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Everything posted by ddiddy66

  1. didn't take the Sinemet and was tired all day today. so frustrating
  2. apparently I have access to every medical test except my last blood pressure. this tiredness seems to happen when i take any stimulant, including caffeine. my heart rate will rise but my brain wants to shut down. can't help but think my Effexor, which all but eliminated my anxiety, could be behind this.
  3. the Sinemet is making me so fatigued. I thought it would help my fatigue. Anyone have some input?
  4. wish i read this before finally buying a B complex yesturday. lol...wrong form of thiamine
  5. what dose were you on and how did you ween off it?
  6. If you are not so depressed or full of anxiety i would not take it. thats the part i 100% agree with. for me, it wiped away the anxiety
  7. I will say for me it helped the depression and completely eliminated the anxiety. But did absolutely nothing for my hppd symptoms
  8. I've taken Effexor for ten years and I 100% agree with hppd33
  9. magnesium seems to make me tired and helps some of my symptoms. so i take it at night stream my favorite talk radio show on low volume and fall right to sleep
  10. i would say try it for 2 months. If you respond it could replace your klonopin. Most of the horror stories about it are about getting off it.
  11. I had a really good day yesturday. im having a hard time figuring out why. my visuals seem the same. A lot less brain fog. I found a friend with Sinemet. ive been taking half twice a day last 2 days. Now im not sure what to credit the Keppra or Sinemet. Effexor doesn't have the same uppiddy effect that the other antidepressants i tried had. Effexor did help my depression and anxiety. The user Visual told me Effexor works with Serotonin not Dopamine
  12. lol...that makes more sense. thanks for your input
  13. i have plenty of visuals that could use help. i read it helps with fatigue too
  14. i am 41 years old. started taking Effexor when i was probably 26 or 27. my anxiety was constant. i tried prozac and wllbutrin but they made me very agitated. Effexor took care of the anxiety but nothing else. when i miss even one pill i get dizzy, heart jumping around, feel awful. ive heard horror stories about getting off Effexor. i would only try it if your anxiety is absolutely unbearable. i am on 150 mg/day of Venlafaxine time release capsule
  15. my friend has some that I can try. should I try 1/2 pill
  16. my friend has some that I can try. should I try 1/2 pill
  17. Been one week. moving to 500 am and 750 pm
  18. i probably didnt give it long enough for my body to adjust. good luck and keep me posted
  19. i probably didnt give it long enough for my body to adjust. good luck and keep me posted
  20. It's hard for me to evaluate my visuals over the years. I'm so conditioned to ignore and dismiss them. All I know is that, when I was at my worst, I tried a bunch of SSRI'S and Effexor was the only one that helped. I still had all my symptoms but no anxiety about them. I specifically remember Wellbutrin making me easily startled and irritable.
  21. i took for a month. made me very agitated. ended up on Effexor wich helped my depression and anxiety but not with DP/DR.
  22. so far i have not noticed any difference in visuals. i have noticed lessened brain fog and DR. I'm not sure if I've just had a few good days, placebo effect or the drug. ive been on Effexor for probably 10 years. i believe its responsible for eliminating my anxiety. even to a fault. found myself smoking weed doing coke and even meth. i cant help but wonder how my symptoms would be if i stayed clean and sober all these years. I also find myself very uncomfortable, irregular heartbeat, dizziness if I miss just one pill.
  23. haven't experienced any negative side effects. moving up to 500 mg twice a day
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