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trip into hell

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Everything posted by trip into hell

  1. ok im glad you're ok... but next time (if you ever dare to do it again) you should have some cbd on hand it will help..it helped me a lot to end dpd related panic attacks and what you described sounds like a panic attack or at least extreme anxiety.
  2. smoking with hppd alone is not a problem at all but having dpd on the top of that makes it impossible to enjoy weed...i have had hppd + dpd and my hppd is over...now where i still have dpd and an unstable mind im able to smoke again but only small amounts...otherwise i get anxiety, panic attacks or dp/dr. so if one has hppd alone and smokes weed..it wouldnt be a problem since this person wont get anxiety or depression..who cares about hppd visuals getting worse for a while but the fearful feelings of dpd are what makes drugs a hell for people...its what i realized...most people think its all from hppd but they forget that they have dpd as a comorbid disorder...just look up the dsm and you will find that there are no emotional symptoms listed..only visual..but look up dpd symptoms and you will recognize the actual problem.
  3. calm yourself do belly breathing through your nose and take a valerian or better take cbd if you have some on hand it helps to come to terms with the effects of thc and is an anti anxiety and anti psychotic remedy too + it has no psychoactive effects..means it wont make you trip in any way.
  4. you mean you need help for ending a trip???
  5. i have used: ° valerian..it is good for anxiety and also makes you a little sleepy ° lavender..it is good for sleeping patterns and helps a little with anxiety too ° cbd oil...it is generally very healthy but expensive and its effects are: anti anxiety, anti psychotic, anti nausea, calming, anti depressant, anti oxydant , anti cancer..etc.... if there is one thing ive learned then its: docters cant help at all with hppd or dpd. dont take chemicals from the pharmacy they wont work in the long run and are definately bad for such conditions and for general health i tryed nearly everything and ended up thinking im going to die and having panic attacks etc. so cbd is a real allrounder..i think it helped me the most with treatment and the other 2 (valerian, lavender) were good for instant relief. also you should eat healthy and maybe meditate if it helps you and distract yourself do things you always enjoyed create your own rituals you know what i mean and dont take this all too serious even though it sounds tough. if you still have any questions..ill be there...get well
  6. if you have dp/dr this is no symptom of hppd and not mentioned in the dsm its a sign of an anxiety disorder and there are many natural meds. which help with this condition...i know what real bad dp/dr feels like...and im almost over it and smoke weed daily again and when i was at my worst i thought i would never enjoy life or ever touch any drugs again but im back...never give up man..think of it like a game..dont let the bad feelings get the best of you...i
  7. mr 50's im glad that it was nice for you..i started smoking again the same way...have fun
  8. why would you tell others weed cant be good for them when... 1. you took ecstasy which is a risk on its own and has nothing to do with weed 2. you took both weed and ecstasy so you took 2 substances together which is more likely to cause bad after effects in your situation 3. ecstasy is one of the most dpd causing drugs to be correct 4. you dont know what kind of weed you had there..you told us erlier you have dp/dr and if you dont know how much thc contains you weed or if it is laced with something it would be stupid to smoke something like that with dp/dr since high thc and laced stuff are increasing dp/dr..thats a fact 5. if he enjoyed his stuff...grant it to him..he might have had better stuff blame ecstasy dont blame cannabis...try cbd oil or high indica strains which contain much cbd but only little thc..that helped me..the cbd effects are: anti psychotic, anti anxiety, sedative, well being, helps to come to terms with the effects of thc + cbd replaces many many suppliments cause its so healthy and full of vitamins + cbd is legal you can buy it + it did wonders for me and i had it much worse than you...now i dont have hppd anymore and have only slight dpd sometimes + i smoke daily with no negative side effects..since i smoke high indica with almost no thc
  9. sounds like slight hppd + dpd ...i had both disorders and been through the same shit but my hppd was much worse and thought i would end up in a kind of mental institution or kill myself...now im almost back to normal..no more hppd but still a little dpd and i actually smoke weed everyday, drink alcohol sometimes, drink daily coffein and use lots of other natural remedies to help me cure myself, treat symptoms or getting high.. love my life more than before and what do you need remedies for ive tryed a lot and can give nice advice but the question is for what situation do you need meds?
  10. no wether you have it forever or not its nothing to regret..enjoy as long as it stays with you...have fun and enjoy yourself
  11. no but isnt there information about the effects on google you can find? what kind of med is this and who has recommended it?
  12. tlehmbecker you are right living with it helps to overcome it...no doctors needed..even though there might be some meds which can actually improve the condition...however it is not good to go to work or do something else you dont really want to or that has the potential to worsen the condition in any way...i just enjoy the good site of life and keep shit away from me i wont work for an insane system and stuff...be free
  13. dont worry its no offense at all but.. you're right most people are crying the shit out of themselves just like you do and that makes everything worse..living a life full of regret...you know what..i dont regret anything im glad all that happened to me cause im getting stronger everyday through this. dont know what to tell you other than i was once where you are now and already told you everything i know in various topics before that helps you recognizing your true problem + overcoming the condition...im done and there is nothing i can do anymore..get well even though it seems impossible with your mentality. ....reality is merciless but not malicious
  14. brandonking...i was thinking this way 3 month ago...but here i am enjoying drugs again.. since dp/dr is an anxiety response from your brain to stop feeling further emotions to prevent you from any negative influence of the outside world you have to learn to enjoy again (i know there is nothing more difficult) otherwise you will always live inside your mind...always being afraid of new experiences...thats no life man...cause it doesnt only mean that you cant enjoy drugs again..it also means that you will never be able to experience the full potential of enjoyment in your life in general again. that doesnt mean that i want you to take drugs but dont say no to fun and experience ..and if drugs have always been fun or experience for you..you are able to find that fun again..you just have to change back to normal and find yourself before.
  15. its a dpd symptom just look up depersonalization disorder symptoms...and since dpd is an anxiety disorder you could say its a symptom of adrenaline cause anxiety sufferers have too much adrenaline in their bodies.
  16. i had horrable hppd + dpd comorbid...the first 4 1/2 month after my onset, the hppd wiped out completely and i tryed smoking only once while having hppd..it was horrable...however after my hppd i was left with dpd which was also still a nightmare and i couldnt do any drugs...but then i started to ensure myself that i want to enjoy weed again and as for most of you it is the only source of wellbeing..so i smoked little pieces of weed and started like this...0,1g, then 0,2g, then 0.3g and so on and now i can enjoy it in small amounts again but still have to be carefull not to smoke too much since i still have dpd and might risk a panic attack + dp/dr + anxiety + depression...but i dont give up cause im still at training and i dont smoke tobacco and rarely drink some alcohol... i learned that i have to fight my psychological issues...since i realized after solving the first few issues i was able to enjoy weed and life in general a little more which i wasnt able to do at all for so long..my progress is amazing..so im keeping up the good work.. its incredible what a psychological transformation i went through. from giving up every drug to going back to it with growing confidence and what also helped me was cbd oil but i ate and vaped it..i ordered some 30% pure cbd oil from the internet and that did wonders for anxiety and general well being + it is so healthy it replaces so many supplyments + its not addictive think i will try a self made extract next time i strongly believe to come back to mary jane again like i did on my old days...love the green and nature...all the best for everybody and enjoy every moment you live...
  17. man...sounds that you have hppd + dpd..like me exactly but my hppd is already over and i just have mild dpd now..at this point i almost feel like my old self again...maybe you are lucky and get rid of hppd too...good luck! n stay away from drugs and act as healthy as possible + take the right meds and you will have a fair chance to go back to normal one day.
  18. dont do psychedelics cause mushrooms caused me hppd + dpd...my hppd is over and im left with dpd that means i would still get panic attacks, anxiety and dp/dr if i do them.. brandonking..do you have any kind of visual disturbance at all?
  19. when it comes to hppd it is not mentioned in the dsm that auditory hallucinations can occur..but dpd is well known for it..and since i still have dpd after my hppd is over and heard these sounds too and still hear them once in a while cause my dpd is fading it is obvious you also have dpd as comorbid disorder + your hppd..n thats why you hear it..its a sign of anxiety..dont pay attention to it and it will fade even if it takes a while...
  20. thats strange...i only have panic attacks when i trip too hard on drugs.
  21. just forget about drugs for a long time and maybe you will realize that you dont need them anymore..otherwise you can come back to them one day with another perspective and do microdosing to enjoy them...but at this point just give yourself time..
  22. so just leave it at that...dont do any drugs for a while..its better for you and especially if you plan to go to school.
  23. i stopped smoking weed yesterday just to avoid addiction.. im not getting anxious when i smoke everyday as long as i dont smoke too much at once..then i get anxious and dp/dr...but i feel that i can learn to defeat my anxiety and it wont be forever..one day i'll smoke again like my old days..keep training.. washaaa!!!
  24. man you can control yourself since you have your own will...and be careful with to much weed i can still only smoke small amounts but i enjoy them and do it every once in a while..anyway..i cant smoke more than that like 0,5g otherwise im getting anxious or panic attacks which i can controll better now everyday..its like a level up for my self control..i can also drink 1-3 beers or take opium again..but tobacco makes me dizzy and causes anxiety...i didnt like mdma the last time i tryed it but the last time while i did it i had hppd and it wasnt enjoyable..dont know what happens now when i take mdma but if i'll try it again some day i would only take a micro dose and if you cant stop yourself from trying it i'd recommend the same...just be careful man and dont destroy your life..
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