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Synthetic weed

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So today I went to go smoke weed and this was the 3rd time I have smoked weed in the past few weeks. I had just smoked weed and got pretty stoned last week on Friday and it was pretty good. But today right after I smoked it, the kid I was with was like "broooo you just smoked k2!" and I actually enjoyed the trip. Idk what's going to happen to me tomorrow I am a little worried about this really fucking me up but I did enjoy my first time smoking synthetic weed

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XD...nice...im not supporting the idea of taking synthetic drugs at all...but if you enjoyed it..its quite cool...


and dont be scared of the afterglow or something...the trip is over and you seem to be pretty tough to be able to enjoy synthetic weed at all with this predisposition...i would be proud somehow :D

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yeah maybe...man i would like to try some buspirone to see if its able to protect me from panic attacks while tripping...i mean its not that i cant smoke weed at all...but i just can smoke small amounts without panic and i want to be really fucking high again..that would be so nice B) ...


i ask myself if there is a way to get some without these stupid doctors..

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This thread illustrates:

  • The reason researchers won't bother to look for cures for HPPD
  • Why many doctors don't do much to help HPPD
  • Why CBT is the most important treatment for HPPD
  • Why society considers drug users a bunch of losers

maybe youre right.. but your response (if true) illustrates that humanity is stupid cause its not very intelligent to state that people who consume something are losers and also that not helping someone with a serious problem is ok just because this person might be taking again something that led to his condition in the first place or at least has the potential to do so...its a sign of how people are judged for doing something which still seems to be a kind of taboo in our society even though everyone consumes various substances in hes life and people have even triggered these conditions with ligitimate medications that the same doctors who are against drugs prescribed to them...

just remember that its not the substances themselves who are causing the problem...they just have the potential to trigger it in people with a negative predisposition of a specific kind...so there is no reason for one to blame the people for having tryed something in there lives...the problem is not the substances it is the society we live in that made it possible for these bad mental conditions to exist and be triggered through the expansion of consciousness.


why are there people in this world who cant even imagine how painful and boring it is for someone, not beeing able to do what he/she wants to and simply enjoy life while these people can...we just want to be free and have some fun in life...is that too much...its so sad if you ask me..there has to be another way to cure or at least deal with these conditions without judging the innocent.

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One of the reasons I left the forum was because of that. I was pretty tired of a lot of users whining about their HPPD while doing all kinds of irrational risky behavior.

I can understand perfectly why one can relapse to a given drug even if you have HPPD. It happened to me a few times due to cues and very strong cravings. Others I just disregarded the probable negative outcome and fell short of rationality and biased/rationalized myself to drug consumption. We are humans and we are fallible. But what I never experienced was rationalizing and being complacent with the fact after it happened.

Consuming synthetic weed, which is known to fuck you considerably in the short-term, it's negligent. Doing it while consuming psychiatric medications and suffering HPPD is completely dumb, idiotic, and worthy of the results that it brings.

Humanity judges correctly when allocating the resources. People with the genetic disadvantages toward addiction and a low level of meta-cognition, intelligence, self-control, emotional regulation/awareness, whatever.. are a bunch of losers in the criteria of the sum of total humanity. And I don't find any dumbness in the application of said criteria.

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One of the reasons I left the forum was because of that. I was pretty tired of a lot of users whining about their HPPD while doing all kinds of irrational risky behavior.

I can understand perfectly why one can relapse to a given drug even if you have HPPD. It happened to me a few times due to cues and very strong cravings. Others I just disregarded the probable negative outcome and fell short of rationality and biased/rationalized myself to drug consumption. We are humans and we are fallible. But what I never experienced was rationalizing and being complacent with the fact after it happened.

Consuming synthetic weed, which is known to fuck you considerably in the short-term, it's negligent. Doing it while consuming psychiatric medications and suffering HPPD is completely dumb, idiotic, and worthy of the results that it brings.

Humanity judges correctly when allocating the resources. People with the genetic disadvantages toward addiction and a low level of meta-cognition, intelligence, self-control, emotional regulation/awareness, whatever.. are a bunch of losers in the criteria of the sum of total humanity. And I don't find any dumbness in the application of said criteria.

how can you say its genetic...it has nothing to do with that...i think everybody has the potential to trigger a bad mental condition while a bad trip due to the way our society works these days (disfunctional families, bullies, wars, idiotic values..thats where bad predispositions come from)... and the way we deal with substances. there are not many people out there without the potential to become ill cause the majority is affected by the madness of the stupid society ...for example the shaman aboriginals who use mescaline regulary have never heard of hppd...and guess what..they live in a better society + they have learned to use psychedelics with the right motive behind them, i bet this is the reason why they cant develope hppd or similar...


and even if it would be genetic..there is still no reason to blame the people for  bad genetics or saying they are stupid because they want to enjoy something they always enjoyed before..its our nature to use substances to conquer our subconsciousness...


and synthetic drugs are another story..im not saying do synthetics..i just want to say there is no reason for being mad at people for what they like/do just because it didnt work for you


...and you know what...i also hate hppdonline sometimes but for another reason...because people always want to tell me im stupid and what i should or shouldnt do when im just asking for experience or help....sometimes i think some people are jealous that they cant do what they once did and loved and thats why they tell me ''dont do it either'' ...i enjoy small amounts of weed again and i will never get hppd back or something...im cured..the only thing i have is that i get panic when i smoke too much...but im not crying around..im facing this shit until i get back to normal and smoke as much as i want...+ its not fair that you tell others what they should do and stupid enough to be mad at them

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The problem is... It doesn't work for you or Gman either

You can't smoke weed without needing to contemplate taking herion to stop the weed induced anxiety

Gman can't smoke weed without a strong prescription medication

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It sounds like you need to start hanging around new people, Gman. They clearly don't care if they are willing to drug you with spice of all things.

"Connor Eckhardt, a 19 year old from Roseville, died after using the legal marijuana-like drug "spice" one time." http://goo.gl/8mCg0F


"Missing Teenager Found In Coma After Reportedly Taking Spice" http://goo.gl/xfdMTV


"Teen narrowly escapes death after smoking synthetic marijuana" http://goo.gl/vlakHC




its not fair that you tell others what they should do and stupid enough to be mad at them

We are here to help one another and it is frustrating to see people choose to be self-destructive instead of taking care of themselves. It's especially frustrating to see people as young as Gman, who I'm fairly certain is 17, fuck themselves over before their lives have even started. He finally started feeling better after starting buspar and the first thing he does it start smoking weed again. :(

"Common triggers for HPPD symptoms include fatigue, marijuana, and alcohol. 'Marijuana is probably the worst,' says Abraham. 'For this population, it’s absolutely contraindicated. This is the kind of thing a doctor needs to tell them.'" http://goo.gl/wXx6JH




saying they are stupid because they want to enjoy something they always enjoyed before

If someone is an alcoholic and a doctor tells them they need to stop drinking or their liver will fail, it would be pretty dumb if they kept drinking just because they enjoy getting sloshed. :rolleyes:

Drug use has caused our brains to malfunction to such an extent that we are constantly hallucinating and dealing with debilitating anxiety. It's probably not the smartest thing in the world to continue using drugs. Personally, I think not having HPPD sounds more enjoyable than getting high for a couple of hours.

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how can you say its genetic...it has nothing to do with that...i think everybody has the potential to trigger a bad mental condition while a bad trip due to the way our society works these days (disfunctional families, bullies, wars, idiotic values..thats where bad predispositions come from)... and the way we deal with substances. there are not many people out there without the potential to become ill cause the majority is affected by the madness of the stupid society ...for example the shaman aboriginals who use mescaline regulary have never heard of hppd...and guess what..they live in a better society + they have learned to use psychedelics with the right motive behind them, i bet this is the reason why they cant develope hppd or similar...

and even if it would be genetic..there is still no reason to blame the people for bad genetics or saying they are stupid because they want to enjoy something they always enjoyed before..its our nature to use substances to conquer our subconsciousness...

and synthetic drugs are another story..im not saying do synthetics..i just want to say there is no reason for being mad at people for what they like/do just because it didnt work for you

...and you know what...i also hate hppdonline sometimes but for another reason...because people always want to tell me im stupid and what i should or shouldnt do when im just asking for experience or help....sometimes i think some people are jealous that they cant do what they once did and loved and thats why they tell me ''dont do it either'' ...i enjoy small amounts of weed again and i will never get hppd back or something...im cured..the only thing i have is that i get panic when i smoke too much...but im not crying around..im facing this shit until i get back to normal and smoke as much as i want...+ its not fair that you tell others what they should do and stupid enough to be mad at them

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Trip i don't think that the individuals on this board who offer you advice or warn you of the possible negative outcomes of continuing to smoke weed/do drugs are jealous. Many have been where you are and just don't want you to make the same mistakes as they did. I know it sounds cliche but it's probably true.

Also this is a condition that's still in its infancy as far as medical research/studies, possible precipitates, and treatments are concerned. So please don't give into the false assumption that you may never get hppd again. I don't mean to sound harsh or demeaning but its true.

I had mild hppd for a few years not even knowing what it was but I beat it. I never touched another illicit substance for 16 years besides the occasional alcoholic beverage now and again. Yet it was Celexa (an ssri) and a very brief period of extreme stress that brought on these strange visual disturbances again (worse than before).

Now I'm in my 30's with a wife and kids while having to fight this again due to the fact that I was young once and just experimented a few times with lsd. I'm not trying to lecture you but just be careful man.

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The biggest issue with taking drugs that might affect your hppd is measuring your baseline symptoms.


Imagine a normal person has a hppd baseline of 0 out of 100 (eg, no symptoms)


Now imagine you have a baseline of 35


You take a drug, feel high, have a good time.


The next day you are at a 40.. You feel a bit different, but nothing to worry about. The next day you go down to 36... You don't even notice a difference form your normal baseline of 35, so think that drug is pretty safe. But your baseline now stays at 36.


The problem mounts over months, even years.... You can soon find your baseline slowly rise to very uncomfortable levels, but the rise is in such small increments that it sneaks up on you.


This is EXACTLY what happened to me... I kept using drugs, I kept enjoying drugs... I very slowly went from manageable hppd to severe hppd.


Now factor in the medications that might be masking your baseline "rise"... What happens if you get tolerant to the medication and have to stop? You then notice the baseline rise.

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The problem is... It doesn't work for you or Gman either

You can't smoke weed without needing to contemplate taking herion to stop the weed induced anxiety


 no i can ctually smoke small amounts and enjoy it...but when i smoke more iget anxiety or panic attacks...and i decided not to take heroin i got tramal from a friend but i didnt even touch it yet..

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If someone is an alcoholic and a doctor tells them they need to stop drinking or their liver will fail, it would be pretty dumb if they kept drinking just because they enjoy getting sloshed. :rolleyes:

Drug use has caused our brains to malfunction to such an extent that we are constantly hallucinating and dealing with debilitating anxiety. It's probably not the smartest thing in the world to continue using drugs. Personally, I think not having HPPD sounds more enjoyable than getting high for a couple of hours.

its not the same thing ...a liver failure is a much more serious problem and alcohol is causing physical damage..whereas when it comes to hppd no damage in the brain or anywhere else has been proved...which is just logical cause alcohol causes physical damage for sure but for example lsd or psilocin does not so there is no reason to think we have destroyed something..if you think about other substances such as synthetic weed its another story...

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Trip i don't think that the individuals on this board who offer you advice or warn you of the possible negative outcomes of continuing to smoke weed/do drugs are jealous. Many have been where you are and just don't want you to make the same mistakes as they did. I know it sounds cliche but it's probably true.

Also this is a condition that's still in its infancy as far as medical research/studies, possible precipitates, and treatments are concerned. So please don't give into the false assumption that you may never get hppd again. I don't mean to sound harsh or demeaning but its true.

I had mild hppd for a few years not even knowing what it was but I beat it. I never touched another illicit substance for 16 years besides the occasional alcoholic beverage now and again. Yet it was Celexa (an ssri) and a very brief period of extreme stress that brought on these strange visual disturbances again (worse than before).

Now I'm in my 30's with a wife and kids while having to fight this again due to the fact that I was young once and just experimented a few times with lsd. I'm not trying to lecture you but just be careful man.

thanks...im sorry for you..and i couldnt live this way and even though im sure i wont get hppd back im still careful

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The biggest issue with taking drugs that might affect your hppd is measuring your baseline symptoms.


Imagine a normal person has a hppd baseline of 0 out of 100 (eg, no symptoms)


Now imagine you have a baseline of 35


You take a drug, feel high, have a good time.


The next day you are at a 40.. You feel a bit different, but nothing to worry about. The next day you go down to 36... You don't even notice a difference form your normal baseline of 35, so think that drug is pretty safe. But your baseline now stays at 36.


The problem mounts over months, even years.... You can soon find your baseline slowly rise to very uncomfortable levels, but the rise is in such small increments that it sneaks up on you.


This is EXACTLY what happened to me... I kept using drugs, I kept enjoying drugs... I very slowly went from manageable hppd to severe hppd.


Now factor in the medications that might be masking your baseline "rise"... What happens if you get tolerant to the medication and have to stop? You then notice the baseline rise.

yeah i know what youre talking about but mine came from an overdose while having a panic attack...i never had problems from the about over 300 trips i had before..it was just too much the last time and i freaked out.

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The biggest issue with taking drugs that might affect your hppd is measuring your baseline symptoms.

Imagine a normal person has a hppd baseline of 0 out of 100 (eg, no symptoms)

Now imagine you have a baseline of 35

You take a drug, feel high, have a good time.

The next day you are at a 40.. You feel a bit different, but nothing to worry about. The next day you go down to 36... You don't even notice a difference form your normal baseline of 35, so think that drug is pretty safe. But your baseline now stays at 36.

The problem mounts over months, even years.... You can soon find your baseline slowly rise to very uncomfortable levels, but the rise is in such small increments that it sneaks up on you.

This is EXACTLY what happened to me... I kept using drugs, I kept enjoying drugs... I very slowly went from manageable hppd to severe hppd.

Now factor in the medications that might be masking your baseline "rise"... What happens if you get tolerant to the medication and have to stop? You then notice the baseline rise.

Perfect explanation, same goes with trying different medications to. This is what happened to me as well. Didn't realize how much the ssri was effecting my symptoms due to the kpin I was taking along with it. I remember when I first posted on this site I thought klonopin/Celexa was a cure, boy was I wrong. You gave me some suggestions on benzo use etc. which really made me rethink my approach. I thank you for that. At first I was kinda bummed but you were definitely right.

Now I think what would my symptoms be like if I would have continued the daily kpin/Celexa mix and then hit tolerance. I'm still learning how to deal with this and have real shitty days where all I want to do is take a benzo (which I do on occasions) but I take it a day at a time and fight it piece by piece.

I now know what my previous baseline was and hopefully I can get back there one day. Take care man.

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Trip, it is clear that you have very fixed views about hppd and drugs, so I am not sure what you can really gain from these sort of conversations... Maybe Gman is different, he seems to swing from cautious to risk taking from day to day (which is true of most teens).


Gman... there is a big chance that your medication will cover up problems that will only become apparent if you discontinue the meds... Considering that the meds are not even prescribed to you, it is very possible you will run out soon and think "fuck, why did i smoke?". Be careful.

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I suppose you're referring to that study that found that people who consumed psychedelic drugs where slightly more intelligent than average. I haven't read the study to know how well it was designed/performed, and I can think of a lot of ways such a study could give invalid results. Neither I know what you're implying there. What do you mean by "Intelligence is completely benign when factoring in substance use/abuse."?

Most psychological measures are determined in a 40-50% because of genetics. You can take a look at the papers in behavioral genetics, it's a pretty well established and replicated fact (monozygotic twin studies). Even more, the genetics of your parents also influence the environment in which you will live so part of your nurture is also influenced by genetics, making it having even a stronger effect. About HPPD ? I don't know. I think most probably we have some genetic differences. There is no evidence of that.

Maybe mescaline doesn't produce HPPD ? Maybe those studies had a small sample or were just lucky ? Maybe there were some interests in saying everything is fine due to individual or societal incentives ?

I don't blame no one, they're just what they are. I may say why I think something happens to somebody, but I don't actually care nor judge at all. If I do it's more for my benefit as I'm also easy to fall on such erroneous negative thinking patterns and rationalizations. I don't know nor care what you do nor should do. I certainly think you're stupid, but I don't feel anything about it. No offense I just think you're. I'm mad at no one, not even me nowadays. And God forbid me to be jealous of you because you decide to smoke weed. It's fair that I say whatever I want to say, as it's fair that you do.

but how can you say im stupid if you are not judging me in any way??...thats so rediculous...but think what you have to..it seems that you dont care about anything at all...if that isnt a sign of stupidity...nah fuck it...its no use...why am i trying to speak to someone like you..this is the reason why i dont like hppdonline sometimes


mescaline can trigger (not cause) hppd just as lsd, dmt, psilocin, lsa, mdma, etc.or even marijuana and prescription meds. ...so its just logical that it has to do with the individual who takes them which doesnt mean that genetics are at fault...n dont forget that there are even natives who use psilocin other psychedelics ritually and i dont think they have such issues cause if so they wouldnt do it anymore.


you do judge in specific ways cause you say you dont trust studies that show psychedelics are somehow good but you believe a study or some paper that states that in many cases genetics are the reason for some adverse psychological reactions...of course different genetics affect us in different ways but im absolutely not sure if this means a psychological advantage/disadvantage.


i guess you think a bit too critical..but in a bad way 

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Trip, it is clear that you have very fixed views about hppd and drugs, so I am not sure what you can really gain from these sort of conversations... Maybe Gman is different, he seems to swing from cautious to risk taking from day to day (which is true of most teens).

i have no fixed views but i have enough experience and good knowledge about this topic..so i have good reasons to think so...i just started to discuss here cause the people were so ignorant and tryed to scare me and thegman even though i already know the risks and so on...not to forget that the thegman didnt know that he smoked spice and he wouldnt have done it if he knew it..there wasnt a reason for a lesson again...


but its all good man.. i know most people just meant it well..

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