddy hopefully I can too how long did you suffer with it for
  10. Hey ferret did yours just go or did you treat it with something like keppra I had hypnagogia the other night heard loud bangin on my bedroom door thought someone had broken in at first then thought it was a ghost lol then I rationalised haha
  11. Haha mate read the game by Neil strauss it changed my life lol and the way I approach girls literally the book was write by the ugly mofo who swoops in and takes that girl haha after that I'd reccomend NLP just to help improve with all sorts of aspects of life its about training your thought patterns and connecting positive anchors to certain experiences for example connecting confidence by hearing a word or touch so you can activate that particular feeling when you want it very insightful sort of got some hypnosis to it as well I'm a geek for all that kinda stuff hypnosis psychology and reading people lol like they say we communicate more with body language and tone of voice only about 7% is what we actually say
  12. Lol really maybe i should get some tips off you on that area and I'll be all sorted then haha no worries though it's a good book definitely check it out :-)
  13. Yeah they do seem to be linked very closely I believe if they find a cure for this sort of disease it could very much benefit us with hppd I believe they will come very close to curing these sorts of degenerative disease in the next 20 years or so still I don't wanna wait 20 years lol
  14. Nah I don't I only ever did molly once the weeks following I had a lot of freaky things happen when your in that place between being awake and asleep I had insomnia for 3 days after the Molly it was the worst experience I ever had in my life haven't touched any class As since all I've done is the occasional joint but haven't done that in about 8 months been stone cold sober not even alcohol and plan on staying that way for as long as I can it's weird though coz didn't have any weird dream shit for like 17 months then had it the other night all of a sudden I can say it's horrible made me scared of The dark for 2 nights just getting back to normal Now lol
  15. Yeah anxiety isn't a huge problem for me but when I do get anxious ie if I have an interview or if I were to go on a first date lol I would then get the derealization can't say I have ever experienced the dp though so have never worried about going to the docs and asking for an anxiety med but obviously if it helps with the visuals at all I'll definitely be trying it when I have taken codeine before if anything it probably made my visuals a little worse for the period I was on them however it also makes me feel kinda good so It doesn't bother me at the time not sure what stronger meds will do but I'll be sure to let you know and yes by light sensitivity I mean it hurts to look at bright lights which is a pain If I'm wearing sunglasses and take them off it affects my eyes even more I'll often get after images of light blobs when looking at something bright that linger around for a few minutes
  16. Yeah anxiety isn't a huge problem for me but when I do get anxious ie if I have an interview or if I were to go on a first date lol I would then get the derealization can't say I have ever experienced the dp though so have never worried about going to the docs and asking for an anxiety med but obviously if it helps with the visuals at all I'll definitely be trying it when I have taken codeine before if anything it probably made my visuals a little worse for the period I was on them however it also makes me feel kinda good so It doesn't bother me at the time not sure what stronger meds will do but I'll be sure to let you know and yes by light sensitivity I mean it hurts to look at bright lights which is a pain If I'm wearing sunglasses and take them off it affects my eyes even more I'll often get after images of light blobs when looking at something bright that linger around for a few minutes
  17. I would describe my hppd as 90% visual and maybe 10% anxiety dr most of the time I do have my days where my head feels all over the place due to lack of sleep or say if I've had a drink I feel it more in the following days (been sober for about 7 months now though) I really want to just find something that will help decrease the VS and light sensitivity have you had any light sensitivity visual if so have you found anything to help? Also I did read quite a bit of the comt study but saw that there is quite a few long term side effects which may outweigh out the possible benefits I'm interested about the opioid effects as ill be put on some strong opiates soon due to an operation
  18. Oh pretty recently really I've had a lot of other shit going on so what with being so pre occupied I really haven't noticed it too much for me now the main issue is the visuals if I could get rid of the visual snow and light sensitivity I'd class myself as hppd free I remember when I first had this the first month or two was hell
  19. So would you say sinemet and keppra the main two drugs people seem to have success with and obviously klonopin buy klono is more of a blocker opposed to helping the brain actually recover sorry science never was a strong subject of mine and I have trouble taking all of this in also when people take keppra and sinemet do they mix these with other drugs together if I can find a doc to help in the uk I want to persuade them to try me on something I may see benefits from
  20. I got tinnitus ever since I developed hppd I believe its linked with the visual stuff it does suck but I'm used to it now and like you I only really notice it in bed I wonder if my hppd was to go this too would go I didn't damage my ear through loud sound this is a neurological problem for me at least
  21. Think I'd rather go for the brain implant lol that other shit looks painful you see it in horror films lol
  22. Visual snow is by far my most aggravating condition well along with the whole light sensitivity that can be a real pain in the ass I was wondering what the VS is like for you guys do you notice it on everything you look at sometimes I don't notice it on something with a lot of detail like a persons face but walls are covered for me also has anyone found anything that helps with this particular symptom ?
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