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Can the visual snow actually go away?

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The title pretty much says it all. I've had this shit for over a year now and the visual snow, halos, palinopsia, ghosting, floaters etc haven't changed a single bit, so i wonder if these symptoms actually can decrease or go away? I know that it's not all to uncommon for the hallucinations to go, but from what i've gathered these seem to be permanent. So have yours or anyone you know of had these go? I really don't have any quality of life left because of these, they have completely consumed me, i can't even enjoy watching TV anymore because of them.

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In my experience, the symptoms have gradually faded away as I've abstained from alcohol + drugs and tried to live a healthier lifestyle in general. I no longer get bothered by my symptoms, all I have left is visual snow and it doesn't affect my quality of life whatsoever. It's been about 4 years since the onset of mine from nBOME. 

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On 5/5/2022 at 5:59 AM, Tsunami said:

In my experience, the symptoms have gradually faded away as I've abstained from alcohol + drugs and tried to live a healthier lifestyle in general. I no longer get bothered by my symptoms, all I have left is visual snow and it doesn't affect my quality of life whatsoever. It's been about 4 years since the onset of mine from nBOME. 

What were the other symptoms and how can seeing static everywhere not affect tour quality of life? Or maybe you got it mild? 

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I think it’s different for everyone - I think some visuals have gone and many haven’t. My visuals are pretty much the same as ever, but after 4 years I can now go days without even thinking about them at all, and when I notice them now they just dont give me the same bad feelings as they used to - and mine definitely are not mild!

I really do believe that if you just keep trying to live your life, find your passions or enjoyable things you can do that can make you forget about it (even if only briefly at first - and  no substances!), distract yourself from the visuals (as hard as that may seem, I remember that seemed impossible to me at the start too), perhaps get therapy, and surround yourself with people you like to be with, your brain will adjust and adapt to it.

Eventually it will just start to look like a new normal, and the negative feelings associated with seeing the visuals will go away - this is the only part of it that can really hurt you. I know it’s a terrible analogy because the gravity of it is so much worse but it’s kind of like how you can get used to a really bad smell, your brain will get used to the extra noise 

The position you’re in sounds really awful I’m sorry, and it is really the mental health struggles that are the worst and most difficult part of this disorder, despite the visuals seeming to be the worst part. And these mental health problems can be addressed. Again I can’t speak for everyone, but I do believe that if you can learn to not focus on the visuals or feel negatively about them, they lose their power.

I NEVER imagined I’d feel this way and be doing as well as I am when I was in your position. There are plenty of people on this forum that have gone through what you’re going through and have made it out pretty okay on the other side, so don’t lose faith.



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20 hours ago, Hall89 said:

What were the other symptoms and how can seeing static everywhere not affect tour quality of life? Or maybe you got it mild? 

The cause of my HPPD was taking 3 tabs of what I thought were LSD (actually nBOME) at once, which led to me tripping for 24 hours straight and then experiencing psychosis for a day after. It was pure hell for the first three months and it felt like my brain had become 'fried' for a lack of a better term, which scared me since I was and still am someone that is proud of my intelligence. 

Symptoms wise, I was constantly tripping for the first 3-5 months. DP/DR take their toll in this timespan as well. I was a senior in high school while this happened and was taking courses at my local university so it was very difficult to focus to say the least. Luckily got A's in all of my classes besides orgo chem (I got a D since I foolishly believed I could just cram for that exam the night before; I couldn't). The entirety of my senior year in high school I felt off and suffered from typical HPPD symptoms. I was worried that I had made a tragic mistake that would ruin the quality of my life for as long as I lived and as such acted in a paranoid manner. I would also get 'flashbacks' when I'd move my body at times, as if I were tripping for a short discrete period of time. I didn't keep records, but based off of estimates I'd say between the initial onset of HPPD (during the summer before the start of senior year of HS) and the end of HS I went from full blown HPPD to about 75% recovered. I believe the primary solutions that helped me reach that milestone were abstinence and living a healthier lifestyle in general. Of course, it wasn't a smooth path to goal either. There were days I'd be cramming for exams and go to class tripping while sleep deprived. There would also be times I would be in the middle of class and I'd get random anxiety attacks. 

After graduating and starting university, my symptoms slowly started to fade away. During my freshman year of college, I had at most 5 acid flashbacks and didn't face too many issues related to my HPPD. During sophomore year, and now junior year (which I'm currently in), I've faced no issues with HPPD besides my constant visual snow. Even this is something that I don't see as an issue since it has become a normal part of my life and causes me no problems whatsoever. In all honesty, the visual snow has become a funny, quirky thing about me that I tell to my close friends and we joke about it sometimes. I think what @scaredhuman said about just trying to live your life and getting your mental health on point is the best way to get over the symptoms and live a greater quality of life. As for my symptoms, I'd say I'm about 95-99% recovered. I wouldn't say I'm 100% recovered simply because if I walk into a pitch black room the visual snow is everywhere (RIP seeing pitch black ever again).

TLDR: I had pretty severe HPPD that progressively improved over the course of 4 years to the point where I do not think about it anymore and it causes me 0 issues in my life. 

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On 5/7/2022 at 6:41 AM, Tsunami said:

The cause of my HPPD was taking 3 tabs of what I thought were LSD (actually nBOME) at once, which led to me tripping for 24 hours straight and then experiencing psychosis for a day after. It was pure hell for the first three months and it felt like my brain had become 'fried' for a lack of a better term, which scared me since I was and still am someone that is proud of my intelligence.....

I'm glad to hear, but as said, what were your symptoms? You didn't get afterimages, tracers, halos around strong lights, starbursts, ghosting, started seeing a ton of floaters and bfep? Tinnitus?

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On 5/8/2022 at 2:01 AM, Hall89 said:

I'm glad to hear, but as said, what were your symptoms? You didn't get afterimages, tracers, halos around strong lights, starbursts, ghosting, started seeing a ton of floaters and bfep? Tinnitus?

I got all of them, however I’ve had floaters and bfep prior to HPPD. All symptoms have decreased with time and rest, I no longer have any of them besides floaters and bfep (minimal). 

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On 5/1/2022 at 1:42 AM, Hall89 said:

I don't want to be the bringer of bad news, but no, the symptoms that's caused by our brains reduced ability to filter out unnecessary visual stimuli, like the ones you mentioned, is almost certainly permanent.

What is this based on?  Please don't diminish people's hope on this forum, we are here to offer support and strength.  My symptoms have greatly diminished over time and I currently lead a happy, productive joy filled life.  

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I put my body and mind in the best condition I could so they could heal.  I tell everyone the same thing: 

  • Exercise as much as you can, even if your symptoms get worse. 

  • Eat healthy and balanced meals. 

  • Get a healthy amount of sleep 

  • Limit caffeine intake. 

  • Stop all drugs including alcohol (at least for a time) and especially weed (at least until things get better) 

  • Try not worry, stay busy to distract your mind with things such as work/school or hobbies. 

  • Learn to meditate and if you are open to it, ask God to help you.  You don't even have to believe in anything, I did not and it helped me. 

The above will of course help you but it doesn't have to be followed 100%.  For me, finding the right balance of healthy living and enjoying myself allowed me to move past HPPD.  Eventually the visuals lessoned as did my anxiety about them.  These days I barely think about the condition.  My visuals will probably never go away because of the quantity of LSD I did but I am okay with that.  I have a family; wife and two beautiful kids.  I am pursuing a PhD in mathematics at reputable university where I teach and do mathematical research.  Life is wonderful for me today and recovering from this disorder provided me with the feeling that I can endure anything so long as I remain hopeful and grateful.  Hang in there and keep on reaching out. 

Take Care,


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm not sure that the symptoms ever truly just go away, but they do improve and become less severe, I can personally attest to that. I am a bit of an outlier in how I have dealt with this since onset in 2002. Big mushroom dose left me with horrible, crippling really, dp/dr, visual snow, tracers, floaters, negative images when staring for mere seconds at an object, depression, anxiety, and just utter hopelessness. But over time (around 4 years after onset) I was able to go full days without even really letting the symptoms affect me, and even days where I barely noticed the symptoms. It was at that point I actually felt courageous enough to trip again and it was wonderful...so much so I have tripped roughly 6 times since my hope onset in 2002. ...but again I didn't try that until around 2006. What really gave me symptom improvement for whatever reason was tramadol. That drug literally saved me from suicide. I did not want to go on living with my symptoms on a few different occasions, but after starting tramadol, I have not had a single day where my symptoms overwhelmed me or even really shook me at all. They are still there but to such a mild degree that it doesn't even remotely affect my life. I have had a few serious relationships in this span and none were destroyed or even moved negatively by HPPD. The same cannot be said for the relationship I was in when symptoms first arose. I have a wonderful fiance, I was able to graduate from university of Texas with a degree in political science and one later in accounting and also was able to graduate law school in 2010, though I do not practice and have not sat for my state BAR exam. Those things were a fucking fairy tale at best back in 2002-2005. And again, I am not saying I am symptoms free, but I CAN AND WILL SAY UNEQUIVOCALLY that symptoms will over time lessen in severity and the human mind is remarkably nimble and will adjust to your new normal accordingly, it just takes time and a positive attitude. Do not give up and do not believe that you are forever stuck in the miserable state you find yourself in when symptoms of HPPD first appear. Your mind took a fucking wallop (yes, that is the medical term) and it will take time to heal and adjust, but it will. Have faith. I am nobody special, trust me, and I have been through some of the worst symptoms this shit has to throw at someone and I am here to tell you that my symptoms have improved, and if mine have, then it is possible that symptoms can improve for anyone going through this. Just try and stay strong. Fill your life with things you love and enjoy and do your best to find the positive in everything, including your symptoms. Stay strong you guys. Much love to all

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  • 1 month later...
On 5/31/2022 at 4:04 PM, jls274 said:

I'm not sure that the symptoms ever truly just go away, but they do improve and become less severe, I can personally attest to that. I am a bit of an outlier in how I have dealt with this since onset in 2002. Big mushroom dose left me with horrible, crippling really, dp/dr, visual snow, tracers, floaters, negative images when staring for mere seconds at an object, depression, anxiety, and just utter hopelessness. But over time (around 4 years after onset) I was able to go full days without even really letting the symptoms affect me, and even days where I barely noticed the symptoms. It was at that point I actually felt courageous enough to trip again and it was wonderful...so much so I have tripped roughly 6 times since my hope onset in 2002. ...but again I didn't try that until around 2006. What really gave me symptom improvement for whatever reason was tramadol. That drug literally saved me from suicide. I did not want to go on living with my symptoms on a few different occasions, but after starting tramadol, I have not had a single day where my symptoms overwhelmed me or even really shook me at all. They are still there but to such a mild degree that it doesn't even remotely affect my life. I have had a few serious relationships in this span and none were destroyed or even moved negatively by HPPD. The same cannot be said for the relationship I was in when symptoms first arose. I have a wonderful fiance, I was able to graduate from university of Texas with a degree in political science and one later in accounting and also was able to graduate law school in 2010, though I do not practice and have not sat for my state BAR exam. Those things were a fucking fairy tale at best back in 2002-2005. And again, I am not saying I am symptoms free, but I CAN AND WILL SAY UNEQUIVOCALLY that symptoms will over time lessen in severity and the human mind is remarkably nimble and will adjust to your new normal accordingly, it just takes time and a positive attitude. Do not give up and do not believe that you are forever stuck in the miserable state you find yourself in when symptoms of HPPD first appear. Your mind took a fucking wallop (yes, that is the medical term) and it will take time to heal and adjust, but it will. Have faith. I am nobody special, trust me, and I have been through some of the worst symptoms this shit has to throw at someone and I am here to tell you that my symptoms have improved, and if mine have, then it is possible that symptoms can improve for anyone going through this. Just try and stay strong. Fill your life with things you love and enjoy and do your best to find the positive in everything, including your symptoms. Stay strong you guys. Much love to all

So you got this full blown and almost ended up killing yourself, then you decide to trip again once better. There's stupid, and then there's that. I don't even...

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