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Everything posted by 1998

  1. Once you get down on these wd's you'll be having a very pleasant future so just use that as motivation. I can't believe you're able to even go to class during these wd's that hardcore determination. ? Did you mean you were on tramadol for 2 yrs. If so what mg. and what was the major side effects from the drug. I really don't want to keep taking it and just really on my zanaflex (muscle relaxer) but I don't have time to wd since I work 5 days a week and this is a relatively new job. I can't get enough days off in a row to go through opiate wd's. Tramadol wd's are just as hard as vicodin to me, but in no way does anything compare to klonopin. Take care and be ready for klono wd's to hit the worse on day 3-5 later man! If you're truly hurting and you've tried zanaflex or tramadol before message me I'll help you out! Nobody else message me about this though lol later!
  2. wish I could tolerate that high of a drop, but after 12 yrs. use, I need to be as careful as possible. I have read about ppl just getting off 8mg of klono after 5 yrs use with no problems. Hopefully you're one of those luckier one's. I've had panic anxiety disorder prior to hppd and my family history has a high addiction rate. Makes it tough on me. GL w/ wd's and school! Also my doctor just prescribed me 400mg of tramadol to take daily for a torn labrum in my leg. I need to get away from all these drugs but it's the only way I can function at work (pain) sadly. Later all!!!
  3. .25 is not a small drop at all, it's 5mg of valium. I've read so much about benzo wd's and anybody worth talking with would agree that's not an easy drop. Last time I dropped .25 I had w/d's for 1 month and didn't sleep for a few weeks. Merkan, I know you just want to get it over with and drop at a higher rate, but in the long run that could cause more problems and your w/d's might last longer. I'm glad you're feeling a bit better, but from everything I've read and the ppl I've talked to, I'd do a slow taper no more then dropping 10% of your dose every 2 weeks. Take care!
  4. crazy I'll get back on this but ya we can follow Chez and acid trails together now lol
  5. Crazy huh! Chez was in 5th place on the 3rd day of the US Open but fell down to 50th. The stats looked better before I copied and pasted them but to you I'm sure they still make sense. He missed an 8 foot putt (you could tell he was nervous lol) on 18 to win the Deutsche Bank Championship but still got a cool $880.000 for finishing 2nd. He won the Canadian Open in 08 and won $900.000 Fuck I wish we were still friends lol. It was such a trip watching him on prime time tv when we grew up together. His career earnings are almost 4 million. Out of all the athletes I knew growing up he's basically the only one to turn pro. Two other buddies Pitched in MLB, but both tore their rotator cuffs (couldn't overcome injuries) and still got $500.000 a piece from there "small" contracts. DO YOU KNOW ANYBODY THAT'S TURNED PRO IN ANY SPORTS??? ANYBODY READING THIS?? Even if they just went to your school. Tiger's alright but Phil Mickelson is my man, he went to ASU. Roy McAvoy from Tin Cup is a pimp Anyways Tiger was just having a fun time outside of golf. Give the guy a fucking break who wouldn't fuck the hottest girls in the world.....A Sex addict, who the hell isn't for real, the popporottzi sp?? Made him out to be a bad person. If he was white it would of been alright. Steve Nash is my Favorite athlete and I doubt most know he cheated on his wife last yr and that why they got divorced. Anyways I'v had a couple beers and they're about wearing off after all this! I"m going to the lake tomorrow going wakeboarding hell ya...later all
  6. I love golf but not that great like my buddy I grew up with here's all his stats. It was crazy watching him in a shoot out on NBC two weeks ago he got 2nd look at my mans earnings. I wonder if he'd be better if we didn't smoke green together so often back in the day lol! Chez Reavie PGA TOUR Events Played Finish FedExCup Cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd Top 10 Top 25 Scoring Avg. OWGR Money Points Standing Career Totals 102 58 1 1 -- 7 14 -- -- $3,946,969 -- -- 2011 24 16 -- 1 -- 4 8 70.62 80 $1,904,267 2,088 9th 2010 15 6 -- -- -- -- -- 71.91 762 $112,994 125 187th 2009 27 13 -- -- -- 1 4 70.94 388 $477,766 240 159th 2008 30 21 1 -- -- 2 2 71.03 208 $1,444,102 100,806 57th Nationwide Tour Events Played Finish Money List Rank Cuts Made 1st 2nd 3rd Top 10 Top 25 Scoring Avg. OWGR Money Career Totals 52 35 1 -- 1 6 20 -- -- $334,793 -- 2007 27 15 1 -- 1 4 10 70.78 310 $224,532 18 *OWGR = Official World Golf Rating More Stats
  7. Wish you luck man. Only 50% of ppl have hard benzo wd's from what Ashton said. If you did it cold turkey before w/o winding up in the hospital you should be better off then most lucky ass My job as of now won't allow me to taper. I'd loose it in all meanings of the word, or I'd be w/u. I love my klono though, but I really would like to know what life w/o klono having hppd is even like (I don't even know crazy huh) Wish you luck man, keep up the diving and snorkeling. I did that going through benzo w/d's 10yrs ago. Totally took my mind off it. Later!
  8. that would be awesome to actually go to the games can't imagine the fights that break out. I saw that schedule hopefully I'll have it on ESPN 2. What you're talking about last night going to a game w/ 65k fans, is what I try to tell ppl with hppd to do. Just forget about this shit and live. Later man!
  9. Arizona Cardinals are my team, the Eagles or Jets look like the front runners this yr. Jay, the NFL players would destroy Rugby players. They are jacked up on all sorts of illegal drugs and even at 300lb they look like olympic sprinters lol. I read that the highest paid Rugby player only makes like $800.000 US dollars yearly. That doesn't give the best athletes in the world the incentive to stick to their passion for the most part. Without those steal cages on NFL players heades lol funny... these monsters would murder each other when they get blind sided. I actually like to watch Rugby a bit (Football/Soccer) is a bad ass sport though and I can't wait till another World Cup starts. That thread we had going on the old board was awesome, you tought me what and who to watch for. I recorded all the games. I don't know anything about Fifa though. Not sure when the next World Cup starts (look it up in a min.) but I can't wait. I hope the USA. can pull it together, but they seem far behind Spain, Brazil and all the dominant countries. Later ALL!!
  10. I went snorkeling and diving for 1 yr str8 when I took an early retirement due to hppd lol. All over the Philippines, Malaysia and Southeast Asia. It was the best year of my life. When you're on the coral reefs watching all the rich marine life in colors you can't even describe there's nothing in the world like it. I saw a Whale Shark and swam off scared as hell not knowing they ate plankton lol. That's the life, you even get exercise w/o realizing it. Live it up!! Dam I'm in a good mood just thinking of all those coral reefs now
  11. Gill, you've come so far to get on that low of a dose (basically nothing). You'll set yourself back 1 week at most but everybody slips up. Good job and I'd give David a call, nobody I'd rather talk to about hppd and klono recovery...Take care!
  12. Most ppl just throw all that in the category of headpressure. Headaches, tension in head, neck, shoulders, muscle spasms in your face and head, feeling of eye strain headaches for no reason, ect...All this always gets worse for me when I have a lot of anxiety or haven't exercised for a while. For some reason when I don't exercise I start to feel so tense I actually have to in order to ease these crazy symptoms. I'm feeling good of late just working hard and living life, that's why I haven't posted in a while. Try not to focus on the things you can't do and just force yourself to do what you can. You'll be surprised what you can still accomplish. I'm not saying you are, but being lazy with hppd is the worse thing you can do (I know all about it you'll spiral into a deep depression). You have to force yourself outside your comfort zone and eventually you'll get used to it and even enjoy life again!! I was going to get disability, but I'm so glad I decided to work instead. Nothing like coming home after a hards day of work and just relaxing not thinking about hppd but rather what your plans are for the weekend w/ your extra income. Somedays it's hard as hell to force yourself up and out of the house but once you get going there's no time for hppd
  13. Honestly, I never want to stop taking klonopin. Everybody just says you'll eventually build up a tolerance to where you feel like you're going through w/d's while still on it. I'm still at 3.25mg and my anxiety is easily under control. Without klonopin I'm scared to do anything. I don't even know how I'd act around my wife if I didn't have it:( I just want to get to the lowest managle mg. incase doctors decide to take me off one day!!
  14. Lots of water and I take a vitamin B complex before I drink. I read B vitamins eat away sugar helping you not gain weight from alcohol. I Gotta say only water, benzo's, muscle relaxers and opiates take away my hangovers (sweating it out by exercising if you can force yourself to). I never got them pre-hppd, now they come feeling like crazy migraines. It's the only thing that keeps me from not drinking much anymore lol. I notice since I've become tolerant to klonopin, my hangovers have gotten much worse as well. Take care all!!
  15. thx guys I'll give it a shot. I'm hurting from work, I need to see if it will numb the pain!! Mods sorry I posted in wrong section..
  16. Do any of you have any experience with Lyrica. I want to try it for nerve pain and possibly energy. Pls respond quickly, I'll probably just take it tomorrow to find out but any info would be great thx in advance!!!!!!
  17. 1998


    You def have done your homework Visual, I enjoy reading your post's, very imformative!
  18. From what i read on the old board, there were alot of parents and none of their kids had any problems. I'm not sure how old the kids where or how they would even know if they had hppd though.
  19. 415_Style, I've had hppd since 1998 and It's gotten easier to deal with by keeping busy. Having a job where I'm active has always helped me the most along with exercise. I notice when I'm out of work I get extremely depressed and everyday I wake up I feel useless and just lie around all day. Plus having my understanding Wife is such a blessing! I couldn't imagine being w/o her although I would just move to my Dad's beach resort in the Philippines and go diving everyday if she got sick of me lol. If you told me over 10yrs ago I would still have hppd I would of killed myself. I'm so glad I've fought through it though life is def worth living even with severe hppd you just have to make the best of it. Also I used to use alcohol as a crutch, but I notice the hangovers are much more severe then prehppd so I rarely drink anymore thank GOD. I was a alcoholic and that just shot me down. Take care!! PS if you have a doctor that's willing to prescribe you muscle relaxers like soma or zanaflex for tension headaches and muscle aches it works wonders after a rough day and not so addictive like opiates!!
  20. I've never read about anybodies hppd getting worse. If you have I could def understand why so nervous. I to have been under many times with no problems. I've seen this same question posted so many times mods should make it a sticky same with everybodies medication trials (I know all that's time consuming though whoever the mods are:) If you are going to go local, I would take a xanax or some benzo for anxiety before just make sure it doesn't interact with the anethesia. Good luck!!
  21. To be honest most of these kind of meds will make hppd worse. But when I take adderall I feel like I'm on crystal meth and run around all day feeling high (good)! But I also take 3mg of klonopin to wipe out the panic I would normally be getting from these class of pills.... I must say I do get heart palpitations as well when I take these pills, normally I only take them when I'm not working and drinking alcohol so I can drink more which is just abusing them like any amphetamine. You could try it once but you'll most likely get an anxiety attack. Again I've gotten serious heart palpitations from abusing these drugs just trying to have fun....hppd took this type of med off the map
  22. You're right sadly, it would have to be some huge class action lawsuit like valium took back in the days. I still think if they stumble along something it will be because of a drug causing problems that resemble hppd. I mean how many ppl would go out of their way to spend money towards a sickness that's mostly self inflicted. It's hard to imagine how many billions it would take to even start understanding a condition this complicated. I'm glad hppd isn't bothersome to me lately..... just working, exercising and trying to be a normal member of society. I still use klono as a crutch though and one day true tolerance might hit, can't even think about that. Later!!!
  23. Read the Visual Snow board, it's crazy alot of people have so many visuals from just ssri's. If a cure for hppd was to be formed, I think it would be big pharmacutical companies sp?? that have to study what's causing and how to fix these sorta glitches. (I would hope only they have that sorta finacial backing!
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