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Everything posted by dayum_son

  1. Ok so ordered CoQ10 and a few other things unrelated to this thread like lemon balm (I think you recommended this on some other thread dasitmane). Will keep you posted.
  2. Yeah well I grew up speaking Swiss-German so it should be possible.
  3. This is a bit off-topic but your post made me buy Ulfkotte's book. Time to dig out my old german skills.
  4. Nothing. Zero. Weed and everything serotonin related are the worst offenders. Generally, everything makes HPPD a little bit worse, but not by much.
  5. The only supplement that makes my symptoms pretty worse is 5-HTP.
  6. Usually stimulants make my symptoms just a tiny bit worse, unlike weed. So yeah, I'll look for it.
  7. You need to tell your doctor about HPPD. If he doesn't (want to) know about it, go see another doctor. Docs can't give you the proper treatment if they don't know what's happening to you. It's like asking your mechanic to fix your car but you can't really say what's wrong with it in the first place. He'll start replacing random parts and trying random stuff that might fix the problem or make it worse.
  8. Yeah I'd say give Keppra a try, you can always go back to Lamotrigine after if you feel it is the only med that has worked for you.
  9. If I can find that CoQ10 pretty easily, I'm gonna give it a try. Can't hurt, or is it ?
  10. Damn, reading that first post almost feels like me a year ago. Bad trip, different dimension, everything ugly... Looks like you have the typical HPPD symptoms and should of course quit all drugs. Even ayahuasca. People have had HPPD from aya. And taking a hallucinogenic drug while having a condition which has been caused by a hallucinogen is a bit.... ehm.... un-smart Ayahuasca will make HPPD worse, that's for sure. So yeah, your HPPD is weak, do not make it worse, because you can always make it worse even if you think that's not possible.
  11. Thanks for the update ! I'm sorry to hear about your tinnitus, I hope that it will go away, and probably will. Bad sleep cycle happens frequently after MDMA. MDMA depletes your serotonin levels. Serotonin is responsible for many things like appetite, mood and sleep. So when your serotonin is a bit down, for some ppl it makes them have bad sleep cycles. For some (like me), it makes them sleep like a small child ^^.
  12. Depends, do you feel like your symptoms are getting better and better on 50mg ? Or just getting better and then stabilizing ? Also, Keppra has had a fair bit of success with several HPPD'ers. Maybe give it a shot if you feel like lamotrigine has done its job so far ? As far as I read, Brivaracetam seems like a more potent and overall better version than Levetiracetam, it's also something you could try if Keppra isn't satisfying. I'd still leave 1 or 2 weeks between each medication just to give your brain a rest and a chance to flush all those chemicals away.
  13. Considering you got the typical HPPD symptoms from only one session of MDMA, I'd say stick to cannabis and alcohol. If I were you, I'd really take this as a warning sign. Do not do like a lot of us, thinking : Oh it's fine, it will go away and I'll do MDMA again (or any other psychedelic/hallucinogenic drug for that matter, especially LSD). You are starting do get HPPD symptoms after you used a drug which isn't really hallucinogenic itself, unlike LSD or shrooms. Imagine what would happen with LSD ? Please do not take any other drugs apart from weed and alcohol. I'm really serious about it. Alcohol and weed are still very fun drugs. Stick only to them. Because once you get to HPPD level, I can GUARANTEE you that weed will totally suck. Crazy hallucinations (at least for me) and anxiety. You won't be able to binge on it like you used to. So yeah, do what you want, I'm not your dad. If you want to take the drug again, I won't be able to stop you. Only your mind will be able to. And as MadDoc said, quit everything for a while, let your brain get back to normal. Also, star shape lights (aka starbusting) is normal. It does get exacerbated with HPPD though. And try distracting yourself as soon as you start thinking about visual snow. The more you think about it, the worse it gets. Would be nice if you could keep us posted on this. Take care.
  14. Oh and went to doctor because I had arrythmia which is actually caused by stress and anxiety. He tested the blood and there was nothing abnormal. Nothing wrong with my immune system either.
  15. https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/thosewithvisualsnow/neurotransmitters-test-results-t8381.html Found that post on some VS forum. Alongside many other chemical imbalances, guess which one in particular got my attention ? Glutamate of course. I'm gonna start looking around for a neurologist that might know the disorder, or at least about VS and other common symptoms we all experience... I am willing to try out the Gaba agonists and Gaba Reuptake Inhibitors. They are all prescription only, so a doctor would help.
  16. I'm already effed up enough because of HPPD and my many other disorders. Now the last thing I want is some guy on a forum insulting people saying they're wrong when, in fact, that same person has nothing to offer apart from insults to back up his "claims". There are ways of defending your ideas, and sure, go defend them. This is a forum after all, you're welcome to do that. But shitstorming, especially on a forum like this one, is childish.
  17. Ibuprofen doesn't do anything HPPD wise as far as I'm concerned.
  18. Oh and thanks dasitmane for all the time and effort you put into researching this disorder. It may have not led to a cure, but it was still a great and very interesting read. Thank you.
  19. Yeah right. Anxiety. Wow you've just solved our issue ! Let's take anxiolytics to stop HPPD or at least make it temporarily disappear ! Guess what, it doesn't work. I get your point about rotting on this forum expecting something to change, and you're right. Go out, have fun with your friends and try to move on. However, a lot of HPPD sufferers can't do that. I can ignore the disorder pretty easily as it is mainly some visual snow and after images, but many people have permanent wall breathing and other stuff that they just can't ignore. So while I get your point about "sitting around doing nothing", telling random false information on a forum filled with desperate people is just plain stupid.
  20. So I've been dealing with HPPD for the past few months. Visual snow, light tracers, color shifts, halos, floaters and what not. However, I have this thing which doesn't happen everyday and happens only 2-3 times a day (if it happens) : When I focus at smth or someone, I get a small black dot with basically nothing in it. It is like suddenly, a very tiny part of my eye looses vision. Happens for a second only. Anyone else has that ? EDIT: Now that I think of it, if I look at a screen, usually in the dark with the device on dim settings and close to me, I see very very small pink dots moving and floating around. Also, they move around at about 15 fps, just like a computer who can't process a video fast enough and ends up with messed up framerate. What's going on xD Was wondering if anyone else has these weird symptoms which I could not find on the web.
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