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Everything posted by dayum_son

  1. Hey, HPPD is still a great disease ! Look at all the shit we learned because of it, I'm sure we could all work as neurologists now
  2. I also had the excessive glutamate production theory in mind, and makes perfect sense to me. However, I think the damage caused by the condition is negligible. People who had HPPD for decades aren't any dumber than a "normal" person. Imo, the main problem we are having is brain disinhibition caused by excess glutamate. If we could stop this excess glutamate, I'm sure almost, if not all hallucinations and DP/DR will stop. Let's not forget the brain is one tough motherfucker, it will recover to an extent. My theory is this excess glutamate is due to messed up P and N-Type Calcium Channels. They are responsible for many things, including neurotransmitter (Gaba, Glutamate etc) release. I have Asperger's syndrome and so does my best friend. Treatments for autistic people are aimed at modulating or blocking N-Type channels. Which makes me think I was predisposed to HPPD. My best friend always had VS and tracers, even before taking LSD. Many success-story-meds like lamotrigine among others, block the N and P-Type channel. All this makes me think that our condition is caused by many things, but the primary being calcium channels. Too high voltage for example ?
  3. Try it honestly ! I had heart attack symptoms a month ago, chest pain, high heart rate, palpitations, dizziness, drowsiness but that was actually due to anxiety. All the symptoms disappeared once I went to doc. No meds, just the fact of speaking to someone about my symptoms stopped everything.
  4. Brand is Newton-Everett. And idk if it is ubiquinone or ubiquinol. I take it with breakfast. That's fine I guess ?
  5. Gonna use it for as long as it doesn't make symptoms worse. Started the 400mg version at the beginning of this month. Started 50mg version on April 20. I don't know if I should keep on taking it in the morning when I wake up or before going to sleep. And no, didn't notice any difference in my behaviour or emotions.
  6. I just started the "treatment" and nothing has really changed. EXCEPT for one thing. When I would wave my phone in front of me in the dark, I would get tracers and ghosting tracers. Well, the ghosting stops when taking the CoQ10. I tried one day to not take the supplement, and the ghosting came back. Of course, it went away the next day when I took it again. Putting a lot of faith in this product. Let's hope it will make things for the better !
  7. Because I'm impatient, I bought 400mg CoQ10. We'll see I guess...
  8. Interesting find. I really think there's something else than glutamate. How come I took Ketamine a week ago (NMDA antagonist) and it made my symptoms worse ? I am leaning towards calcium channels. Will elaborate later.
  9. Finished a few days ago "Red Notice" from Bill Browder. Very nice read. Going to start "Journalists for Hire" from Udo Ulfkotte. German version of the book however, so it's not going to be a walk in the park with my poor and old german skillz.
  10. Found something weird : When I focus on something really hard with my eyes, everything starts to move. Now that's not the weird part. What I noticed is that I would get "exposure" shifts, like the brightness changing randomly. So I filmed my eyes while focusing on something, and weirdly enough, my pupils dilate and constrict randomly for no apparent reason. What the hell.
  11. Good find ! It may not be as uncommon as we (or everyone else) think.
  12. I'm pretty sure green tea makes my hppd slightly worse. Will try again. Looks like every person is affected differently.
  13. ^ That. My HPPD didn't start after a single dose. I dosed up to ~200ugs. It settled in once I started microdosing once a week, and smoking a joint each microdose day before going to bed. At first, I found the VS cool, and thought it was just a side effect. After about a month, I realised it would not go away and stopped all drugs. HPPD stayed with me ever since. It is the repeated dosing that made me develop this disorder rather than the dosage itself.
  14. Just started taking CoQ10. At first, I will do 100mg per day for 3 months, and then will continue with 400mg per day. I didn't start 400mg right away since I have already ordered the 100mg 3 month supply. (I didn't see the 400mg mentioned prior to that.)
  15. As far as I remember, studies from Dr. A. suggested that people experiencing a bad trip will have more chances having HPPD. But you don't need a bad trip to have HPPD. If we don't include flashbacks which are more PTSD oriented imo, I would say it is a chemical imbalance, as some PET scans showed.
  16. Yes I will also start for the first three months at 100mg a day and we'll see from there. I don't want to start taking important amounts of substances, don't know how ze brein will react.
  17. I didn't do any MRIs as of now, because I don't have time. Job, exams, issues with the car and other stuff.....
  18. I'm afraid we can't really scare anyone away from psychedelics using HPPD as a reason. The problem is that you can't see HPPD nor experience it if you don't have it. It's easy to show H users having ulcers and overdoses and such, because it can be recorded and used to scare people away from these drugs. But with HPPD, if you say you have tracers and VS and after images, most people will think it's cool. If we can prove that HPPD damages our brains and be like Alzheimer's where basically you just wait for your neurons to die, that might change the public opinion. Me as an example, I heard about HPPD and flashbacks when I started using acid, did this stop me from using it ? Of course not ! I thought that this only happens to others, mainly people that are predisposed to schizophrenia and whatnot. The other problem is, as you said, the glorification of the drug. Famous youtuber PsychedSubstance makes videos on psychedelics. He keeps talking about harm reduction, test your drugs, 25i-NBOMe etc etc, but he underestimates the risks psychedelics involve. He says that flashbacks are very rare and just PTSD, while he says HPPD is something claimed by attention-whores but nothing to be worried about. In fact, it might not even exist. Harm reduction ? Yeah right. So if we want people to take HPPD (and psychedelics) seriously, we should focus on proving HPPD damages our brains in a serious way and let the public know that LSD and similar drugs are not safe. As Dr. A. said, LSD is like russian roulette, but with drugs. When I heard LSD was physically safe, I told myself : Well it's probably mentally safe for me as well since I'm not crazy ! And all these youtube channels should stop glorifying drugs. Because in the end, you can call it a tool, an eye opener, a mind expander or whatever, it's still just a drug. It won't put food on the table at the end of the day, and won't pay your bills at the end of the month (but will make them more difficult to pay !).
  19. As I have previously read, he already had 3 heart attacks prior to his death. So , or it was just another heart attack, or german BND decided it was time. Who knows.
  20. The book isn't banned in Germany. https://www.amazon.de/gp/aw/d/3864451434/ref=mp_s_a_1_1?__mk_de_DE=ÅMÅZÕÑ&qid=1523989205&sr=8-1&pi=AC_SX236_SY340_FMwebp_QL65&keywords=gekaufte+journalisten&dpPl=1&dpID=51VVgBaPK5L&ref=plSrch You can buy it there and available in Switzerland too. However I can confirm it is impossible to find an english version.
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