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Everything posted by 1998

  1. Stay away from the methadone eventually you will like the results and the you won't be able to live w/o it. Last thing you want is to be addicted to a benzo and methadone. Two of the worse things to be addicted to by far!! Hope you're doing good Pennyarcade
  2. First off you might be able to handle life w/o klonopin, but that type of drop would scare the shit out of anybody hppd or not. Some peeps w/o hppd complain about seeing visuals and shifting vision while coming off benzo's you can't blame all the visual symtoms on hppd when coming off this hardcore off a drug. Like I said and anybody having knowlege about benzo's you gave your Central Nervous System a serious shock trying to cut down that quick. It's def possible to get off benzo's if you titrate or get prescribed valium and crossover (all the experts I've talked to say that's the best and easiest way to w/d). Remember you can actually cause further problems not coming off slow like Pennyarcade said. If you feel you need the klonopin for now just keep taking it but try not to increase your dosage unless you feel like you're losing it. Please take a look at benzobuddies.org and you'll gain so much info on benzo's. As far as methadone goes thats about the most addictive drug in the world (could argue benzo's are worse) I have no fking Idea what kind of doctor is telling you to take methadone for your problems, unless you are a str8 up heroin addict. I know ppl that have had to take methadone for heroin w/d's and all of them are still on it 15yrs later. When they wake up in the morning you can see their whole bodies shaking like crack heads until 20 min. after they take their methadone dose.Please believe me and stay as far away from methadone as possible that could def. destroy your life to the point of wanting to take your own life. I was actually watching a methadone documetary the other day and most of the users beg for benzo's while on methadone because when they mix it feels extremely similiar to an actual herion high. The reason I'm so going off in this post is I've watched methadone destroy ppls lives. Same w/ benzo's once ppl get on high doses and use them longterm like myself. Please don't put yourself through the hell I'm enduring. Take care man!!!!!!!!!! hope you feel better soon:)
  3. Wd's usually hit me hard on day 4 or 5 that's when all the klono leaves your system. Very quickly you should start feeling "normal" again. That's was a huge drop!!!. Being on 1mg for 2yrs and dropping 50% of your dosage. You're only supposed to drop 10% every week or two. You should of went to 9/10 a mg daily. You have to use titration if you want to ween off klono w/o a horrific w/d, it's not such a shock to your Nervous System.
  4. Jay, I've lowered my standards and I'm trying everything I can, the economy just aweful. I'll keep looking for employment while pushing for this disability. I don't want to be somebody just sitting at my house all day collecting money off the gov. I enjoy work and being busy especially cause keeping your mind occupied is the best medicine I've found for hppd. Visual, thx for that detailed response. I couldn't of asked for a better answer
  5. My Phychiatrist I've had for yrs said she would back me up for disability due to extreme anxiety and bi/polar. What do I do next? I Never mentioned hppd so I guess I look for a lawyer who only works on cases they can gain a percentage out of. Then just throw paper work at them like lucid said. Usually you get denied atleast twice my doc said.....and by then they may not have disability??? Don't know anyways tomorrow looking for a lawyer I've worked my ass off for yrs w/ hppd, and I know so many ppl w/ disabilty because they're depressed. Give me a break fucking work out and stop eating so much this hppd is borderline suicide! I better win or fuck the world
  6. You have my dream job, if I had alot of money I would just travel. You get paid for traveling
  7. No pill has ever helped my depression, everyday I workout for atleast 1 hr. and then go for a swim....I feel so much less anxious when I'm finished and actually sleep at night. GL!
  8. That's cool things seem to be going smooth right now. Just don't be surprised if around day 4 w/d's start hitting you out of nowhere. That happened to me and many other's I spoke to as well. A good thing is only about 50% of ppl suffer from hardcore w/d's from benzo's, hopefully you're a lucky one! "another question, has anyone turned off the lights and just stared?" When I do this (lights on or off) everything starts pulsating, all the grout in my tile disappears and the tiles start dancing around it's crazy. When I stare for longer then 20 seconds at something without blinking, it looks just like I turned on a strobe light it used to scare the shit out of me lol I just try not to stare at things for to long so all that crazy stuff doens't happen later!!!
  9. thx lucid, I'll check out a keppra board since no response. That Saturday night Palsy causes such pain (hell on earth) while the nerves regenerate. I fell asleep on my arm for 6- 8 hrs and my hand and arm were swollen w/ no feeling. Took me 6-8 month to get mostly over that, just one day I woke up and all the nerve pain was gone. I wanted to cut my f/ing arm off lol later!
  10. Can any of you tell me if Keppra helped you with nerve pain like neurontin is supposed to? I know alot of ppl have tried keppra for hppd, but I have a badly pinched nerve in my back and I read Keppra could help?? Have any of you noticed any pain relief while or when you were prescribed it?
  11. I like hearing that Visual. Its not that often that ppl don't build a tolerance to benzo's after that many yrs. I want to stay on klonopin forever, but I can feel it messing w/ me in a big way. Honestly the only reason I haven't gotten off klonopin yet is the w/d's make me feel suicidal. Most ppl say it's harder to get off then methedone after long term usage. Glad nuerontin is working out for you/later!
  12. 2mg of klonopin is alot. Taper very slowly!
  13. Valium, 20mg of valium is = to 1mg of klonopin. Every benzo messes w/ ur memory though. Just switching benzo's isn't going to help your klonopin tolerance. You have to either keep upping your dosage forever (which eventually you'll top out) or slowly taper which is what I'd do. Xanax has a very quick half life, I'd stay away from it. LATER
  14. ""i had a condition called "saturday night palsy" 'Radial Nerve Neuropathy' "" Lucid, I got this by falling asleep on my arm for 9 hrs. and I didn't wake up cause it was when I took morphine pills for pain. The second I woke up and my arm was completely dead. I rushed to the hospital and they kept me in patient for 5 days cause my arm was so swollen. After the 3rd day sensation slowly started coming back to my fingers and it hurt like a mother f------- I've never been in that much pain, , even the morphine the docs were giving me didnt do anything. Anyways slowly I felt the nerves regenerate from the tips of my finger up through the rest of my arm. It took six to eight months for me to regain full sensation in my right arm again. I still get alot of shooting pain in that arm it never completely leaves, (I was almost put in pain management from that). I just find it crazy that happened to another hppder, you were probably drinking when it happened to you thats why you didn't wake up huh?? Later/ man
  15. Jay it was Fioricet, barbituate 50 mg, acetaminophen 325mg, caffiene 40 mg. I doubt it helped to much with the visuals but it wiped out my headaches and that's what it was prescribed for. It also comes with codiene but that's not the way they prescribed it for me. That pill worked surprisingly great for me. I started taking to many of them and realized I got addicted just my personality. But they are nothing compared to vicodin addiction take care bro/Ace!
  16. WindScar if I never took klonopin I would of fucking killed myself from not sleeping and hallucinating w/ panic attacks 24/7. It saved my life!!! Why did you take acid I can't understand that logic. Stop talking shit!!!!
  17. Nothing like a good pair of sunglasses for after images and floaters.
  18. Pennyarcade, it's going alright. I'm stuck at 3.25 mg. I need to drop to 3mg soon but just don't feel like the 1 month of hell I usually experience from that kind of drop. My real problem is honestly the US. economy. I've been outta work for a while and it's making me focus on my symtoms more and I have a pissed off wife because of it. Women can drive a sane man crazy lol. I just feel like a bitch having my girl bring home the money and not being able to produce like before when it was easy to find work. Hope all is well bro/Later, Ace
  19. When your coming down from opiates everything is intesified. Wait for about 7 days and all should return to normal. While you're on opiates it relieves hppd symptoms so much that once your off them it's hard to imagine you ever fealt so bad in the first place. I've been getting them prescribed for a while and I'm about to tell my doc to stop giving them to me & just stick to muscle relaxers. Soma and Zanaflex work the best for me. Most doc's don't like giving out soma but zanaflex is pretty damn strong and wipes out my headpressure for a few hrs!!
  20. Good to see you post lucid. I can't drink much anymore cause I always black out w/ my klonopin mixed. I'm basically ruphying (sp?) myself and I wake up like that movie hangover but I find out I was a dick to everybody, so I can't drink more then 6 tops lol sucks. Yeah I don't feel any sorta high from klono anymore but it does still help a with anxiety. Everybody says eventually it will totally stop working and if that ever happens I dont know wtf I'll do. I'm just hoping it's doing something different to help hppd rather then strictly anxiety patients. Also how the hell did you manage to get disability for anxiety? I've had a hard time working because of it, but when I applied they denied me because they said I self inflicted this disorder due to the acid. That was 10 yrs ago when I applied...maybe I'll try again and just not mention lsd and say my problems are stictly due to anxiety! I'm willing to do anything to get on disability. My Wife does very well finacially but I definitely need to bring in some sorta income. Still after all this time my family and wife just think I'm lazy because I can't handle working on the phones for 40 hrs. a week. But my headpressure, dp/dr get crazy after 1hr on business calls.
  21. I've read many cases where weed finally kicked in hppd, I would stay away from everything but easier said then done. If you fealt as most on this board do you wouldn't even be thinking about doing drugs. Anyways my dad had major visual hppd for a couple yrs and it went away. He hasn't had problems for over 20yrs. but he quit all drugs after that besides alcohol.
  22. #1 Just as alisa said #2 Hard to say, I know once it get's hard to walk from old age I'm ready to go. Exercise is what get's me through this!!!! #3 that's messed up I'm sure you accidentally did this to yourself I'm still having trouble finding a job and that's usually what keeps my mind off hppd....I've noticed since I've had hppd, even if it's just a retail job you feel so much better about yourself knowing you have a purpose to get up every morning.
  23. First off Shaolin you're so right about valium, it just seems like a smoother ride but ever since all the law suits that took place against it, no doc's will prescribe high doses like I need. Jay, I've taken barbiturates as needed back in the days when I worked fast paced customer service (needed it for the tension headaches that job brought on) I would only take 1 daily. I just had my wife hang on to them and I never got addicted. However now that doc's prescribe any p/k due to the nature of my injuries, I try to only stick to tramadol or codeine so I don' t build up a tolerance to the harder opiates. I got to say even tramadol is a hard w/d after you've taken it for a while though. I think barbiturates would be a good idea for you, I would much rather have a benzo's for hppd then weaker opiates and you've been able to take klono as needed for for yrs. so I don't think you would have a prob with that kinda will power....Good luck buddy!!!
  24. Windscar, I only have the 2 mg klono pills so it's hard to make them smaller then .25. My doc doesn't want me coming off klono so I've been titrating the 2mg pills so she doesn't find out. I will eventually get to 2 mg daily and stop cutting down at that point. Also regarding pain, I went to docs yesterday I believe all my pain is coming from myofascial pain syndrom. All over my body I have contracting muscles in trigger points that are causing referred pain throughout my body. I got a deep tissue message yesterday and I feel a little bit better. I hope I've found out what's wrong w/ me! CRB, try not to sleep more then 8 hrs. I used to sleep all day when I first got hppd and it made me xtra tired all the time and just depressed and moody as hell. You have to find obligations once you force yourself into a routine you'll start to feel more self worth and you won't even think of hppd as much. Even ppl w/o hppd would be going crazy sleeping all day w/ nothing to do. I went to so many sleep doc's and all they could help me w/ was giving me ambien and telling me what all already knew. Exercising or keeping physically busy throughout the day and also try some melatonin start w/ 3mg. that could help you with sleep. I also use sleep aid if I can't fall asleep it works great and I know what you mean about the muscle twitching and spasms as you lay down, they're annoying and hard to get used to but maybe listen to the news or turn on a fan as you lay down to help you focus on something else.Feel better, have to go to a job interview I better get this one, it's been nearly impossible to land jobs of late!
  25. Windscar, I know a lot of it's due to klonopin. But I've been on this stuff for 12 yrs average of 3mg. Everytime I drop just .25mg (currently at 3.25) I feel suicidal the w/d's get so crazy. I wish I could just go iinto a detox center for a month and get all the way off, but I've read it's the worse thing I could do. I'm going to continue to drop it's just going to take forever. I do workout (cardio) daily, walk atleast 2 miles and do all kinds of core exercises to help my messed up back. I miss free weights though, nothing like getting shredded but it just kills my back and I already had a triple hernia surgery from lifting. Eating, I have a healthy breakfast and usually a chicken salad during the day. I do eat junk food for my other two meals though I know what your saying about caffiene, it's kicks in anxiety but I love it. Helps me exercise and get those natural endorphins I crave. 415stylee ya definetly post your results, I appreciate all the feedback. Later all!!
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